31 of the Strangest Things People Found Among Their Spouse’s Possessions

‘Six credit cards in my name that I didn’t apply for’
31 of the Strangest Things People Found Among Their Spouse’s Possessions

Sometimes, the only way to really get to know your spouse is by rifling through their belongings when they’re not around and coming to various conclusions based on your findings. The only drawback is, what you find can present haunting questions. Like the guy who found his ex’s teeth, a pair of his underwear and a phone he thought he’d lost mixed in with his significant other’s belongings. That’s certainly an assortment of items that means something! 

Other Redditors have unveiled the strange things they’ve found while doing a little sleuthing, and there’s one here that will forever change the way you look at a jar of mayonnaise.

telepathicavocado . 2y ago His sword collection. Не also has this cool Armenian ceremonial dagger. 309 Share ...
Maniac_Ransacked . 2y ago Every single scorecard from the MechWarrior game he plays at DragonCon. There are hundreds of them. 2.4K Share ...
ChineseChaiTea 2y ago My ex husband had tubes of fake blood, I thought it was weird I found them stuffed in the closet, I didn't say anything because it was not far off from Halloween. Our marriage was over and I caught him cheating. I decided to leave. I went back to get some belongings and he staged an accident with the fake blood on the kitchen floor (he was a fucking nut job) to make me feel bad for leaving he waited until I showed up and had an open bottle of Tylenol and fake blood all over his
CarlJustCarl 2y ago Edited 2y ago A short note I had written her on our 3rd date. Apparently I was waiting in her car for her to come out of work so I wrote a short note about how much fun I am having dating her and how gorgeous she always looks. It was late in the evening so I stuck it in her sunglasses case for her to find at a later time that week. Okay this was like from 15 years ago. Damn I was romantic. Share 6.7K ...
jackrafter88 0 2y ago . Edited 2y ago Six credit cards in my name I didn't apply for. New accountant pulled a Columbo and busted the soon to be ex after discovering 60k in hidden CC debt. Cut up all the cards in her wallet right there in her office and handed me the biz card of an attorney client she recommended. You'll be glad you did was all she said as I got up to leave. She's still my accountant after 23 years.
junojack 2y ago His fake teeth. Had been together a year and lived together 2 months. Не hadn't told me as was embarrassed but didn't change the way I felt about him at all. Just had to reassure him that it isn't embarrassing 2.6K Share ...
ThatBankTeller 2y ago Rare gameboy games. When we moved in together she knew I was bringing my workshop (console repair) to the basement and said she has some games in a box around there somewhere. She had nearly a thousand dollars worth of Gameboy games, a ps2 and Wii collection, among other stuff. She admitted that she never knew you could sell your games back to the stores, so when she finished playing them they went to the basement. 2.4K Share ...
awkwardlyherding... 2y ago Edited 2y ago There was an old report that he had written in probably the third or fourth grade which would've been the early 90's. It was about stallions (because bill and Ted I'm assuming) and on the first page it said wild stallions natural enemies are wolves and semi trucks. Oh that poor man, the kids absolutely loved the entire report and they still haven't let him live that one down. He's lived on a farm his entire life and knew nothing about horses. 2.1K Share ...
LifelsBeautiful365 2y ago A collection of rare coins from his grandmother stashed inside a care bear tin. 1.7K Share ...
2y ago pyroagg A rubber crab. My wife is freaked out by crabs. Apparently her mom has been hiding it in her stuff for years to scare her and has become a game between them of hiding it somewhere the other person will eventually find it. Occasionally l'll be looking for something and stumble across it in a new place. First time I found it was in the dog treats 2 years into our marriage and was very confused because she had not informed me of their game yet. 10K Share ...
G4rgOyle_Art1st a 2y ago . Edited 2y ago A pickled baby that was supposedly his 4x great uncle that was stillborn when his family was involved in a scientific field. It's in his basement and I refuse to go anywhere near it.
toastthematrixyoda 0 2y ago . Edited 2y ago A notebook full of beautiful sketches of trees, rivers, landscapes, animals, and people. Не didn't tell me he was an artist, so I was a bit shocked to find out that he was so talented. 12K Share ...
bigredroyaloak . 2y ago When my husband passed I found a garage door opener in his car. We don't use one and neither did his work parking. I have no idea what garage it opens. 3.9K Share ...
HamBroth a 2y ago He's hiding the Christmas gifts his parents sent us, even separate ones sent to each of us, and pretending they got us nothing. Not sure what that's about. 5K Share ...
room_temp_butter 2y ago When my ex and I lived together I found a box with a single set of dishes under his side of the bed. When I asked him about it, he said he was keeping them just in case he decided to break up with me so that he could leave at the drop of a hat at any given moment. I remember the conversation, he seemed so nonchalant about it all. Turned out to be a total sociopath. 2.5K Share ...
mag_nolias . 2y ago poetry he had written an ex after mocking me for writing poetry 613 Share ...
Otherwise_Pace3031 . 2y ago Ex boyfriend had a tin full of his toenail clippings that he for some reason saved. There. I said it. I might hurl again 1.3K Share ...
parsonis . 2y ago A dildo glued to the end of a reciprocating saw. 607 Share ...
KitchenWitch021 2y ago Ex husband now, when moving into the house we bought after getting married we were sorting through his boxes to see what to keep/throw out. Found a book called something like How to succeed at group sex. lol I was afraid to ask questions at that point. 2.2K Share ...
HorrorDivide69 2y ago A disturbingly detailed drawing of edward scissor hands with fanfiction of some sort written on the back not a significant other but a fling of sorts 707 Share ...
 . 2y ago MY pocket watch 928 Share ...
iFeatherly . 2y ago My first night/date out with my now wife, she pulled a dead bird out of her pocket... it was in a sandwich bag at least. 476 Share ...
 2y ago Probably the 3 year dead rat in half a jar of mayonnaise Yeah definitely the 3 year dead rat in half a jar of mayonnaise. Share 849 ...
Usernamer0987654321 2y ago Married 16 years. Putting away laundry and there is as a piece of paper that had reasons why monogamy was unnatural and unrealistic. How marriage is basically a scam. Lovely evening that was. 489 Share ...
Jade-E-Green 2y ago A series of katanas. Не is a martial artist and practices with them. I didn't know this when we started dating. But I assume he is actually a ninja vigilante and that's pretty hot. 264 Share ...
mOnstera_deliciosa . 2y ago I found eight boxes of ranch dressing in the closet of her spare room. 298 Share ...
PaulieLombardo 2y ago My ex's teeth, my underwear and a phone I thought I'd lost. 278 Share ...
1980pzx 2y ago When we moved in together she had the whole collection of goosebump books from when she was a kid. Just totally random tbh. 323 Share ...
 2y ago I bought my then girlfriend now fiancé a clone-ur-Willy it's a mold to make a dildo out of myself it glows in the dark and vibrates. I did it as a joke we laughed good fun she laughed hard well I tossed it and gave her the real present two years later I needed my birth certificate couldn't find it so I looked in her drawer and there it was still glow in the dark blue, and looked like it took a beating, like the original. Love that girl 400 Share ...
Lanielion 2y ago B We were moving and I opened an old suit case and found a woman's leg warmers and said who's fucking leg warmers are these? And he said they are yours from when you delivered pizzas ..... they were mine.. the most shocking thing was a pair of my own leg warmers. - lots of counseling and I'm a way less suspicious person now, we good 136 Share ...
HobbitonHo 2y ago His ex-wifes wedding gown. Apparently he had used it for a Halloween party and then stashed it away in the attic. 1.3K Share ...


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