25 Times Someone Saw a Room Full of Happy People Quickly Turn Ugly

‘He decided to liven things up with a few 9/11 jokes’
25 Times Someone Saw a Room Full of Happy People Quickly Turn Ugly

People take trivia very seriously. Just ask the Redditor who, at bar trivia night, watched the entire crowd turn ugly when the alleged answer to “What was the biggest fish in Finding Nemo?” was “blue whale.” As most of us know, a whale is a mammal, but the host doubled down by saying that because the whale was in the water, it counted as a fish

Thankfully, the angry bar patrons didn’t skin the host alive, but the Redditor who watched the whole thing go down explained that “the Applebee’s just barely avoided a riot that night.” 

Plenty of other Redditors have remembered the times they saw a crowd of people quickly turn sour, including a marriage proposal that was doomed from the start.

kateisit27 5y ago Not my story, but a friend of mine was attending a Christian Pentecostal summer camp a few years ago with some high school students and other adult leaders. For anyone who is unfamiliar with Pentecostal youth camps, the evening church services can get pretty lively and charged with emotion. People being slain in the spirit, speaking in tongues, lots of worship and confessing sins. That sort of thing. There were probably a couple hundred students, so things may have gotten chaotic. Anyway, my friend and one of the other adult leaders get pulled on stage to confess
LifeGainsss 5y ago We had to work on a holiday but management didn't so there was nobody to unlock the building. We waited outside from 7am until 7:45 and were told that if we didn't get in by 8 we could go home. 7:55 the manager shows up and lets us in. + 40K ...
csudebate 5y ago Drinking with colleagues from work. A guy was needling me and a friend about how out of shape we are (it was fair and light-hearted). Suddenly my friend blurts out 'yeah, at least we have attractive wives.' Needling guy's wife was standing right there. + 6.3K ...
aRationalShill 5y ago Family gathering was going great until the host realized she was missing thousands of dollars worth of jewelry. She started accusing everyone of being thieves until her husband said he put it away without telling her. + 32K ...
Makabajones 5y ago e when the boss got drunk at the Christmas party and let slip that there was going to be layoffs coming in the new year. + 25K ...
SKDJhfsdjk 5y ago One day at work we had an hour meeting followed by a planned pizza party as a reward for meeting some safety goal. They'd been telling us all week not to worry about food because they were getting pizza. Well after the meeting were sitting around waiting for the pizza to get there when out boss comes in and tells us there was a failure of communication and no one actually ordered the pizza. If you want to see 50 factory workers go from excited to murder ready in less than a second that's what you tell
Pakeeda 5y ago I was on a Chicago to NY flight. We all get on the plane, but were delayed taking off due to a heavy storm going on. About 20 minutes in, everybody was still pretty calm until the pilot announces they're working on getting our baggage loaded, because it's been sitting on the tarmac this entire time. The entire plane looks out, and sees all our luggage just sitting there in the pouring rain uncovered, and starts freaking out. + 16K ...
me_z . 5y ago . Bride throwing up on herself and the dance floor during the first dance. She tried to hold it back, but the groom just pointed her towards the dance floor and she let'r rip. Was impressive. + 12K ...
Alex_Sylvian 5y ago Camp. 150 kids headed to an ice skating rink. Everyone laughing, cheering, having fun. Sitting on school buses for 2 hours. The place is closed. Instant chaos, screaming, general unhappiness. Took us back the next day but still the angriest I've ever seen 150 kids. + 11K ...
kingpinkay 8y ago Edited 8y ago My extended family had a day at the lake. All day was nothing but happiness, until we started cleaning up. Half of the family were on the lake and decided to play a prank on the rest of us, who were getting ready to go. They sent a voicemail that they were sinking and didn't have life jackets (there were kids on the boat who couldn't swim) My grandpa believed it and when none of the nearby boat owners would let him borrow one to save his family, he stole a boat and went
jackrafter88 5y ago Whole company (60+ people) gathered at a product unveiling/cheer leading event where we were expecting surprising news (bonuses?). Instead we were informed that the least senior and biggest dickhead was promoted to partner. All downhill from there. 4.3K ...
 8y ago The couple hosting the party got into a fight with each other in front of everyone - so much so that she slapped one side of his face, then expected guests to take sides. It ruined everything - people left. 1.5K ...
 5y ago Dude decided to pop the question to his girlfriend...at a work holiday party. She said no. Both parties began to cry inconsolably. All the guys in the room tried to cheer up the guy with their tales of woe. All the women in the room took the woman aside and did whatever the female version of the above was. Went from a fairly happy event to a complete disaster within minutes. Plus side, while all of this shit was going down no one was hitting the buffet so I cleaned the fuck up. + 11K ...
Hotel_Arrakis 5y ago E I was watching Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon in a movie theater when it came out in the early 1970's. The projector died during a fight scene. + 11K ...
islandsimian 8y ago We were sitting at the adult table eating our Easter brunch in the house of my ultra-religious brothers family. We were all laughing and recalling funny stories about relatives long gone and after a sudden lapse in the laughter, the room became dead silent when my son at the children's table screamed to his cousin There's no proof of God being real! Easter was pretty much over at that point. Dishes were cleared, cleaned and we sulked out without much eye contact. + 1.2K ...
HabaneroEyedrops 8y ago WAAY after Vanilla Ice's popularity, he played some shows at small bar-type venues. My friend's and I decided to go, as a joke. The atmosphere in the place was really fun, and everybody was having an unusually awesome time. Vanilla Ice didn't go on when announced...and then the DJ took to the mic to announce that he had no-showed. The place instantly went into riot mode: yelling, cursing, pushing and shoving...and then people started throwing beer bottles and breaking furniture. All the mirrors in the place got broken, and the DJ had to run out through the
ginger_bird e 8y ago . Edited 8y ago My eighth grade class cheered when an announcement came on telling us that school was being let out early. Then we were told why. It was 9/11/2001. + 669 ...
UncomfortableChuckle 8y ago At a 21st birthday party several years ago, having a big house party. Music blaring, drugs and alcohol in abundance, good times being had by all. Then some dudes driving by hear the noise and decide to crash the party. While trying to be nice and kick them out politely, one of them says You can't kick us out. and flashes his gun. Never seen a party go from Full Blown Fun to Where Is Everyone so quickly. Someone called the cops and the assholes took off. + 576 ...
Pipthepirate 8y ago During bar trivia the question was What was the biggest fish in Finding Nemo the answer was blue whale Whales aren't fish. People started yelling at the guy that whales are mammals. The said it was in the water so it counted as a fish. I asked if the dentist was a fish since he was in the water. That Applebee's just barely avoided a riot that night + 16K ...
OGFahker 0 5y ago 800 guys in a grocery warehouse being told it was going to be automated in 5 years. One fella yelled out asking if we fought the robots and won could we keep our jobs lol. 1.8K ...
csudebate e 5y ago o Edited 5y ago Public speaking class. I was the instructor. Student giving a speech on 9/11. Не is failing miserably so he decides to liven things up with a few 9/11 jokes. Girl in the back gasps and then starts sobbing. Her aunt was a flight attendant on one of the planes. + 694 ...
Carnatic_enthusiast 5y ago Not a room, but a stadium. Michigan Stadium with roughly 110,000 cheering their butts off on the verge of beating Michigan State for the first time in lord knows how long. All we had to do is get a clean punt off and we win but of course we muffed the punt, MSU recovers and takes it and scores for the win as the 110k people once going ballistic with excitement, turned to dead silence. While I'm still bitter, I'm amazed I got to witness such a contrast 813 ...
 5y ago Back when I waited tables, guy walking to his table, had a massive heart attack, and hit the floor. EMT's said he was dead before he hit the floor. I've never seen a restaurant go so silent so quickly. + 1.8K ...
DiscoLibra . 5y ago My grandma at Christmas telling my cousin she going to hell for her tattoos. Little did she know that half her grandkids have tattoos, me included. + 996 ...
FumbleMyEndzone 5y ago When I was a kid, there were about 6/8 families in our area who were a good group of friends. Regular holidays together, kids all close friends too and in the same classes at school etc. The backstory was that one of the families kept noticing money going missing from a drawer in the master bedroom. They had an older son who was getting the blame but was denying it. Fast forward a few weeks and it's their younger kid's birthday, and everyone is at their house. Usual script was the kids party would be late afternoon,


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