32 Absolutely Bonkers Breakup Stories

Chances are, you’ve endured some sort of breakup. While I hope your split was amicable, the only breakups worth hearing about are the ones that involve crazy, juicy details. Thankfully, Redditors have no shortage of those.
One Redditor indulged us with a little breakup drama they witnessed while working at a jewelry store. A guy stopped in to buy a custom heart pendant with the name “Luke” engraved on it. The Redditor, making casual conversation, asked if “Luke” was the guy’s name or his significant other’s. In a wild twist, the customer divulged that it was the name of the guy his girlfriend was cheating on him with, and said that he was giving her the gift at her family birthday dinner.
You gotta hand it to him — that’s truly next-level scheming, and a breakup she’ll likely never forget.
More Redditors have shared other chaotic breakup stories that prove love isn’t always forever, including one that involves a company-wide email blast.