38 Biodegradable Bits of Trivia That Will Naturally Enrich Your Brain Soil

Piling onto your mental compost heap
38 Biodegradable Bits of Trivia That Will Naturally Enrich Your Brain Soil

As this shovelful of trivia decomposes atop your mind garden, youll actually be able to feel the weird, somewhat useful knowledge sprout up and even sow their own informational seeds in random conversations. It really is quite miraculous. The best part is that, unlike real gardens, brain fertilizer actually smells amazing.

Here, sniff these!

The Energizer Bunny

38 Biodegradable Bits of Trivia That Will Naturally Enrich Your Brain Soil


Elliott Smith

CRACKEDco COM GOO WILL HUNEINC Fron Tu MIRAMAX MOTION PeTuBE After finding incredibre success by being nominated for an Academy Award for best origina


In 1930 on the way to pitch his idea for the next best American snack cake, Jimmy Dewar sawa billboard for Twinkle Toe Shoes and thus the Twinkie ch

Deepest Human-Made Hole on Earth

The deepest man-made hole on Earth is 7.5 miles deep. It's the USSR's Kola Superdeep Borehole, and its deepest part is nine inches in diameter but reaches a third of the way down the continental crust. One of the Borehole researchers' most amazing finds was two-billion-year-old rocks with intact organic compounds inside. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



Butt-Head SKULL CRACKED.COM Mike Judge once lived next to an annoying little kid who called himself Iron-Butt: 'Supposedly, you could kick him in the

Safety Last

Hollywood tragedies that brought change Noah's Ark Drowning (well, allegedly) On the set of the 1928 movie Noah's Ark, three people reportedly passed away while filming a scene about the Great Flood. This caused safety rules to be put in place in Hollywood - a new idea at the time. CRACKED

Warner Bros. Pictures



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