30 Rules That Changed Because of One Dumb Person

‘No more afternoon snackies’
30 Rules That Changed Because of One Dumb Person

If there’s one universal rule in life, it’s that it only takes one dumb person to ruin a good thing for everyone else. Coincidentally, that’s also why most rules are put into place to begin with.

Take, for example, the Redditor whose school implemented a tortoise-like speed limit of 5 mph. A classmate’s driving was so reckless that he had four different crashes in the school parking lot alone. Worst of all, not even two weeks after the new rule, the guy got into another wreck. 

If that’s how he drives in a parking lot, imagine the damage he does on the road

Other Redditors have shared the rules in their life that changed because of one person, including someone who wore an outfit so scandalous that it got a hospital’s Casual Fridays banned for good.

Eritch 6y ago We used to get let out early on fridays before long weekends. It was not official but happened almost every time. The president would just send an email to the staff saying she was closing up early and have a good weekend. The president's ЕА had one of those fridays booked off and complained that she should only have to use half a vacation day for it. President got angry about it and never let us go early again. 46 ...
matthewrs7 6y ago | worked at a popular electronics retailer. Everybody had water bottles stored in hidden places and used bottles that sealed and wouldn't spill. Even though our store never had any spills, the high ups from other locations would come over and annoy (train) us on various things. They banned everybody from having water bottles because other stores had spills. Keeping water away from workers is something I have issues with. 80 ...
No-Park-3856 3y ago There were aloud fans in the building but after one guy every day he would fart in them so the owner took them out but now every day it's like 90 degrees with like 30 people in there working + 67 ...
ALOT analyticalscience11 . 6y ago A company I worked for had free feminine products in the bathrooms. They stopped stocking them because someone would take every single pad and tampon. An email was sent warning that the products wouldnt be stocked if the theft continued. And some fucker still stole them. + 116 ...
_Medaly 3y ago I was serving in the Army when a soldier made a video on TikTok of himself dancing and playing with a gun and the video went viral. They took the mobiles after that from everyone and I stayed for couple of weeks not even able to reach my family + 397 ...
SuperstitiousPigeon5 3y ago Netflix is blocked at work. One secretary used to watch Netflix at her desk and nap when there were no calls. I don't need to watch Netflix at work, but I usually use fast.com to check internet speeds. Every time I check the internet speed, which isn't that often, I forget and then curse that secretary. She was fired pretty much immediately but her memory lives on. + 255 ...
AnonymousSage509 . 3y ago No home food, someone brought smelly eggs. + 152 ...
Player_12_ E 3y ago Dress code One guy once wore a Tupac middle finger hoodie into a meeting with the most important client ever for my firm and now we have the strictest dress code. Tie, dress shoes, tuxedo/suit and no grey or blue suits only black. + 132 ...
ThrowAwy6678 6y ago My office used to provide coffee for employees, until one woman complained that this wasn't fair to employees who didn't drink coffee. She drank Diet Coke, yes even at 8:00 AM, and she said that if they were going to provide coffee they should also provide Diet Coke. They don't provide coffee anymore. + 183 ...
mortuusanima 3y ago You are welcome to wear comfortable clothing during the overnight shift. However you must wear pants at all time. No pajamas or underwear It predates all of us. The guess is someone did an overnight, took off their pants to relax and someone went in crisis. + 174 ...
 3y ago Well, I went to the Dr office the other day. At the bathroom there was a sign. It said Due to misuse of hand soap, you will have to request soap from front desk. I'm weirded the fuck out. What the hell are they doing with the soap?! At the doctor's office?? I was just too afraid to ask. + 644 ...
KeybladeWielder97 3y ago I was hoping for employee's discount at a japanese grocery store. However, someone from the past has abused the employee discount in order to give low prices to their friends. Management found out, and they effectively just took the employment discount away. Thanks a lot asshole. You effectively deprived me the one thing I was hoping for in that stressful and boring job. + 574 ...
katrascythe 3y ago No popcorn. | work at a financial company and not once, but twice, someone burned microwave popcorn during end of day processing and caused the building evac. Every once in a while a new person is cooking some up and I just imagine the talking to they're about to get. + 1.2K ...
luminescentbluedot 3y ago Only one personal item in your office. This was a financial institution so customers came into our offices. This was put in place because of one lady who had her office packed with trinkets including a handful of dolls. Yes, creepy dolls. Come and get your auto loan also don't worry we have some dolls here to witness your transaction. + 1.2K ...
eileen_likeacholo E 6y ago All classrooms at my school got sinks in them to wash hands because this kid drank hand sanitizer in 4th grade + 1.2K
ChemicalExtension 6y ago When I was in middle school this one kid couldn't throw a ball that well so they just banned all PE activities that had ball throwing. + 591 ...
 6y ago At a store i used to work at there is a no employees under 18 can use a ladder without supervision due to a ladder jousting tournament i hosted while working there involving all 6 under 18 employees 886 ...
o00-000-oooyea 6y ago We're doing 12 hour nightshifts in China, and normally we would sneak off to our empty office and take a 40 minute nap. It was great and left us refreshed until our moron coworker kept falling asleep in the control room loudly snoring. Now we have received some very stern warnings about sleeping on the job. 439 ...
kelpfrog 6y ago We are not allowed to wear trash bags as rain coats since some forgot to cut arm holes and couldn't catch them self when they fell down. 408 ...
billbapapa 6y ago One year in high school they instituted a no dunking rule. It was because some guy dunked and decided to hang on the rim like he was Shaq, and that might have been okay, but dude did chin ups on it and wriggled around as he swung like he was being tasered. A rain of 'glass' or fibreglass or whatever the hell the backboard was made of came down as the guy screamed louder. So of course, game was over, and the bused us back to our school and we were all pissed at the guy. Then
CrabOfHermit 6y ago Some dumbass brought Vodka in his coffee one morning in middle school. So, we can't bring drinks anymore without a doctors note. + 1.7K ...
StoppedListeningToMe 6y ago This happened earlier this week. I work in a kindergarten and a standard practice, for years. was to reward kids with stickers. Well, earlier this week one little angel decided that a sticker is edible and ate it. The sticker, living up to it's name, got stuck and lodged in the throat.... Hospital, angry parents, no more stickers unless huge + 2K ...
TuesDazeGone 6y ago I work in healthcare. On Fridays we used to be able to dress casual instead of our usual color assigned scrubs (colors are based on title ex: CNAs purple, housekeeping blue, etc). One day a CNA showed up in a cleavage baring belly shirt, mini skirt, knee high boots and heavy make up. I don't know what the hell she was thinking, but ever since we're only allowed to wear different colored scrubs on Fridays. Even more annoying because she hasn't worked there in years but the rule stuck. + 2.1K ...
Arch27 6y ago Any time work had a company-wide meeting, they'd buy large cases of soda and have a lot left over. They'd put them in the various fridges around the office and you were free to take one or two a day if you wanted it. Some asshole loaded up a dufflebag with full cans one Friday as he left, and the next week or so later the sodas were all locked in the supply closet. Now they buy much smaller cases so that there's almost no left overs. + 3.8K ...
Hetaliafan1 6y ago This one guy in my school got into 4 wrecks in the parking lot. They implemented a 5 mph speed limit. Everyone was angry and the guy got into a another wreck 2 weeks later anyway. + 3.4K ...
GorditoCat 6y ago In my office, we used to have free candy bars (the small / bite size) at the exec admin's desk. Someone demanded a certain candy bar or complained that there was too much of one kind of candy, not sure which was the issue. The ЕА got really annoyed at their brattiness and got rid of the free candy. No more afternoon snackies. + 3.9K ...
 6y ago I work for a company in massachusetts. We have gps's in our vans now because someone called and asked for a quote to put in a security system in their commerical building. One of our people asked them how they found us (we like to find what ways reach people the best for advertising) and they said they saw one of our company vans........on the strip in Vegas. + 5.6K ...
cbelt3 6y ago We used to be able to buy scrap in the factory. Go to the scrap dock, pick out some awesome pieces of steel or aluminum, pay market rate for it, drive back and pick it up. Great for weekend welders and such. And then there was ... this guy. A manufacturing engineer. Не carefully changed the design of one of our products. Obsoleted an expensive electronic component. And personally signed the permission to scrap them. Then bought them for about 5 cents on the dollar. And resold them for full cost. Made himself a cool $10k. And
 6y ago Local swimming lessons my daughter goes to requires any child 4 or younger to wear a swimming diaper. It used to be a heavily encouraged kind of rule. Now it's reusable swim diaper over disposable diaper, mandatory. This is because of one mother. They asked her to put a diaper on her 3.5 year old, she swore she was potty trained and made a big fuss about it. Kid pooped within like 5 minutes of getting in the pool. So pool was shut down. Next lesson same thing, a couple of us parents even offered to give
Kittpie 6y ago Our company had to buy all office staff steel toecap shoes as one woman in the office decided to wear flip flops to work and dropped a full box of paper on her foot. Everyone else already wore sensible shoes and carried one ream at a time because it was safer. 42 ...


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