28 Hilariously Embarrassing Times ‘Reply All’ Emails Went Wrong at Work

Despite their best efforts to the contrary, plenty of people have made fools of themselves in the workplace. At least in the instances of rage-quitting, the embarrassment is fleeting, and they can shuffle along to another job. But in the situations below, the embarrassment is a painfully public broadcast of idiocy that everyone has proof of, like the Redditor whose affair-having coworkers hit “reply all” while flirting. Not only did more than 500 employees receive confirmation of their affair, but they had to do so by reading the words, “I’m going to pork you so hard later.”
The porcine-centric dirty talk isn’t the only gaffe people made while communicating electronically at the workplace either, and every one of these stories will make you very paranoid the next time you send an email.