28 of the Most Unexpected Birthday Gifts People Have Received

‘A half-burned candle’
28 of the Most Unexpected Birthday Gifts People Have Received

surprise party will usually catch someone off-guard, but it turns out there’s more than one way to make someone say, “Wow! I definitely wasn’t expecting this!” on their birthday.

One woman received a bag of gumballs from her aunt and uncle. Upon further inspection, she realized that the bag was open, and that some of the gumballs had been replaced with chewed gum that was rolled into a ball and re-wrapped. It’s safe to say she wasn’t expecting that; nor was she expecting to get used toothbrushes from the same aunt and uncle a few years later. 

You gotta wonder what’s going on there. But hey, at least they’re brushing their teeth after all of that gumball-chewing.

Other Redditors have remembered the head-scratching gifts they’ve received from the people in their lives, including quite a few presents that sound like very elaborate trolls.

13707892 6y ago My grandma liked to find the most maimed, disturbing dolls and stuffed animals at thrift stores and then write a tragic story about their life and give it to me. I think the worst was a doll missing one leg- she had been run over by a car and had to have it amputated and now I needed to be her nurse. It was freaky. I think I was 8. My mom was furious. 25 ...
JMaple 9 6y ago A coworker got me a whole miniature pineapple. Didn't say anything about why he chose it, just sort of dropped at my desk and left. I don't even like pineapple. 31 ...
kylie328 6y ago I was 13 and my parents got me a ceiling fan.. I didn't need one I didn't ask for one. They just had a habit of wanting to upgrade parts of the house so they would use my birthday as an excuse to get things for the house. I joke with them still about how I'm going to come back and take the fan since it's technically mine. They also bought me a surround sound system for the down stairs the next year. Which I wasn't allowed to take that either when I moved out + 233
KumaHax 6y ago For my 9th birthday my older brother who was 10 got me pads. I was so confused at what they were because of how young I was plus I'm a guy lol I guess he was confused? 91 ...
Decstarplayz 6y ago I loved the movie Finding Nemo when I was like 7-8 and my uncle as a joke got me some fish bait as a present. Shark bait ho ha ha 90 ...
paperplateface 6y ago For my 21st my grandmother got me an electric frying pan. So you could plug this in instead of having to put it on the gas. Two issues. I lived with her and we had normal frying pans and the pan was a European plug and we lived in the UK. 50 ...
XII-Tom 6y ago Was out for my 21st birthday and my friend brought his friend who weren't associated with our group and he gave me a picture of him and his dog. + 36 ...
MadisonAdriana . 6y ago 0 Edited 6y ago Happy Cake Day! I got an open bag of gum balls from my uncle and aunty once. Strangest part was that someone had chewed a few of the gum balls, rolled the chewed gum into a ball, and placed it back in the bag. Same uncle and aunty that gave me a wrapped box of used toothbrushes a couple years back.
mcsoup88 6y ago Grandmother gave me a random statue of a Cocker Spaniel for my 15th birthday (I think). I have never owned a Cocker Spaniel and neither had she. Looks like something she picked up at a yard sale. I didn't care for it at the time, but after she passed it is one of my precious treasures. 557 ...
Zanzoken814 6y ago An ashtray shaped like a toilet bowl from an uncle when I was a teenager who doesn't and never has smoked 357 ...
Leaweird 5y ago My X bf's grandpa died, he went to help his grandma go through his belongings. Turns out grandpa was a closet homosexual. So for my birthday he brought me a TRASH BAG FULL of printed out gay smut 829 ...
Mangelwurzelbeat 6y ago A used pumice stone rewrapped in cling film , the sellotape was yellowing so must've been like that for some time. 823 ...
 6y ago My mom once got me misshapen underwear. It was sold at dollar stores and was like a reject pile where one leg hole was very big and one was very tiny. she got me like 5 pairs of it. also once someone gave me a half burned candle. + 5.4K ...
joe_bogan . 6y ago A boardgame with half the pieces missing, then the guy asked me for it back after a couple of days. + 8.5K ...
DiffCyr g 6y ago My friend gifted me a block of butter... that's it. And it was not a joke, but it's not like I'm complaining. 347 ...
ImOwningThisUsername . 6y ago Wrapping paper wrapped in wrapping paper + 2.4K ...
ThatWasNotMyName 6y ago For my 8th birthday my mother's friend arrived up and gave me a pair of dark green corduroy trousers. For a woman of approximately her age and size. Needless to say she left with the same pair, which must have been her plan all along :/ 223 ...
 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Some kid who was the son of my mom's friend came to my 12th birthday party without an invite. Не gave me his geography report on Greece from school as a present. Thanks, Barrett. + 16K ...
Aspiring_ 6y ago The last time my aunt saw me was back when I was 4 years old. She sent me a small kid-sized spiderman T-shirt when I was 13. + 8.2K ...
senya_buh e 6y ago On my 13th birthday my friend presented me a string... Не said: Now you can play with your cat. I didn't have a cat. + 13K ...
earwenithryl . 6y ago A fake ear made of silicon or something, with a van gogh birthday card inside which he wrote I'll always be here to listen He's my best friend, and that's the weirdest but coolest gift I've gotten + 2.3K ...
 6y ago A tampon holder for my purse from my step grandma + 2.4K ...
Imheretovent_yeet 5y ago . Edited 5y ago My best friend gave a me a package of 48 worm on a strings. They all have names now. Edit: since some people wanted to know the names here is a couple, (yes I gave most of them human names.) - Maki -Jude -Anna -Chris -That Guy -Spencer -Reagan - Molly -Egg 2.0 -Egg 3.0 -Sam -June -February -Peach + 2.2K ...
 5y ago My Grandma got me a book for my thirteenth birthday because I loved to read. The unexpected part was the book being bondage porn. + 3.4K ...
IssMeMario 5y ago . Edited 5y ago not even joking, in fourth grade my friend gave me a 3 hour couples massage coupon edit: Thank you for the silver kind stranger! + 6.4K ...
Rhonu 5y ago Edited 5y ago A shark fetus in a jar. A classmate of mine knew a fisherman who'd accidentally caught a shark in his net one day, and it died before he could free it. So he took the shark to a vet because she looked pregnant and the vet cut her open and pulled out 5 or so fully formed babies. The vet kept 3, the fisherman kept one and my friend took the last one and gave it to me as a birthday gift a week later because she knew I collected taxidermy stuff. The shark
inhumanbagel . 5y ago 300 dollars worth of nickels from my grandfather + 457 ...
satnightride 6y ago My grandma was pretty terrible at giving gifts. One year she got my cousins and me a box of printer paper each. Another year she got us return address stickers. Thousands of them. My address and phone number was wrong, but at least she got my name right. 25 ...


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