28 of the Most Unexpected Birthday Gifts People Have Received

A surprise party will usually catch someone off-guard, but it turns out there’s more than one way to make someone say, “Wow! I definitely wasn’t expecting this!” on their birthday.
One woman received a bag of gumballs from her aunt and uncle. Upon further inspection, she realized that the bag was open, and that some of the gumballs had been replaced with chewed gum that was rolled into a ball and re-wrapped. It’s safe to say she wasn’t expecting that; nor was she expecting to get used toothbrushes from the same aunt and uncle a few years later.
You gotta wonder what’s going on there. But hey, at least they’re brushing their teeth after all of that gumball-chewing.
Other Redditors have remembered the head-scratching gifts they’ve received from the people in their lives, including quite a few presents that sound like very elaborate trolls.