16 Wild Reasons People Called Off Their Wedding

‘He had at least two other wives’
16 Wild Reasons People Called Off Their Wedding

There are times when calling off a wedding is for the absolute best. One Redditor had a doozy of an engagement and aborted wedding that would put any Lifetime movie to shame. She was 17 and still in high school when she met an Army guy on the internet (See? We’re off to an incredible start already). They immediately fell in love, and when he “loudly proposed at a pizza place,” she ecstatically accepted. 

Then, the red flags started popping up, like the fact that he yelled out his sister’s name during sex. When he went on a spiel about keeping his new fiancée “barefoot and pregnant,” the Redditor’s nonna asked her if she “really loved him or really loved the idea of a wedding,” which prompted her to call it all off. But since the spurned groom had already booked the Justice of the Peace, he didn’t let his appointment go to waste—he somehow found another girl to marry him instead. Lol.

Other Redditors have remembered the times they blew the whistle on a wedding, and each one is a bigger sigh of release than the last.

Blazingwand 12y ago My ex girlfriends mothers wedding was called off because they found the groom's brother dead on a rural road in Manitoba, Canada.He had been missing for 3 weeks. When The groom said he couldn't do it that day the bride lost her mind saying that just because his brother got himself killed(he was adventurous) she shouldn't have to delay the wedding. After about 2 hours of arguing he and I along with his family left. i broke up with her so did he. The groom and I are still good friends to this day. TL;DR grooms brother
sweet_static . 13y ago . Edited 13y ago This girl I knew was left at the altar. Both families were there and even all the groomsmen but no groom. Turned out they could track him because the groom's boss had purchased the phone and the boss looked up his GPS signal online and they found him in his truck under a bridge about 45 minutes away.
dear_science 13y ago My boyfriend's father joined the navy and left on a ship to avoid his wedding day. His bride-to-be had lied to him about being pregnant to guilt him into marriage. As the big day approached, she admitted she was not pregnant at all. She felt comfortable saying this because her father had ties to the mob and she knew he would be significantly hurt if he left dady's little girl at the altar. Не joined the navy to get away and dumped her as he was going to training. Не ran into her decades later and she
allehcat 12y ago Called it off because I got a Facebook message from the girl he was sleeping with. Didn't even believe her till she sent me detailed descriptions of MY house, complete with the color and pattern of my current bedsheets. Kicked his sorry ass out and kept the ring. Pawned that shit. Motherfucker was living rent free in my house while I paid all the bills. Dumped his ass, lost 100+ lbs. feelsgoodman.jpg 40 ...
Theycallmemaybe E 12y ago My friend called it off because she realized her fiancé would be happy with anyone who wanted to marry him. + 188 ...
throw_away_it . 12y ago Obviously, throw-away time. I called off my wedding four days before the big day. Two of my bridesmaids (my best friend since high school and my cousin) got into a huge fight because they found out that he was sleeping with both of them. It was cheating within cheating and was easily the most surreal and heart-breakingly awful experience of my entire life. 119 ...
UnicornPrime 12y ago After a day of trying on wedding dresses, just me and my maid of honor, we met my family and hubby-to-be at my brother's house for dinner. While showing a picture of myself in a dress to my mother, which was on my bff's phone, she gets a text message from my fiance. This is odd because i can see him in the next room and i can see my friend in the kitchen. I read it of course and its a huge confession from him to her, addressing how they had fooled around a few weeks
cherbearblue 12y ago My best friend called her wedding off 9 days before the big day. She discovered the he had emptied their joint wedding account playing online poker after he emptied his own personal account. She explained that the feeling of losing a down payment on a house, as well as the catering money wasn't anything compared to how she felt when he asked her for her inheritance from her mother (she had passed a year previously) to pay off more gambling debts. No apologies, no mea culpas, just more money. She walked, and 8 years later she's happily
 12y ago My fiance called it off when she found out I wasn't rich. Apparently there's a guy with the same name as me who is heir to this huge fortune, whereas I'm just some idiot from a lower middle class family. She came into my life like a dream and I was so taken with her I thought that it was like a fantasy come true. When she met my family and found out who they were, she litteraly ran from the house. I had to track her down and found out after the fact that she was
brittanyann77 12y ago Edited 12y ago My mom was engaged to be married to her high school sweetheart, let's call him Bob. Bob went to her doorstep two weeks before their wedding and told her he had joined the military and wasn't ready for marriage. Не flew to Germany the next day. Fast-forward 30 years and two divorces later, my mom was single with five children from two marriages. She runs into her old high school sweetheart Bob. Не is also single and recently divorced. They fall in love and have been together ever since. Spoiler Alert: Bob is actually
jadebear 12y ago We called off our wedding because I had a meltdown over centerpieces. We realized that our priorities were totally in the wrong place and it was becoming more about a wedding than a marriage. We cancelled the wedding and eloped the next week. No regrets. + 1.2K ...
nightmaremain 5y ago Runaway child bride? Anyway when I was about 12 years old smart phones became a thing. I started talking to a man online. Не promised to take me away from my family. We talked every single day and late into the night. We loved each other about as much as a 12 year old could live a 40 year old man. Не told me he'd make me a mother of many kids and planned to get me pregnant ASAP One day he drove down from Tennessee to pick me up. Не was outside my house waiting for
 5y ago was 17 at the time, and still in high school. Met an alleged Army guy (pre-full swing Internet, so no way to really check), and we hit it off. I was young and fell in love with guys really fast, so when he proposed, I was ecstatic. The red flags were there. Не asked my parent for permission. Не proposed loudly at a pizza shop (which, socially, would have been too awkward to say no anyway). Не didn't have his own place. I never met his family. I never saw any evidence of being in the military.
zeroshiftsl 12y ago Edited 12y ago My dad called off a wedding before he met my mother. Не was with this woman that really pressured him into getting married. Basically she just started wedding planning without a proposal. And my dad let it go too far. One night she and her mother were discussing what food was going to be served at the reception. So they asked my dad what he thought. Roasted chicken or beef? To which my dad replied, I don't care which one you're having, because I'm not going to be there.
savageexplosive 5y ago One of the people I know is what I can call a serial fiancée. She dates guys right until they propose to her, then she says yes, starts looking for venues, dresses, etc., and then she calls off the wedding and breaks up with the guy, saying I didn't wanna marry him anyway, he's (insert reason here). The last time this happened she had an AMA about her wedding on Instagram, but two months before the supposed date of the wedding all her photos, AMA answers and mentions of engagement were gone. Maybe she's getting a kick
chicklette 12y ago My mom was engaged to a guy who called off their wedding 2 weeks beforehand. At the time he said it was because his family didn't support his remarriage. She stuck with him,and eventually married him a few years later. Turned out he had at least 2 other wives during this time. She found this all out when he had a stroke and died, and another wife showed up at the hospital. In the end, mom lost everything and now she lives with me. :/ 20 ...


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