26 Absolutely Bonkers Company Policies

‘There was a 12-page memo on the proper way to make microwave popcorn’
26 Absolutely Bonkers Company Policies

You gotta wonder what happened in a company’s history to make “No rides in hot air balloons” a strict rule for employees. Was there one guy who ruined it for everybody, or are they just covering their bases? 

Other Redditors have come forward with the bonkers company policies they’ve seen enforced at their jobs, including an office that published a 12-page memo about the proper way to microwave popcorn.

Again, you gotta wonder what happened there.

jvlpdillon 2mo ago I worked for a very large corporation. We were not allowed to ride in hot air balloons. I have no idea why, but it was in the employee handbook. + 4.3K Reply ...
luminous-beam 2mo ago Many airlines intentionally overbook flights, betting that some passengers won't show up. When too many people do, they offer incentives for volunteers to give up their seats. It's a calculated gamble, prioritizing profits over customer convenience and satisfaction. + 1.4K Reply ...
shok_antoinette 2mo ago At AutoZone, answering the phone was priority over the customer standing in front of you. The idea was the customer standing in line is already a guaranteed sale while a phone call is potential for more. + 7.3K Reply ...
UnhappyJohnCandy 0 2mo ago At a hotel I worked at, somebody fucked up the employee handbook: during fires we were to huddle indoors away from windows and during tornadoes we were to wait outside in the parking lot. + 4.2K Reply ...
I_fapped_so_hard . 12y ago Worked at a liquor store, and always had to wear an apron... I have no idea why, but it was mandatory... and heavily enforced. + 32 ...
traderjoestrekmix 12y ago At a pizza place they started charging us 25 cents if we got our food during break with ranch dressing. It's the little things like that that really kill morale + 47 ...
DontcheckSR e 4mo ago Have to say customer's name 3 times in an interaction. Could have a perfect interaction but if you don't say their name 3 times you get a lecture + 27 Reply ...
clocksailor 12y ago No jeans. Pajamas? Cool. Basketball shorts? Go nuts! But god help you if you answer phones in this invisible corner with jeans on. + 61 ...
Desertbro 4mo ago It wasn't a rule - it was the building itself. The CEO had clear windows put in all the office walls so he could walk around and literally see everyone in their office. Window from floor to ceiling. Only the door was solid. + 26 Reply ...
soonerguy11 0 12y ago My previous firm had a policy in the employee agreement that specifically stated I could not buy a prostitute for a client. + 51 ...
Picmover 4mo ago No t-shirts could be worn under our polos. I only discovered the rule a few years after I started because some overzealous new manager saw I had a white T-shirt on under my blue polo and warned he was going to write me up the next time I did it. I, of course, couldn't believe that was a rule, but he popped into the office and back out again and showed it to me in the rule book. 13 Reply ...
Napmouse . 4mo ago You must always wear a watch. You must never use the word next in a voicemail. You must always carry 3 X 5 cards with you. + 22 Reply ...
g1ngertim 2mo ago Starbucks has an official policy that the caramel drizzle bottles can't be used for hand soap at the sink. Also, according to the official policy, venti iced drinks come with the short straw by default unless theyre served with a dome lid. Enforcing that is a really fun way to piss off a customer that's acting like an asshole without doing anything wrong. 161 Reply ...
MrBasilpants E 12y ago I can get fired from Jimmy Johns if I have any color but white socks on OR even if they have under an inch of ankle. 14 ...
 12y ago . Edited 12y ago At the place I used to work, one girl got fired because she said hello to the company owner in English. She's apparently supposed to magically know that he hates being spoken to in English. Guy, you're in America. People are gonna speak to you in English. It happens. 10 ...
Fo- . 12y ago Men aren't allowed to wear shorts... . Ever. Even when you work on the weekend when you're allowed to dress down. Short skirt on a woman? No problem! Boobs hanging out? Have at it. Showing my calves on a scorching hot August afternoon? GO HOME WITHOUT PAY! True story. + 30 ...
MuppetHolocaust 12y ago Few years ago my boss required every employee to set the company logo as the desktop wallpaper on our PCs, in an effort to force-feed company loyalty down our throats. That policy lasted all of 2 months before everybody just collectively decided to disregard it. 11 ...
gmkeros 12y ago the company I work for has the policy to switch off lights in unused rooms (for environmental reasons), and the rule that light has to be burning in the whole building 24/7. So far they didn't quite realize the problem with those two rules. Posters are still up telling us to switch the lights off, and there are periodic mails going round telling us to not switch them off in any case. 11 ...
Sofie_Kitty 1mo ago At a retail chain I worked for, they had a policy where employees had to clock out for bathroom breaks. This wasn't common knowledge outside the company, and it felt really unfair and demeaning. It made a lot of us upset and frustrated, as we had to carefully plan when we could use the restroom without losing pay. + 615 Reply ...
NotAGuraffe 10y ago I work in a warehouse where we constantly lift heavy items. We aren't allowed to use back braces unless we get a load of paperwork signed by our doctor. And even then it's still a touchy subject. + 21 ...
 3y ago The dominoes I used to work at wouldn't let employees dye their hair unnatural colours because it looked unprofessional. A dominoes. 14 ...
thepatman 10y ago An office I worked at once had a 12 page memo on the proper ways to make microwave popcorn. It included rules on which kitchens you could make the popcorn in, what times of the day you could make popcorn, what settings on the microwave you could use to make the popcorn, what else you were allowed to do while the popcorn was cooking, how you could transport the popped corn, and where you were allowed to eat the popped corn. It was amazing. + 16 ...
clevermuggle 10y ago They tried to tell us we weren't allowed to socialize in the parking lot. As in, before or after our shifts, or on breaks. They tried saying we literally couldn't talk to each other on on property that didn't even belong to them while we were off the clock. + 15 ...
starmartyr 3y ago My company handbook has a specific rule against fireworks inside our offices. It's not a bad rule, but I wonder why they felt the need to write it down. Is there a story there? Like did some guy just set off a bunch of roman candles in his cubicle and then insist that there was no rule against it? 3 ...
taikamiya . 12y ago One employee per address. Buddy of mine was hired then had to quit after corporate found out. + 75 ...
KaiserVonScheise 12y ago No beards. Mustaches are a-okay. But no beards because it doesn't look professional. In a doughnut shop. Professional. Doughnuts. + 105 ...


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