33 Wild Reasons People Were Wrongly Accused of Cheating

One woman believed she ‘caught’ a UTI from her boyfriend
33 Wild Reasons People Were Wrongly Accused of Cheating

Accusing someone of infidelity is a serious matter. You want to gather your thoughts and talking points before sitting down with them to discuss it. I mean, you could go the Waiting to Exhale route and light their car on fire, but whatever path you take, you should be 100 percent certain. That is, you should not accuse your partner of cheating simply because they’re friends with someone on Facebook or because the mileage on their odometer seems suspicious to you. 

Redditors have remembered the times their partners used flawed logic to accuse them of being unfaithful, and in one situation, a lack of evidence was somehow used as evidence.

bad5190 3y ago A telemarketer spoofed a phone number in my area. Gf didn't believe me when they called at 10pm and I hung up immediately. She called the number back and a girl answered. Next thing I know, I'm going through all of my call history on Verizon's logs to show I wasn't cheating. Share 162 ...
storm838 . 3y ago Found condoms in my travel bag stuffed in a seam area. Shit hit the fan. Until the discovery that they were 7 years expired. 181 Share ...
Alldemjimmies Зу ago I responded to a Discord bot with a female picture. I said get fucked to the bot. She saw the two bubble chat. Accused me of having a relationship with another women and said if I used that language with other women it's like cheating. Share 467 ...
CatPuddles . 3y ago My mouth tasted like semen, apparently. I'd eaten a tuna sandwich. 450 Share ...
Joseph4040 e 3y ago I got a similar tattoo with a women who has been like an aunt/mother to me... she's older than my mom would be... 447 Share ...
thefuturesbeensold 3y ago I was 16 and played guitar in a silly high- school band. Our singer made eye contact with me while singing the chorus to Layla. This ofcourse was solid proof that i must have been fucking him. Spoiler alert: i was not. 185 Share ...
hammerkat605 3y ago That my type of astrological sign are cheaters because he read it in a book 204 Share ...
paperdoll07 3y ago Not me but a friend of mine. She broke up with her boyfriend because she believed he cheated on her because she got a UTI. She honestly believed she caught it from him like an STD. 614 Share ...
munsiemuns 0 3y ago Не had an Android. I have an Apple. Не saw the heart icon for the health features on my phone screen and assumed it was a dating app and accused me of cheating. 689 Share ...
SenseiOnara e 3y ago 0 Edited 3y ago My phone was off while I was at work. I work in an office where we are not allowed to have our phones out due to HIPAA and she knew this... Share 1.2K ...
pinkmatador 3y ago I was 8 months pregnant and got a some blisters on my lip (and a bit of a rash on my chin). My husband and I went to urgent care to get it looked at, the urgent care doctor thought they were cold sores. I have never had cold sores, nor has my husband. So my husband automatically assumed that I must have been making out with someone who did. This turned into a situation where I was extremely pissed off, because I was 8 months pregnant, wasn't thinking about sex and definitely not with anyone but
 3y ago She said Look at me so I did, then she started bawling her eyes out saying I'm probably cheating on her because your pupils dilate when you look at someone you love Stage 7 crazy. Share 759 ...
Sea-Biscotti 3y ago Edited 3y ago Не went through my phone and DIDN'T find any suspicious messages with other guys. The only conversations I had with other guys consisted of hey do you work today? Can you see when I'm scheduled next so I don't have to come in and check? Because I wasn't cheating. Не thought I was deleting them, but I had a weird thing about not deleting any messages until I ran out of memory (because these were the days with TracFones and 5 cent text messages) Turned out he was cheating on me anyway lol
tuxedo_mirage 9 3y ago I went to Irish dance class, which I went to every single Thursday, then stopped to see him on the way home. I was wearing sweatpants, you know, to DANCE in, which was apparently suspicious and meant I had been out cheating. 2.3K Share ...
 3y ago I dated a guy legit one time in high school. We had a nice date. It was fine. Не didn't call me after. Like did not hear from him for weeks. Assumed he wasn't interested. I started dating someone else. Get a call from first dude out of the blue one day. I chat with him. I mention my new guy. He's like Are you cheating on me? I was like ummm dude we went on one date and you never called me. We are not a couple. Never heard from him again lol 2.1K Share ...
jrick1981 . 3y ago Sweaty balls after a long, hot day at work. Sweat on balls apparently smells and feels the same as another woman's vagina according to my exgf. Share 1.8K ...
Ganglebot e 3y ago I walked out of a classroom, talking to a girl about a group assignment. Clearly, I had just obliterated this girl's cervix in that classroom and we were laughing at my GF behind her back. 1.7K Share ...
daughtersoflilith6 . 3y ago They saw I was online on Skype. Thought I was talking to some side piece. I was talking to my cousin who lives in another country. 6.8K Share ...
 . Зу ago I got a happy birthday text from a guy. It was my brother in law. Share 5.8K ...
DontStopMe_ 3y ago The mileage on my car didn't add up by like a mile or something - apparently he counted it before I went to work and when I got back from work. I literally went from his place to work and then came back to his place. Share 7.2K ...
yankstraveler 3y ago Her proof was that I was friends with a woman in the same area on Facebook. I did volunteer work at the local hospital, I was friends with a lot of the hospital staff on Facebook. Her accusation came very shortly after my brother caught her on a date with another guy. 9.7K Share ...
NutellaCakes 3y ago Edited 3y ago She was jealous of a female acquaintance I had at the time use that word because we were friends through my cousin not actual friends) and she is a very in your face funny type of individual. She unlocked my phone when I was sleeping and scoured it. I woke up and saw her. Had a long talk, she cried, I got annoyed. Dumped her the next day. Found out she was projecting because she had been cheating our entire relationship (just over a year together). So, there's that.
doublestitch . 3y ago . Edited 3y ago Apparently the online support group for my father's brain tumor was a chat room for casual hookups.
blindfire40 3y ago When my wife and I had 1st begun dating, I had a phone that had a bad habit of butt dialing. One day, she was acting very standoffish So I could tell something was up. I kept asking her, and finally she got really upset and started grilling me about who that girl was that I was flirting with on the voicemail I left her when I butt dialed her. I pulled up my call logs, and sure enough I had accidentally called her the previous afternoon. While she and I were hanging out in the library.
patmcgroin 3y ago She found a pair of women's panties in my underwear drawer. The brand was Strawberry, embroidered strawberry on the waist, powder blue, size small. I told her they were hers and I had washed them. She wasn't having it. I told her to show me the underwear she had on at that moment. Strawberry, embroidered strawberry on the waist, powder blue, size small. She still didn't believe me. 15K Share ...
germanfinder 3y ago Well, my GF was huge on projecting. It wasn't proof and she didn't directly accuse me of cheating, but it was insinuated. After doing laundry she noticed she didn't see one of my nice pairs of black boxers. Pretty much her argument/verge of tears was because can't find them equals they must be at another girls house. And she was dead serious. Anyways, they were just behind the laundry hamper. For the time being. After we broke up I found out she was fucking her boss. So, projection is real folks 14K Share ...
SSOJ16 3y ago Edited 3y ago Husband found a condom wrapper under the couch. Не never cleans, so don't know how he found it lol I was stumped. I had no idea. A few weeks prior we had a couple friends over that crashed on our couch of our extremely tiny shoebox apartment. Went out with my female friend, (I was also friends with the dude) she tells me she had sex with said friend and they're discussing dating. I asked when and where. She told me that night at my place. I connected all the dots, told her I
Enoch-Of-Nod 3y ago She heard a woman in the room laughing through the phone when she called me to accuse me of being out with another woman. Turns out there are other people in the world and when you're out in public you just may encounter them. Share 23K ...
 3y ago She saw the names of my female family members in my contacts. She freaked out and angrily asked who my stepmother was, my stepsisters, my cousins, my auntie. It lasted about two minutes. She started to realize she was being an idiot, and I realized I didn't like her anymore. 11K Share ...
mr4d 0 3y ago She found a necklace in my bed and I didn't know how it got there. Turned out to be her necklace that she had lost and didnt recognize in the dark. 27K Share ...
Skinnee11 3y ago She knew that if I drove exactly the speed limit and hit every light that it would take me 12min to get home after work. The one time I showed up in 14min was all the proof she needed. 12K Share ...
trkyjerky . 3y ago She has cheated so many times that she immediately recognized my behavior. 27K Share ...
Hyperlmmune 3y ago She found a hair in my underwear. It was her hair, but she didn't believe me. Took me going through my entire day and how I was only not with her for 2 hours, and spoke to her nearly that entire two hours to believe me. This is how she caught her ex cheating, so I got it, but damn was that frustrating. 116 Share ...


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