12 Trivia Tidbits to Sprinkle on Your Brainpan As A Garnish
If knowledge is power, this article contains a very minuscule amount of power.
The Meaning of ‘Ricotta’
Ricotta cheese's name means “recooked,” since it’s created by heating leftover whey from other cheeses.
‘Biscuit’ Also Refers to A Twice-Cooked Food
Though many modern biscuits are baked only once, the word comes from the Latin biscoctum, or “twice-baked.” Biscuits used to be baked twice to achieve their crispy texture, and that process is still applied to biscotti.
‘Fahrenheit 451’s Unlikely First Home
The seminal sci-fi novel Fahrenheit 451 first appeared in the March 1954 issue of Playboy. Meaning you probably actually have “read it for the articles” at least once.
Luke Skywalker’s Original Name
It was “Luke Starkiller” until it was changed because, well, that’s a little aggressive for a hero.
How High A Table Tennis Serve Needs to Go
In an officially sanctioned table tennis match, balls are required to be thrown at least 6 inches in the air before serving.
How to Know If Cheese Curds Are Fresh
Fresh cheese curds should squeak when you bite into them. If they don’t, they’re at least a few days old.
The Tiniest Breed of Horse
It’s the Falabella, with a 30.4 centimeter tall specimen setting the record for smallest horse in 1978.
Cuddly Rabbits' Deadly Disease
Rabbits can carry a potentially fatal disease called tularemia, also known as “rabbit fever.”
What Do You Call A Female Donkey?
It might sound like a setup for a joke that’s not appropriate for the dinner table, but here's the real answer: a jenny.
Only the Upper-Class Citizens of Rome Could Wear Purple
It was an incredibly valuable color, and as such, it was reserved for nobility.
The Man Who Discovered Insulin
His name was Frederick Banting, and he received a Nobel Prize for it in 1921.
The Southern Border of Pennsylvania’s Origin
The bottom of Pennsylvania is the 40th parallel, the original Mason-Dixon Line.