26 Accomplishments People Are Proud of But Can’t Admit to in Real Life

‘I’m very good at lying’
26 Accomplishments People Are Proud of But Can’t Admit to in Real Life

Not all accomplishments are meant for the Guinness World Book of Records; some are forced to exist only within our hearts, minds and Reddit threads. 

One Redditor boasted about his very impressive streak of peeing on national historic landmarks. We’re talking pissers on major monuments — none of those rinky-dink ones that you have to Google. He hit the Gateway Arch, the Empire State Building, a pair of Capitol Buildings and then there’s his crowning whiz: the White House lawn. As impressive as it is that he managed to leave his mark on all of these monuments, there’s no way he could disclose his feat to the people in his life. At best, they’ll think he’s gross; at worst, he’d be confessing to a misdemeanor.

Nevertheless, his golden accomplishment is worth celebrating — as are these other achievements shared by Redditors, which include some very solid Facebook detective work, parking-ticket forgery and a whole lot of vigilante justice.

Samura1_13 7y ago I wrote a 125,000 word My Little Pony Fanfiction based on a lore character called Starswirl the Bearded who basically completely changed the face of magic similar to how Sir Isaac Newton changed math with the development of Calculus. I used lots of research into calculus and it's development as the inspiration of the story, and the main premise is that Starswirl isn't a unicorn, the only species that can actually perform magic in the show's canon. Yeah... I don't tell anyone in my real life. 9 ...
 7y ago I shoplifted every day with a friend for 2 years without getting caught. Then another friend came with us and ruined it because she was stressed out the whole time. I wouldn't shoplift again but I did pull it off for 2 years. 5 ...
heartylaughman 7y ago I've publicly urinated on several national monuments, including the St Louis arch, empire state building, Chrysler building, the bronze bull on wall street, the capitol buildings in Madison and Denver, and my crowning achievement: the white house lawn. I was drunk for most of them 7 ...
Horsefur 7y ago I used to be an introvert but became a very social extrovert which i'm proud of. I became one by being involved in the furry fandom which is super embarrassing and creepy to some. People who I knew for a long time who'd ask me how I suddenly became so social and outgoing i'd always just make up some lie. 13 ...
ebState 7y ago I traveled half way across the country to play in a Halo tournament and did extremely well. Made it out of the amateur bracket and played against pros on the mainstage/on stream in the champions bracket. 24 ...
msfortunateone 5y ago When I graduated college I got a job offer with the CIA. I didnt actually take it but it's a pretty dope flex that I can't tell people for obvious reasons, most notable one is that I dont wanna come off as a pretentious asshole. + 673 ...
Ranchette_Geezer e 5y ago My personal web site has a phrase that is the only instance of that phrase in all of the web sites Google can find. 13 ...
here_to_stay669 5y ago I'm an anonymous NSFW poster but I've also made a vine that went viral. I mean actually viral, offers to be on tv etc. The internet is a weird place. 72 ...
biometricllama 5y ago I investigated and caught a long term employee stealing eight thousand dollars worth of stock from my store, in my first three months in my position. I'd never been taught how to investigate this kind of thing (it almost never happens!) and was told I wasn't allowed to involve anyone, including anyone who could help me, to preserve the employees privacy in case we were wrong. We weren't wrong, and I think I did a bloody good job. 57 ...
crankyandhangry 5y ago I invented a fan holiday for Stargate SG-1 called Ship Day for people who ship the main characters Jack and Sam. It's been celebrated on the Gateworld forums for 16 years now. The show has been off the air for about a decade and people still post to the forums and make fanart and stuff. I find it amazing that this thing has outlived even my participation in the online fan community, but like...how could I ever tell people IRL about that? 18 ...
Woody411 . 7y ago Edited 7y ago I embezzled around 10k from the company where my boss was sexually harassing me. It was HIS company of course. I couldn't have cared less about the sexual harassment, it was almost like a pity fuck that I let him get away with it., but he paid for it. MUHUWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Mother fucker. P.S.... was 20yo then, I'm 48 now. 149 ...
JeromesNiece e 5y ago A Wikipedia article to which I contributed significantly got over a million views earlier this year + 4.3K ...
Pompidoo 7y ago I ran the most popular latex webshop in my entire country. Had loads of customers, loads of good reviews. Couldn't brag about it to anybody because of the nature of the product. Everyone considers latex to be some kind of hardcore sm garment. If I would have sold normal garments, nobody would have cared. Selling latex on the other hand, I had to keep it quiet for various professional and personal reasons. Stopped selling it after 3 years because life got in the way. But I am still quite proud of having had my own, semi successful
Jimbojsmith100 e 7y ago . Edited 7y ago I have the world record for memorising Pi backwards. I am super proud of myself, but I never ever bring it up because I'm afraid I come across as a nerd.
Arcturus572 7y ago I had a best friend that parked his truck at my dad's place, then went to a party a few streets over... Не comes back completely shit faced and decided that he was going to drive himself home... Nope... I tell my other friend to not let him drive off... My other best bud held his feet over the exhaust pipe, killing the engine every time he'd get it started, so he, in his blitzed state, decided that his truck was broken, throws the keys while I convince him that I'll get him home in the morning
 10y ago Guy at a house party was bragging about stealing a girl's purse at the mall. Showed us all the purse and everything. Не proceeded to get blind drunk and pass out. I stole the purse from him plus the contents of his wallet (about $300) and (the next day) mailed the purse and money to the address on the ID I found in the purse. I'd like to think the teenage girl had a nice little shopping trip on that douche's dime. 45 ...
Three_hrs_later 7y ago I was originally wait listed for grad school. Later that same week the dean of the school gave me this overly friendly phone call to personally let me know I was admitted. At first I figured they were just really friendly there... As it turns out, coincidentally an executive of a large company who just happens to share my last name, though unrelated to me, made a significant donation to the school the same week I got my wait list letter. Later I saw the donation mentioned in a newsletter. I never told anyone until after graduation.
Danny_McMoose . 7y ago I once helped my sister find her crushes house from a photo of his garden he posted on FB so she could stalk him. + 1.6K ...
coombuyah26 7y ago Once in college I got a $60 parking ticket on campus. I was quite literally broke at the time, and forking over that kind of money meant not eating for a month. I had 10 days to challenge it, so I got to work. The lot I was in only became illegal without a parking pass after noon. I managed to replicate the font on the cotation, tape an earlier time over the time of the ticket, scan it very carefully, and used that to challenge the ticket, claiming I was wrongfully ticketed before noon. Somehow they
SnipeyMcSnipe 10y ago Edited 10y ago I was quoted once in the NY Times to my reddit username. I thought it was pretty awesome but I didn't want to really tell anyone. For one, it would be a really weird thing to brag about in the context of what it is, and two, I don't want everyone knowing what my reddit username is. It was odd being in the NY Times (sort of) and only telling two or three people about it. + 268 ...
wish_in_one_hand 7y ago I gave a couple my eggs, and they now have a little boy who's almost 2, and looks a bit like my grandfather. I'm very proud that I could do something so small and relatively easy, to change someone else's life so profoundly. But I don't talk about it because it's really personal, in part because it involves some very private details about other people. 60 ...
captainturanga 7y ago I went to cosmetology school when I was 18. I was kicked out, which led me to starting classes at the local technical college and eventually transferring to an excellent university to study engineering. It's my last year and I'm about to finish my degree, but I feel embarrassed about hair school and even going to a technical school to start because I feel that I'm looked down upon or not taken as serious because of it. I usually just gloss over the details and tell people I took time off coming out of high school instead
GeneralDelight 8y ago I still collect yugioh cards totaling over 750 of the most powerful and rare cards. I estimate the collection to be upwards of $5000. But I am a collector, and collecting them is my passion. Definitely something that gets the ladies wet. + 1.1K ...
DannyWiseman 8y ago Edited 8y ago My mate stupidly took a load of LSD and ended up getting arrested at our house, whilst he was being detained and escorted to hospital the police took his phone as evidence.. With all of the details of people who had taken it with him etc etc, but he asked me to charge it before they took it, so I took it upstairs and drowned the phone in the sink. No evidence against anyone, and the police had to let him go because they couldn't prove he wasn't spiked, no one knows, but fairly
Grizzly_sea 8y ago A place I used to work a few years ago had a break room with a TV that was always under the control of an old lady that only watched the hallmark channel. One day I was in there alone and just for fun I checked to see if I could block the channel. Turns out they didn't set a password for the TV yet so I set one up and blocked the shit out of that channel. It was like the inquisition for the next 2 weeks. She grilled every single person that came in and
Amogh24 0 7y ago I am very very good at lying when necessary. People think I'm a bad lier because I purposely lie badly about insignificant things, which can be seen as jokes, so people don't see me in a negative light. When I'm forced to lie I've made iticrinate lies on the fly 2 ...


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