29 Dramatic School Events That Caused Chaos for the Faculty

‘Someone kept lighting the third floor bathroom on fire’
29 Dramatic School Events That Caused Chaos for the Faculty

When teenagers are navigating high school through journeys of self-discovery, they aren’t necessarily thinking about the consequences of their actions. For instance: The kid who repeatedly lit the third-floor bathroom on fire wasn’t thinking about anything other than his burgeoning career in arson, while the student who put sprouting seeds in the water fountain was merely considering the beauty of nature, and not the fact that the plumbing system would back up over spring break. 

Redditors have recalled other chaotic school events that their faculty had to deal with, and it brings a tear to my eye to imagine children being so young, wild and free.

z0rb0r 1y ago Our school got iMacs in the new computer lab. So being very inquisitive I explored features on the computer and found that there was text to speech hot key. One day during one of the labs I wanted to flex that I was naturally good in computers and told the kid next to me this neat little trick of making the Mac say whatever I typed. Kid was blown away and then within a week you would constantly hear suck my d**k spoken among other inappropriate profanity during class and that was when I realized that I
 1y ago Senior prank: The country guys brought greased pigs into the school. Labeled them with spraypaint #1, #2, #3, #5, #6, #7. Imagine the frantic radio calls and locations of where pigs were located one by one. Took them a whole day of diving around wrangling pigs until they figured out pig #4 didn't exist. + 217 Share ...
jammed7777 E 1y ago Someone kept lighting the 3rd floor bathroom on fire.. happened several times. They eventually just closed the bathroom. 288 Share ...
Physical_Stress_5683 e 1y ago e A kid in grade 5 put sprout seeds in the fountain, it backed up the entire plumbing system over spring break 259 Share ...
leoR_29 e 1y ago e During a talent show at school, a magician's escaped rabbit caused chaos as faculty members scrambled to catch it, leading to an entertaining and memorable situation. 476 Share ...
groggyMPLS 1y ago One time, in 1st grade, when the teacher left the room for 5 minutes, i scotch taped all of my classmates together. They loved it. My teacher came back, had a breakdown, and called my mother in tears. Не did what? My mom asked. Не taped his classmates together! Is that all...? My mom replied. Bless her. 376 Share ...
B__Malz 1y ago Someone in my highschool sent letters to everyone they deemed virgins parents saying their son or daughter was tested for and found to have an STD by the school nurse and that they needed to come to the school immediately. Used the school letterhead etc so they got charged with mail fraud lol. 607 Share ...
Mandymayhem1221 1y ago e 8th grade science teacher was talking about motion. Не had a rope attached to a tennis ball, and was swinging it around his head. Не accidentally let go and it hit the kid in the back of the class in the face. + 927 Share ...
Safe_Wallaby3148 1y ago e Edited 1y ago Someone put a cow on the roof. The cow couldn't come back down because, apparently, cows can't go down stairs. So they had to bring it down... with a crane. Share 997 ...
MrCondor 1y ago . Edited 1y ago Somebody unscrewed the classroom door and left it supported by the hinge tension, angry teacher came back from his march to the head of department and slammed the door. Except it didn't slam, rather come off the wall completely and absolute madness ensued. Ahh, good times.
mrsheikh 1y ago In my HS, we had a substitute teacher that her 2nd job was an Philadelphia Eagles cheerleader. She was very pretty and every boy in the school wanted her a sub for their class. Went as far as one boy actually put a laxative in the Spanish teacher coffee to make her sick and miss a day. That sub did not come in that day and the kid was upset. Anyway, one of the gym teachers started flirting with the Eagles cheerleader sub and start talking more. They eventually started dating. Many of the teachers and staff
 1y ago A class above mine was legendary for a VERY simple senior class prank: someone who lived on a farm brought their resident goat in. They snuck it in through the side door into the parking lot from the weight room and just let ol' Billy loose. What followed was a couple hours of chaos as this goat ran all over the building, dropping goat poop and yelling at everyone who tried to catch it. You haven't had hilarious until you've heard the principal blurt out from outside the door Corner him! No the OTHER way, the OTHER
FetteBeuteHoch2 . 1y ago . Edited 1y ago Our teacher had a smart ( little ( car) and we managed to get it up to the third floor and put it In front of her classroom. + 1.8K Share ...
Big_Explanation_8803 1y ago . A boy in my class brought some locusts in to show and tell. They escaped and got into the air vents. This was just before summer break. School came back to a full on plague. + 2.1K Share ...
Ylatch 10y ago I became friends with a teacher, and after I graduated high school and there was no conflict of interest, he invited me to his birthday the following year. Of course there were heaps of my old teachers and some new ones from lower year levels I'd never seen before. One of the new ones was talking about how scared one girl made her, because she wrote a really detailed creative writing story about a girl with serious mental problems and what it's like, she gave quotes, and basically said that now she's read this, a ton of
 . 1y ago . They banned shorts because they were not professional enough. So all the boys wore skirts as a protest. + 2.4K Share ...
ToadnViolet420 1y ago When I graduated it was a small school with maybe 25 students in each class. The sophomore class had 11 girls and 7 of them got pregnant within the same month. When I left i remember there being chaos because they needed to create a special curriculum for these girls because they missed so many days. So there was literally a classroom with only pregnant irresponsible teens and their baby daddies. I say that because only 3 of them knew who the father was and one guy got 2 of them pregnant and for a while they
 . 1y ago In the 70s my mum put a metronome in a box and set it going in a cupboard. The school was evacuated and the bomb squad were called. 17 Share ...
schwoooo 6y ago Professors were purchasing tricked out laptops with their budgets shortly before leaving the university. The university in turn would let the professors purchase the hardware for a song because it was used. We're talking 2000-3000€ machines being purchased 6 months down the line for 500€. Someone finally caught onto to this scheme and now nobody can purchase the used hardware. 1.4K ...
ChilledClarity 1y ago . Friend of mine called the local dominoes pretending to be the principal of our high school and ordered 100 or more pizzas, an hour or so later, a pickup truck with a flatbed full of pizza boxes arrived. The school faculty were losing their minds. Over how to pay for the obscene amount of pizza. Share 46 ...
Or10n713 1y ago e Office staff were talking shit about girls wearing yoga pants who, in their mind, were too big to do that. Highly inappropriate to say the least. Whole high school was pissed and led a yoga pants revolution where all the guys came to school the next day wearing yoga pants and chanting. Was awesome but the faculty were PISSED. 59 Share ...
phantommoose 1y ago When my husband was about 11, he brought a 5- gallon bucket of garter snakes to school for show and tell. At lunch, all the snakes escaped, and they were catching snakes for weeks + 2.4K Share ...
Unlikely_Use 1y ago . A student got ahold of a LOT of explicit pictures and taped them to all of the school clocks, suspended from the ceiling. None of the teachers were tall enough to pull them down, so they were up there for a bit. + Share 3.2K ...
Nutesatchel 1y ago My wife is a school teacher, and a couple years ago the senior prank was them sticking a bunch of those suction cup dildos to the windows. And lets just say that the school has a lot of windows. It was the brain child of some douche bag architect who thought building a high school with no walls just windows was good idea. Any way, they managed to get the largest of the dildos stuck to the 3rd floor outside window, of one of the classrooms. So the male assistant principal gets a ladder but its not
 1y ago - In middle school, a staff (not a teacher, he watched lunch and was a basketball coach for a high school) got arrested for selling weed to the kids. Не won an award for best staff of the year that year which had an entire yearbook page dedicated to him, but he was arrested after the yearbooks were printed. They had to go into each yearbook and cover that page with purple duct tape (to match the color scheme).
JulieFromJerz 1y ago 00 Hired a mariachi band to follow around our principal for our senior class prank. It was hysterical. + Share 5K ...
Jimmycapped 1y ago 0 2000. Teachers trying to stop kids smoking in the bathroom so they locked the bathroom doors. Kid took a shit on the carpet in front of the bathroom door, like right in the main hallway. Chaos ensued. Today, that kid is a pastor. Lol + Share 3.7K ...
JacobCStowe 1y ago Someone had a baby in the bathroom stall... I wish I was making this up + 6.9K Share ...
AttackOfTheMox 1y ago . Junior year, 2010/2011. Student was getting a blowjob in the cemetery behind the school. You had a direct line of sight from the cafeteria. Facility was trying to get everyone away from the windows (easier said than done when 2 walls were just floor to ceiling windows). + 185 Share ...


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