28 Wild Stories About Unruly Children in Restaurants

‘Smeared macaroni and cheese all over the table’
28 Wild Stories About Unruly Children in Restaurants

There are plenty of instances in which unruly children never face punishment for their crimes — especially at restaurants. We know this because they grow into unruly adults, who, upon facing consequences for the first time, say something like, “I didn’t know I couldn’t do that.” 

This is why I strongly believe that we should take matters into our own hands. One restaurant manager did just that. The children in question were running around, stealing fries off of people’s plates, and their mother did nothing to stop them. After other customers complained, the manager asked the family to leave, which prompted the mother to call the police and claim she was being “harassed.” When the police arrived, the manager took it further and requested that they involve child services. The kids’ father later showed up and apologized for his wife’s behavior. You have to wonder how those kids turned out. 

Other Redditors have remembered the rambunctious children they were forced to bear witness to at restaurants, including a few siblings who definitely grew up to be either murderers or artists.

KneeDeepThought 7y ago Way back when I waited tables I had a family of regulars that came in every Sunday after church. About half the time there was no problems, but the other half their toddler would throw a tantrum in her high chair and turn into a tornado of eggs, oatmeal, and anything else she could get her hands on. I honestly couldn't believe the parents a) didn't take the kid outside and just ignored the kicking and screaming, and b) didn't stop the kid from chucking food all over the place. It took a good ten minutes to
ThHeretic 7y ago A family brought some extremely loud toys with them to a nice restaurant (macaroni grill/cheesecake factory style). Patrons around them complained, because they had 3 kids who each had 1 or 2 extremely loud toys (car with a police siren, kids megaphone/microphone, kids boombox with animal sounds, etc etc). My manager came over and offered to relocate them, they refused. Не gave them a free appetizer but said they would have to put the toys away. Kids proceeded to draw at least 5 pictures of my manager getting murdered by; jungle cats, tanks, game of hangman, death
theXwinterXstorm 7y ago I had this table. There was this kid sitting at the outer edge of the booth. I had a tray full of waters (7) and this little shit started hitting me while I was handing them out. I don't know how I didn't drop the tray. Не did it again when I brought another tray over of alcoholic beverages. Then he was doing it as I was bringing hot fucking food. I didn't drop anything. The parents literally shrugged at me when I said something about it. I considered dropping things on him. I HATE shitty parents
 7y ago I haf a kid straight take his entire plate of food and dump it on the floor. Then he proceeded to fling all the other apps on the table ALL OVER the place. The parent never said anything to discipline him but laughed like it was cute? + 2 ...
PremeditatedViolets 10y ago I was in a sports bar (a sports bar!) and a woman came in with 5 children under the age of 8 or so, including a toddler and one other semi-adult (older teenager). She proceeds to order the 4 oldest kids virgin strawberry daiquiris (hello sugar overload) and puts a plate of fries in front of the toddler, who immediately begins ripping them up and throwing them on the floor, along with everything else in reach - straws, silverware, napkins, sugar packets, you get the point. This poor busgirl is trying to clean up the fries, etc. as
p_i_z_z_a_ 7y ago I have had parents change their children's diapers ON THE TABLE. But what really got me was when a toddler took off his pants and diaper and just walked around the restaurant butt naked. The mom noticed but didn't do anything about it. She just let him wander with his dong out. There's also a guy that brings in his two young girls periodically and we all hate them. Their mom left suddenly, so I know he just wants them to be happy, but he lets them do whatever they want. They fight loudly with each other
tatro3 7y ago Over the summer I worked at a place that had a Wild West vibe to it. One of the decorations we have is a old vintage piano that they had managed to keep in good condition for lots of years. One day I'm working the breakfast shift and all the sudden I hear the piano playing really loudly. There are signs on the piano to not touch it so I quickly came over to see this little (6-8 year old) absolutely SMASHING THE KEYS! Не was legitimately hitting the keys full force. I taped the kid on
 7y ago e I used to work at a pizza buffet and once I was cleaning a table and there was an entire pizza on the floor under the table. 2 ...
Molag-Ballin . 7y ago when i worked at a chipotle, a mom had her kid eat directly on the table. i offered them a plate 3 times and they turned us down + 2 ...
amigoingtobeanure- 7y ago Rip open every single sugar packet in the little container for coffee/tea and pour sugar over the floor, booth, and table. Half of their mac and cheese was on the floor which was carpet, along with the 20 sugar packet wrappers. + 15 ...
828Ashby828 7y ago - Had a parent LET their child color with red marker all over the interior wall of the booth they were sat in. When my manager walked by and said something to them, the dad said well you're the one they gave him a red crayon. That's not the worse, that's just the one that came to mind and I need coffee. 3 ...
Swan543 7y ago I walked in to work today to a busy lunch rush and the first table I cleaned had food in the water cups, water in the food on the plates, and obviously water and food all over the table. It was fucking disgusting. This was a table full of adults and maybe one kid. I wouldn't be surprised if it was an adult doing this shit. So basically, don't be a fucking pig. A human is cleaning up after you, not a robot. Also, I was sitting on the toilet and a kid crawled under the stall
ComedyDude 7y ago A table I served let their kids (rather pre-teens) put a bunch of food and water in an upside pint glass and seal it with a napkin, thus creating a red neck Macyver style Indiana Jones trap which when flipped right side up would create hell. 67 ...
ihateburgers 7y ago Not a waitress, but once I was in a restaurant, the family seated next to us had a toddler. Maybe 4-5 years old. The kid needed to go to the restroom, so the mom and the nanny stood up from their table, put an empty bottle on the floor in between our table and theirs and then the nanny held the kid over the bottle and he proceeded to pee into the bottle. Then they sat the kid down and kept the bottle in their bag and Went back to their dinner. A good number of waiters
Gingerbreaddoggie 7y ago I once watched a kid sucking/gnawing on the mustard bottle in the condiment caddy. Mom put it back once food was delivered... straight into the garbage after they left. 32 ...
StaceyPfan . 7y ago 1 Smear macaroni and cheese all over the table. 18 ...
ms_s7 7y ago . I had a boy who was around nine or ten (he was apart of a twelve top party of mostly kids and two bitchy moms) come up to me while I was putting in their order to inform me that his friend was checking out my butt. Neither of the moms did anything. Fuck those kids. + 11 ...
 7y ago Edited 7y ago Worked at a lil place on a pier with outdoor tables. The tables were big and heavy and made out of cement. A group of parents were just letting their kids treat the open table next to them like a jungle gym, crawling over, under, around. As if this want bad enough one of the children had a knife in their hands. Instinct kinda took over and I walked over took the knife outta the kids hand and handed it to the mother. Didnt say a word or make a sound but my point
futurelint 7y ago e Put stickers all over the table (what fun for me to peel off!) and they brought Play-Doh which got all stuck in the carpet under their table and chairs - wooooooo! 78 ...
Sarah_doctor_in_here 7y ago The parents let their child eat a grilled cheese directly off the floor. Not too mention, my section was in a tight fitting corner and the child was eating off the floor in the middle of the section. Myself and other guests had to step over the child every 2 seconds. 112 ...
onbin 7y ago I'm at a bar with food and parents love letting their kids run around and dance to the music we play as a means of tiring them out before taking them home... while I'm working the floor alone trying to serve drinks. I finally told one dad to tell his kid to stop getting into the server's station and in turn the dad kept on saying ok son listen to this server, he has something to tell you! as if I had the extra time to give his obnoxious child a learning moment. I lost all pretense
You_minivan 7y ago e I once watched (and heard) a kid pound all the little foil wrapped packets of butter completely flat while his parent said nothing of either the noise or the behavior. 158 ...
mastershake20 7y ago A family came in and they had a baby with them, guessing around 1. I had to stop this baby from putting a knife in their mouth, TWICE. The second time i went over i took it away. The mom didn't stop her, the dad didn't, none of the siblings. They didn't say anything when i took the knife away either. I should've took the whole damn baby away. + 214 ...
-eDgAR- . 7y ago I worked at a Japanese restaurant and I remember one couple that came in with their kids that ordered hibachis. The kids thought it was hilarious to fling the rice all over the place and the parents did NOTHING to try and stop them. It was especially annoying because it was a carpeted place and of course I had to clean up their mess after they left and getting rice out of that was incredibly annoying. + 224 ...
Julia_J 7y ago One mom and her two kids were eating at our diner and both of them were misbehaving. They were running around, stealing other people's fries, yelling etc and she wasn't even notice them, just texting or playing with her phone. Other customers started to complain and the manager had to come out to ask them to leave, so she then called the cops, claiming the staff were harassing her. Police came and took our side. and then forced them to leave. The manager later asked the officers to involve child services in the matter. A couple days
transemacabre 7y ago When I was a waitress, this couple came in with their two kids (aged about four and five). The kids took the cutlery and were scratching our wooden tabletops with it. I came over and asked the parents to stop them, and the mom says flippantly, Oh, it's okay. They're allowed. NO they are fucking not, bitch. This ain't your house! Also watched a kid walk up to our flower pot and dump her entire ice cream, container and all, in the pot. I opened the front door and said, HEY! Pick that up! The kid shamefacedly
 7y ago In college I worked at a really trendy hipster type place. We had a killer brunch that was always a zoo, especially to be sat on our patio. Adjacent to the patio (separated by a small fence) was a vegetable and herb garden which the kitchen used. Some idiot lady had a group of 6 or 7 people, one kid. The adults were too busy getting shwasted on pitchers of mimosas to notice the kid had ran off and was in the middle of the garden, stomping on the tomatoes and ripping the herbs straight out of
skip_tracer 7y ago Years ago, I had guests completely ignoring their kids, and just let them run around like maniacs through our space. Two of the kids decided playing on the railing to a 3 step incline would be a good idea, and as I was in the middle of dropping food to the table one of the boys slipped off the railing and face planted. This little brat split his head wide open, it was fucking gnarly. I'm not talking a cut either, his skull was cracked. There was blood everywhere, and it was complete pandemonium. The kid was


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