40 Random Bits of Trivia Someone Left in the Basket of a Citi Bike So They’re Public Domain Now

Fact finder’s keepers!
40 Random Bits of Trivia Someone Left in the Basket of a Citi Bike So They’re Public Domain Now

In the world of fact finding, its nice when a few easy ones fall in your lap. We searched high, low, far and wide for these, but at the end of the day, we came up a little short for this list. Luckily for us, the last few we needed came to us when it felt like all was lost. 

Now we know what Charlie Bucket mustve felt like when he found that golden ticket.

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is partly made of rice. The builders added sticky rice to the mortar, which made the Wall more stable and helped protect it against earthquakes and exposure to the elements. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Criminal Parents

Ohio parents tied up their child so he didn't get into the candy as they slept. CRACKED.COM Jason and Tabetha Sosno- wicz were arrested after police received a call stat- ing a child may have been tied up in one of the rooms. Officers found the 12-year-old hogtied with shoestrings.



Butt-Head SKULL CRACKED.COM Mike Judge once lived next to an annoying little kid who called himself Iron-Butt: 'Supposedly, you could kick him in the


England is such a rainy place. In actuality, D Average millimeters per vear English Zurich cities 1048 Leeds 1.024 don't see more Naples 1.008 rainf

A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange left Malcolm McDowell unable to see for a while. The apparatus he wears in the Ludovico Technique scene was really painful, and he complained that he scratched his left eye's cornea, was in pain and couldn't see. Stanley Kubrick told him, Let's go on with the scene. I'll favor your other eye. CRACKED.COM


England’s Forgotten Queen

England's Forgotten Queen was only the Queen of England for 9 days in 1553. CRACKED.COM Lady Jane Grey only as- cended to the throne be- cause Edward VI wanted to keep a Protestant as the sovereign of England. She was then deposed and exe- cuted the following year.


The Largest Dinosaur Ever

Amphicoelias Fragillimus, possibly the largest dinosaur that ever existed, giving a modern elephant a piggy back ride. CRACKED.COM


James Bond

James Bond Then vs. Now The Bonds 007 has been played by Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig. But a complete list must include David Niven, and also Barry Nelson, who played Bond on TV eight years before Dr. No. CRACKED.COM


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