22 Wild Things People Discovered on Someone Else’s Phone

‘A reminder set for ‘call mom’ that was over a year overdue’
22 Wild Things People Discovered on Someone Else’s Phone

Wise people have warned against going through the phone of someone you love. You never know what you’ll find — evidence of cheating, their Reddit account, or worst of all, a recipe for potato salad with raisins in it. Anyone who’s ever eaten potato salad or is even vaguely aware of the concept of potato salad knows that raisins have no place in it. And now you know that your spouse believes otherwise. How can you go on together? 

These are the kinds of situations Redditors found themselves in after a digital snooping session, and if these harrowing tales don’t keep you away from your partner’s devices, I don’t know what will.

Markham-X 2y ago Dad's phone, circa 2006 - I'm 15, just wanted to play Snake 2. Found a video called 'blowjob queen' ...can I say I was relieved it wasn't a home vid? Share 6 ...
Particular-Singer954 2y ago Edited 2y ago A whatsapp group with the title without  Since this blew up so much i will tell the story. So i was at party and this out of some reason a guy had this girls phone unlocked and showed it to me. (Не was exluded too btw) NO they were not planning my birthday the just met i saw the chats. they werent really close friends but still hurts to be excluded. Also thank all of you for this many upvotes and answers its my first time that a answer of mine blew
BroadButterscotch349 20d ago My uncle was in a serious car accident while in escrow to buy a home. The realtor was blowing up his phone with messages so I let them know what had happened and that it would be a day or two before he was conscious enough to sign documents or designate someone else to do it for him. I opened his photos to show my mom the house and instead was treated to my uncle dressed as a woman in fetish gear. His browser was full of trans porn (with a specific, offensive slur in the title)
SexyxXxAriella 21d ago Once, I accidentally opened the camera roll of a friend's phone and found a selfie of him... in a full- body banana costume. It was both hilarious and a little disturbing. + 52 Reply ...
SatisfactionLocal589 21d ago A reminder set for 'Call Mom' that was over a year overdue. That level of procrastination still haunts me. 23 Reply ...
GreenMountain85 2y ago My soon to be ex husband sending intimate texts to another woman that heavily implied he'd just come from her house THE DAY BEFORE OUR WEDDING. + Share 42 ...
knoelle24 20d ago Edited 20d ago An accidental screen shot of the escort my ex boyfriend slept with on a work trip the week before (from the escort website) Не gave me the phone willingly to get photos of our new puppy. I was not snooping. Yes, I got to keep the puppy. + 36 Reply ...
AtoastedSloth 2y ago had a client showing me a picture of a haircut they wanted. i was hovering behind him as he was flipping through pictures and the next one to the haircut ended up being, what i assume was him, but his asshole wide open and googly eyes on his cheeks, bent over like the autocock meme. this was the day i learned never look at the phone until the customer has their picture up and ready 7.2K Share ...
DangerStan 2y ago Before we were dating, my girlfriend showed me a conversation from Tinder with a guy who wanted to pay to touch/sniff her feet. She never actually met up with him, but would kinda string him along a bit because the messages were funny to read. Anyway I scrolled down just a little and he said something like 1k to sniff your butthole + 7.4K Share ...
DONT_PM_ME_BREASTS 2y ago My boss was computer illerate. One day she asks me to help fix something on her cell phone. She did this from time to time. Fix her phone. Fix her kids phone. Whatever. One day she asks me to change how messages appear. She gives me a phone and in her messages is a message that says: STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY HUSBAND! YOU WERE JUST A WHORE FOR HIM TO FUCK AND I WON'T LET YOU HURT OUR FAMILY ANYMORE. Not entirely sure if she sent it or recieved it. Either way, yikes. + 8K
Sultanofbooyeah . 2y ago An app that allowed a married man to control a vibrator my gf was wearing while around me. + 11K Share ...
alwaysmyfault 2y ago Found texts from my gf's secret lover. This was in the early 2000's, when phones were still super primative. Her phone had that Snake game on it, and mine didn't, so I would occasionally use her phone to play Snake. The game would get interrupted if someone texted though. And sure enough, while I was playing, her secret lover texted her. I saw it, and then couldn't help myself and had to read the rest of the texts between them. Absolutely crushed me. Mild compared to a lot of other people's stuff posted here, I know. +
Substantial-Sale5972 2y ago | A picture of my sex toy up his butt sent to another girl + 19K Share ...
Kah0s 2y ago . Edited 2y ago Hanging out with a work friend after work. We would have a couple beers at this restaurant and he would scroll Tinder and I would help him decide on which way to swipe. Until we saw my wife (now ex- wife). That was not a great time.
heyitsbev E 2y ago I'm a dental hygienist. A long-term patient of mine wanted to show me pictures of he & his fiancés new puppy! Instead, he showed me two dick pics + 12K Share ...
mrscrabbyrob E 2y ago My boss telling his second in command all the things he loved doing to her during their affair. Her phone was just on the table and up popped the message. I wish I'd not read it + 11K Share ...
Silvertain 2y ago I found a phone and looked through the photos and found a picture of the guy holding his dick but it was next to one of those tiny cans of coke you get on planes. I have no idea why but I assume he was trying to trick someone into thinking his dick was a regular coke can size + 6.8K Share ...
bigmikesbeingnice 2y ago . Edited 2y ago Not me but a bartender friend of mine found a phone unlocked on the bar and couldn't locate its owner so he punched in his own phone number and found out he was already in the contacts as 'Creepy Jay' + 32K Share ...
Midnight_Monkey 0 2y ago My ex-wife's. Found a recipie for potato salad with raisins in it. + 28K Share ...
Uskadelig 2y ago That my best friend's recently deceased husband had been cheating on her with men their entire relationship. She was standing over my shoulder reading, as we made the discovery together. + Share 1.5K ...
OmegaDad618 2y ago I found out my wife is dying, after I read messages exchanged between her and her sister. I guess she was too afraid to tell me just yet. I waited till she wanted to tell me on her own before I told her that I had seen the messages and had already known. + 23K Share ...
Fox205 2y ago I don't look at my partners phone but we were having problems 6ish months or so ago and I literally accidentally stumbled on his reddit and hurt my own feelings. We're doing better now but i still throw up in my mouth when I think about it. Не doesn't know. Share 3 ...


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