30 Little Childhood Lies That Backfired Spectacularly

‘There’s an escaped murderer in my house!’
30 Little Childhood Lies That Backfired Spectacularly

Children should start lying as young as possible. This way, their skills will inevitably improve by the time they reach adulthood

Redditor recalled the dumb lie they told as a kid that was likely a jumping-off point for creating better fibs in the future. They forgot their keys and found themselves locked out of their house after school. They admitted that this was a regular occurrence, and that usually they’d sit on the porch and read until someone else got home. But on this particular day, they didn’t feel like waiting, and donkey-kicked the door open. When their parents came home and asked why the door was broken, they said they didn’t know, which prompted them to call the police. The police arrived, quickly matched the shoeprint on the door to the Redditor’s footwear, and the mystery was solved.   

Other Redditors have remembered the times a stupid lie blew up in their faces, including those involving an outhouse pooper, a slow swimmer and a failed forger.

spacekitten2121 2y ago My little sister, at age 3, convinced her preschool teachers that I had died. Full blown dramatic meltdown with tears for DAYS. Finally the teachers ask my mom if everything was alright at home after thinking she was a bit too cheerful at pickup one day. Thankfully, despite my sister's 3yo best wishes, I am still alive and well to this day. 4 ...
kaitylynn760 2y ago I found some chocolates in a cupboard in my mom's room...and my mom asked me if I had eaten some of them and I told her no. It, quite literally, BACK fired on me for about a day. 3 ...
ULinear 2y ago I put red nail polish on my favorite dress and told my mom that my brother punched me in the nose and made it bleed. By the time my mom got to the scene of the crime, the nail polish had dried up, and the dress was ruined. She smelled the dress and saw the texture of the blood and examined my nose. Well, my little lie backfired, and I was the one who got in trouble. 13 ...
 2y ago Used to tell people I had 6 fingers on each hand when I was born, then eventually when I tried telling everyone I was joking nobody believed me. 20 ...
SuccessfulSchedule54 2y ago Not me, but my brother. Our grandmother died on September 11th. After the attacks, he told his teacher at school about her. The school called my parents to extend their condolences. She died on September 11th a decade earlier. 32 ...
swingingbothwaysuk 2y ago I told my boyfriend (now husband) that the shop didn't have any twix bars (I forgot to get it). Не later went down to the shop and of course they had them. 23 years later and he still hasn't forgotten about it + 36 ...
LobsterBuffet 2y ago Timed swimming laps at school, a teacher at one end with a stopwatch who would tell me my time, and another teacher at the opposite end writing down times. After some unimpressive times for breaststroke and crawl, I decided to just take off like 10sec from my backstroke time that I was told, then went home feeling awesome... Fast forward a few months, and I'm back at the pool lined up for the local school championships competing for backstroke, huge crowd, ribbons everywhere, mum cheering me on. That's the moment when the regret hit hardest :-). Needless
mikek505 2y ago i was like 8 years old and forgot to call mom when i got home. I told mom that the bus caught fire and the bus driver told us to walk home. The principle talked to me the next day and i told the truth, said like my brain acts crazy sometimes and i make stuff up. Needless to say, i was grounded and scolded for almost costing a man his job over a lie. 26 ...
AcademicNose7 E 2y ago My parents told me I clicked my tongue in my sleep so that when I pretended to be asleep I would click my tongue and they'd know I was awake + 1K ...
9minicupcakes 2y ago Saw a little girl at school get a lollipop because it was her birthday, lied and told them it was also my birthday because I wanted a lollipop. It worked, no- one bothered to check. Told my mum because I didn't think it was a big deal and she went ballistic. Had to go in the next day and tell them it wasn't my birthday and apologize. 45 ...
emanmodnara 2y ago I was about 11 or 12 and my best friends introduced me to some neighbors as british. They asked where I was from and I said Nottingham as it was the only british place I could come up with quickly. I was committed to it and used what was probably the worst british accent ever for several years until they thankfully moved. I would give anything to have a recording of my fake accent. I imagine it was somewhere between Costner's Robinhood and Dick Van Dyke's chimney sweep. + 39 ...
Powdrtostman 2y ago I borrowed (stole) my dad's debit card to get $10 late one night when I was 16ish. Put it right back on top of the coffee maker, where he had put it, but didn't realize it fell. I told them I didn't see it bc I didn't want to admit to taking out money without asking. I had to confess when they went to the bank after learning it was used. The bank was going to pull video and police were notified of possible theft. Felt like such a dick because I knew if I just said
VisitSecure 2y ago When I was in kindergarten I saw this book I really liked and stole it. During the ride home I lied to my mom that it was given to me by a friend. She bought it until my sister who was sitting next to me in the car took the book to look at it and then read, out loud, Property of the school I went to I got in BIG trouble after that and had to go back to school just to give it back. 62 ...
Friend-of-thee-court 2y ago I had a sister that was a year older. My mother made it a competition on who could get dressed and ready for school faster. My sister always won. One night after I went to bed I got up and dressed in my school clothes and went back to sleep. I rushed out in the morning and my sister was still in her room. I was so happy. My mother asked me if I slept in my clothes. I said no. She told me to go look in the mirror. 48 ...
RBLibrarian 2y ago I ruined a library book when I was 5 and thought gum worked like Silly Putty. I hid it between my mattress and box spring and lied to my mother and the librarian for about 3 months before I couldn't take the guilt and brought it to my mom while crying. She made me take it to the library and fess up. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized: my mom changed my sheets once a week and had to have seen the hidden book and was just waiting on me to tell the
Cosmic_Lemon123 2y ago I used to like dropping eggs on the floor because I thought it was satisfying, so I dropped 3 eggs on the ground one day and blamed it on my little sister. I thought it would work since she's a troublemaker, but there was egg whites on my hands. 128 ...
doctacola 2y ago Edited 2y ago When I was in fourth grade I wanted to take the accelerated reader test for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire after checking it out and not reading it. My teacher stopped me at first and asked if I had read it and I said yes because I thought that seeing the movie was good enough. I took the test and failed fantastically. It being a larger book meant that it was heavily weighted in AR points. My teacher called me out in front of my entire class for bringing our class average
princessedaisy 2y ago A friend and I had plans to go to the mall together after school. A girl we knew asked if she could hang out with us that day (she didn't know we already had plans together) and neither of us really wanted to bring another person along, so we lied and said we were both busy. Later at the mall, we were walking past the food court and ran into that same girl. She was there with her mom. We made eye contact and she called out to us hey, remember when you guys said you were
xmrlazyx 2y ago When I was in elementary school, someone dropped some Pokemon cards on the floor during latchkey and I pocketed them. I guess someone saw me and told him. When I later got confronted by the teacher and the kid's dad, I denied it and they made me empty my pockets. The dad looked at me like I was the biggest piece of shit on the planet. 69 ...
SuvenPan 2y ago I was playing with the the TV remote control and dropped it and broke it. Then instead of leaving the place I put the broken remote on the corner table and stood in front of it and told everyone passing by, Nothing's wrong here. + 197 ...
unlikemike123 2y ago I said I had a girlfriend at a different school, one of the kids mum was a teacher there and confirmed they didn't exist. Little asshole hated me, god it was embarrassing. + 500 ...
Kalaydowscoop 2y ago I pooped in the dog outhouse when I was 8 Tried to blame the dog Yeah no, my mom doesn't think the dog poops where he rests 156 ...
Skr000 2y ago When I was elementary school age, my parents left me home alone while they went to pick up my sister from a school event. I thought it would be funny to prank 911. I called and said There's an escaped murderer in my house! and hung up, laughing at my funny joke. I got an immediate call back. I panicked and answered the phone and hung up. They called back. So I tried to unplug the landline. Just as the police were pulling up, my parents pulled up too. The police pulled a gun on my dad
EddieRando21 2y ago One afternoon I went to a friend's house from the bus stop instead of going home after school. I was in kindergarten. The friend's mom asked me if my parents knew I was there, and I said yeah of course, we planned this since last week. My parents had no idea where I was and called the police. Cue the town-wide manhunt until a neighbor that was friends with my parents spotted me and called them. I got my ass handed to me for that one. + 419 ...
 2y ago I wrote my sister's name on the closet wall in crayon. I told Mom and tried to frame her. She said my sister can't write yet. I still remember how stupid I felt for pulling that stunt. But it makes me smile, remembering. I will have to ask Mom if she remembered that. I noticed years later, she never painted over it. + 2K ...
revjor 2y ago I once made a Valentine's Day card for my step dad from a secret admirer with a fake kiss that I used my classmate's lips as a model for. I left it on his side of the bed. It did not go well. Turns out he was a habitual cheater. hahaha. + 455 ...
princessedaisy 2y ago Told my kindergarten teacher that my mom was going to have a baby. Not sure why. My mom volunteered at the school so when she came in a few days later, my teacher hugged her all excitedly and went congratulations! She had even gotten my mom a card and everything. It was really awkward when my mom was super confused and then had to explain to my teacher that she wasn't really pregnant. + 634 ...
hamletreset 2y ago Not sure if it's a lie, but in a big state-wide exam day in the 3rd grade the teachers said if you finished your test you go to recess for the rest of the day. I filled in random answers so fast and had the best day ever. The test results came back and I was put into special needs classes for 4th and 5th grade before anyone realized I wasn't developmentally disabled. + 1.2K ...
MarshmallowFloofs85 2y ago Y I forgot my keys and got locked out of the house in like seventh grade, Usually I'd just wait on the porch, read and do my homework because locked myself out at least twice a month, but it was a long day and I was tired, so I donkey kicked the door. When my mom and stepdad came home they asked why the door was broken and I said I didn't know, it was like that when I got home..So they called the police and the police matched my shoe to the shoe print. luckily I
Rude-Illustrator-884 2y ago I forged my mom's signature in 4th grade about a test that she needed to sign. I did pretty well on it but forgot to ask her to sign it. I thought I forged it pretty well but the teacher ended up calling my mom on me. She ended up just laughing but changed her signature to something more complicated that it would hard to forge. That ended up biting me in my ass when I needed to really forge her signature later in high school. 4 ...


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