25 Paranormal or Unexplained Experiences People Had While Camping

When you’re camping in the wilderness, there are certain things you expect — like whistling winds or critters that might lurk in the night. But it’s the unexpected, and often unexplainable, that you can never truly prepare yourself for.
One Redditor remembered a camping trip he took with his mom and older brother that took a weird turn. After a day of hiking, he tucked himself into his sleeping bag beside his family. Sometime during the middle of the night, he woke up. He was still in his sleeping bag, but it had been taken outside of his tent and roughly 100 yards into the woods. He screamed for his mom, and she yelled back in panic until they found each other again. To this day, no one knows how he got there.
Other Redditors shared the unsettling camping experiences that they can’t quite explain, including a sudden silence so quiet that a Redditor could hear the hairs on his arm stand up.