30 Funny Real-Life Troll Moves People Have Witnessed

‘Businessman carrying an invisible box down the street’
30 Funny Real-Life Troll Moves People Have Witnessed

Trolling is obviously a popular online pastime, but truly talented trolls are able to execute such trickery in real life, too. Some have more elaborate schemes — like the guy who went into a computer lab, screenshot the desktop (including the shortcuts), set the screenshot as the background image and then hid the actual icons… on every computer. That genius had people trying to figure out the problem for three weeks. 

Then there are the less elaborate but still effective plots — like the grandfather who would pretend to be hard-of-hearing at restaurants to get the servers to loudly yell out the menu options. 

Redditors have fondly recalled the best trolling they’ve ever witnessed, and it seems that quite a few elderly people are getting in on the fun.

onefourtygreenstream 7y ago I once convinced my very high sister that we had been sitting in silence for the past half hour, when in fact we had been chatting. I got her to think that she imagined the entire thing. Thats what she got for eating the last of the icecream. 390 ...
jarvispeen 12y ago I was stopped at an intersection behind a truck. This guy was flipping a coin as he walked across the intersection, in front of the truck. When he was in front of the truck he dropped the coin and looked at the driver of the truck and then bent down to get the coin, out of view of the driver. Не then crawled on his hands and knees around the passengers side of the truck and snuck away. When the light turned green, the dude in the truck started honking, thinking the guy was still in front
fhoward 14y ago At our residential high school, everyone was getting some meaningless state award in the mail. We decided to cheer up people who didn't get them by mass- printing powerpoint awards on construction paper, with state seal and all. A few days later, my quadmate had the fake award hanging on his wall. I never had the heart to tell him the truth. 62 ...
Crotalus 14y ago I do rattlesnake capture/relocation in Phoenix. About a third or so of all rattlesnake calls actually end up being gophersnakes, an often nasty tempered and large, but otherwise harmless, constrictor. If it's a rattlesnake, I obviously use my tools to capture it, but if it's a gophersnake, I jump right in and grab it around the body while it whips around me and tries to take off my head. I don't tell the home owner that it's not a rattlesnake until later, after they've already been pretty confident that they're about to see a guy get killed.
corgan_burger 12y ago My friend grabbed some clipboard off the wall at a bar. Не leaned up against the wall outside the bathroom door and started checking IDs of guys going in. Не would look up and down the clipboard as if looking for their name. He'd pretend to find them then tell them they're good. People were actually going along with it. Then some huge rugby lookin' South African dude came up and my friend tried to stop him. The guy stared at him for a minute, then was all Fuck you, man and burst out laughing. They both
wuop 7y ago Once I convinced a girl that the only reason I had good grades is that I had a degenerative disease where the arteries supplying blood to my brain would steadily shrink, and I had to take medicine every 12 hours so that they didn't close completely. Before tests I would take a double dose, flooding my brain with oxygen and making me smart. 40 ...
ToughSpaghetti . 12y ago My grandpa would pretend to be hard of hearing in order to get waiters to yell out menu options REALLY loud at restaurants. 37 ...
davdev 12y ago One night we about 15 of my friends and I went out to a bar. Somehow on the way there we came into possession of a wheelchair. One of my buddies thought it would be fun to use it as a prop for the night. Не came up with this sadsack story and somehow became surrounded by a gaggle of very hot girls. They bought the entire story and dragged him onto the dance floor and everything. So finally the night is coming to a close and we gather the troops to leave. At this point he
demiritz 12y ago I know a guy who walked into a gas station with sunglasses and a cane pretending to be blind and knocking things over and causing a bit of a scene. Then he got in his car and drove away. 623 ...
 12y ago Saw a pretty upper class looking businessman carrying an invisible box down the street. Не had the most serious concerned face. 1.2K ...
Ryvan 12y ago I work at a pool and some guy came in, put a lifejacket on and tried swimming in the shallow end. It was painfully clear he could not swim at all (not too unusal at my pool). After 15 mins of this he got up and walked to the deep end. No big deal, he's an adult, in a lifejacket, so he's allowed. Не then proceeds to take the lifejacket off, back up and get a big running start at the deep end. At this point I'm running out of the gaurd room, another lifegaurd, whistle in
cyberdemon23 . 12y ago Edited 12y ago I had something similar happen. An older gentleman hobbled up to the cross walk at a busy stoplight using not one but two canes for support. When it was his turn to walk he raised both canes in the air above his head and proceeded to dance his way across the cross walk by kicking his legs out and shaking the canes. It made my day. 1K ...
FanFuckingFaptastic 7y ago I convinced a roommate that microsft was coming after him for piracy and that he needed to go down to the court house to meet their lawyer for a settlement. 350 ...
CrazyPretzel 7y ago I worked at Subway and had some trainees. One of which was just.... Dumb. Nice girl, but dumber than a bag of soup. One day the toaster oven broke, not sure why, but when she asked I just said the flux capacitor was broken. She probably told at least 10 customers this before someone told her. We all had a good laugh about it. 594 ...
ADAY42 7y ago My friend convinced me that the past tense of mine was moaned. Не also convinced our other friend that the past tense of blind was blound. 176 ...
SongsOfInfinity 7y ago e Edited 7y ago Not me, my dad. He's entirely convinced my grandmother that the word dinosaur is pronounced 'Dy-no-SAR' instead of 'Dy-no-SORE.' It's extremely subtle, and not really that incorrect, which is why 1) it was really easy to convince her and 2) it's been five years and she still says it like that. Не does this with a new word every year or so.
fartofdarkness 12y ago My mom was driving me home from a friends house on a summer day. My parents always drove busted cars, and were forever trying to figure out the sounds shitty cars make when there's something wrong. So my mom, telling me she hears something, asks me to roll down my window and stick my head out to better hear the sound. Next thing I know, my face is all wet because she purposely drove right next to a lawn sprinkler. 20 years later, I'm still proud of her for tricking me. 362 ...
n0toriousb 12y ago Parents were out of town so my older sister of five years was watching my younger sister and I. I was about 12 and my older sister took us to the grocery store where I proceeded to say when we were in a busy aisle mom can we please get milk this time? I don't like beer on my cereal. The look on the other shoppers' faces were priceless. 362 ...
 14y ago When I was in college I glued a huge speaker magnet into the bottom of an empty Pepsi can. I'd drive all around town with it on the roof of my car. People would go nuts, waving and honking at me. I ignored them. I once pulled into a gas station and a cop pulled in behind me. Не walked over, pulled the can off the roof and smiled. I followed you for 6 miles waiting to give you a littering ticket. Good one. Не smiled and drove off. 103 ...
diesputnikdie 14y ago I like to pull up alongside joggers, roll my window down, and ask them, What are you running from? 22 ...
blue530i . 14y ago I was once walking by a clock store and poked my head in and asked if the saleslady had the time, by the time she looked down at her watch and back at me, I had a trollface-like grin on my face (this is pre-trollface days). 160 ...
dancepantz 12y ago Driving down the road with my Grampa, he spots a hitch hiker. Не pulls over and the conversation went like this: Grampa: Hey! Need a lift? Hitcher: I sure do! Grampa: Well, I hope you get one! And then we drove off. 58 ...
 12y ago My two friends walked around with an empty gatorade cooler and would run up by someone and act like they were going to poor all of the water on the person... there were so many people that freaked out saying things like,I HAVE MY PHONE, DON'T!!! or NO NO NO!!! and then they would try to run.... 8 ...
Jolkster 12y ago Saw an elderly man waiting at a cross- walk. Не got two cars to stop for him, looked at both of them, smiled and then walked the other direction. Too good. 8 ...
fisheric 12y ago I was stuck in Chicago overnight at the airport. I was bored so I wheeled myself around in a wheel chair. I was gonna go outside and someone held the door open for me. I said thanks then got up and walked outside. 8 ...
lusterlectric 12y ago Whenever I go places with my dad, he'll go to open a door by kicking it and pretending he got whacked in the face. Не usually gets a few gasps and OMG ARE YOU OKAY?'s, and it's always pretty hilarious. Not the best troll move, but one that comes to mind. 8 ...
HuthMFC 12y ago I had a chemistry teacher in high school who had a artificial leg from an accident years prior to teaching. On the first day of class when everyone was doing introductions and such he'd walk in and knock his fake foot on some unsuspecting students desk and whip it around backwards. Не would then start screaming and blame the student for a little bit before taking the leg off and showing everyone. In my class however the girl he did that to screamed crying and ran out the classroom. We all laughed though... 18 ...
GeneralBullshit . 12y ago I had a history teacher who filled his windex bottle with blue gatorade. The whole class spent quality time discussing whether it really is windex and he was just letting the windex smack his lips or blue gatorade, OR he was actually drinking windex, OR he was drinking booze with blue food coloring. 8 ...
MuffinSnatcher14 12y ago Someone I know went into a computer lab and took a screenshot of all the desktop backgrounds with the shortcuts and everything. Не then made these screenshots the backgrounds and hid all the icons. Took 3 weeks before someone figured out what happened 8 ...
chompsky 14y ago A girl once asked what my name (Dave) was short for. I thought she was joking, so I replied, Davidicus. She continued to call me that for months, the whole time I thought she was just being cute about it. Then one day, someone asked if she realized that my name was just David. She was so pissed off she wouldn't talk to me for a week. Not intentional trolling, I just didn't recognize that she didn't realize I was kidding. 25 ...


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