25 Wild Things Seen or Heard by Rich People’s Chauffeurs

‘I’ll give you $500 not to tell anyone what we did on the beach tonight’
25 Wild Things Seen or Heard by Rich People’s Chauffeurs

Rich people aren’t only delusional, they arrogantly flaunt their delusion in front of the rest of us. One Redditor was the driver for a wedding party of a bride-to-be, her boyfriend and a bridesmaid, all of whom rolled up $50 bills in the back seat to snort cocaine, which they then tossed into the front seat as tip money. Worse yet, during the ride, the couple kept complaining about having to show up to the wedding, but ultimately decided they should anyway. When the driver pulled up to their location, she realized that the bride’s boyfriend and future husband were not the same person

More chauffeurs of Redditors pulled over to tell us about the wild things they learned about rich people while in the driver’s seat, and Billy Bob Thornton is exactly how you’d expect him to be.

michgilgar 3y ago My chauffeur friend, who speaks Chinese, overheard an argument between a mother and her son. Apparently, the kid gambled away $200k in a day online. Eventually she apologized for overreacting. 10 ...
 3y ago My friends father drove the actor Paul Newman around when he filmed the movie Slapshot in Johnstown, PA. The only requirement was that there had to be a case of Budweiser in the car each day for Paul to drink. Apparently Paul did a thousand sit ups a day to keep from getting a beer gut. 11 ...
Pittsburgh_Rare 3y ago I drove a stretch suburban for a luxury hotel. I was sent to the private airport to pick up a group of guests who had flown a private jet in for a college basketball game. Eight guys in their mid-40s. When we were pulling out of the airport I hear the following exchange: We need to find some coke. You don't do coke. Yeah, but strippers like to do coke off my asshole. 13 ...
 3y ago Friend of mine drives for a professional company for Artists flying into Utah. Не drove Lil Jon to a gig in Provo, Utah, he said lil Jon only wanted to listen to his own music the whole car ride there 19 ...
jps98 10y ago Some woman got in carrying a life-sized-blow-up doll of Eminem. No one except the lady and Eminem was in the entire limo, so I was silent as I witnessed her doing some crazy sexual shit to the inflatable. Twas awkward as fuck. + 1.1K Share ...
 3y ago Been offered cocaine regularly. I've waited from 11 pm to 6 am for the customer to show up. Have picked up many CEO's from the house of their secretary only to drop them off at their own house with a wife and kids waiting in them. My best experience is when I picked up a famous singer in my country, and we sang a lot of her songs on an hour drive! I'm into music as well, so I let her hear stuff I made. It was great seeing someone like that as a regular human being
justbrowsing1212 3y ago My father was a taxi driver and back in the 90s Metallica was practicing at our local rink. Не told me that he picked up Lars Ulrich and didn't even know, my father told me that he drove him around for like an hour. When my father went to drop him off at the hotel , Lars says, do you know who I am? Trying to get out of paying him,when my Father already spent about an hour driving him around. My father replied I don't give a fuck who you are, pay me my money . He
counterslave 3y ago You learn to just tune people out and not pay attention to their conversations. But the moment they get real quiet and try to whisper, you instinctively want to listen. 99% of them are harmless. Best subject was an older salesperson tell a younger trainee on the road how to describe his purchases at a gentlemen's club on his expenses in order to not raise red flags on an expense report. 30 ...
Archaiclnsanity 3y ago My dad used to be a London Black Taxi driver and picked up his fair share of celebrities. Once he picked up The Sex Pistols, apparently they were acting rather uncouth, so he pulled over, got out of the taxi, opened the passenger section and proceeded to give them a rather stern telling off. According to my dad, they were then as good as gold and they even had an enjoyable chat the rest of the journey. 24 ...
limoguy 10y ago Limo driver in vegas here. I have so many good stories. A few years ago a famous oscar winning actor asked me for blow. This past New Years I had some pretty famous party girl jumped in my limo with her entourage. They asked to go cruising around and com back to the hotel. They jump in and roll up the partition. After driving around for about 45 minutes they ask me to take them back. I pull back into the hotel they jump out and give me $500 (on a $80 ride) and apologize for the
Money_Acct 10y ago When my parents started dating, my dad was a limo driver for musicians who played in major concerts in Philadelphia. I can't remember all of the stories, but I believe he said The Moody Blues were drunk assholes who threw things at their fans outside the limo. Another story is on my parents' second date, which was going to happen after he drove U2 to their concert. My dad picked my mom up, then picked up U2 from the airport, and they proceeded to be complete jerks to my mom. They got dropped off for their concert
VAGO 3y ago I'm pretty sure my confidentiality agreement has expired by now but I used to drive around a Hollywood Director that requested a Rabbi, a Priest and a Tibetan Monk accompany him to his meeting with the Studio execs in an attempt to salvage his cut of the film. I'm sure it made the trade magazines at some point, but not a widely known story. + 132 ...
cleanjudith . 10y ago A friend owns a limo company. A few weeks ago someone took a dump in the ice box in one of his limos. The best part was that someone from the party called a few days later and was like, We left something in the limo. Yes, yes you did. + 1.1K Share ...
mrw4787 3y ago My aunt was a driver for actors, mainly when they'd have shoots here in Oregon. She drove Woody Harrelson around for a time and she said he smoked weed constantly and she was always worried she'd lose her job lol 204 ...
SayNoToStim 3y ago I used to know a Chauffeur, he ended up driving around some big stars. Не was big dude, like 6'8 and super muscular. His best story was when he was driving around a few WWE (WWF back then) stars, and they awkwardly asked him to not get out and open the door for them because he'd make them look smaller. + 10K ...
saidin_handjob 12y ago My friend's mom and dad owned a limo service for a few years and a bus that they would drive people back and forth to some casino town is Mississippi (I think). According to her, her husband was driving a group of guys and a woman of questionable occupation around Kansas City in the limo when they uncorked some chamapagne, filled a cup, jerked off into it and gave it to her to drink. She did not decline. + 726 ...
uchallenginme 12y ago I drove for 6 Years, one of my favorite runs was a smoking hot girl that stripped for her boyfriend otw to our destination and insisted that i keep the divider down so i could watch. When we got to our destination she tipped me $170. GOOD TIMES + 1.5K ...
daaag 12y ago I was a driver for a limo company for two years. The privacy barriers hardly stop sound from getting through. It is very easy to listen to a conversation, even with music in the back blaring. This made it very awkward for me when I drove around for two hours, with a couple in the back having sex to music that sounded like whales being gutted while boat horns sounded. The music would get louder and louder until the couple and the music climaxed. I'm pretty sure they were married to other people because I dropped them
Mysticalmayo 3y ago My uncle drove limousines for a while some years back. Не had regular clients, like General Schwarzkopf. But one night he took a new client out. The guy asked my uncle to drive him to the bank and then take him home. When the guy called a second, third, forth, fifth time my uncle gladly drove him because he tipped really well. Then the cops showed up at my uncles house accusing him of being an accomplice to a bunch of recent local bank robberies. Не somehow managed to convince the cops that he had no idea
Proper-Beach8368 3y ago Edited 3y ago Picked up a wedding party: bride, bridesmaid, and bride's boyfriend who was paying for the wedding. They had a magnum of champagne and we drove around for quite some time while they snorted cocaine in the back. They were using rolled up $50s and $20s, then tossing them to me in the front seat as tip money. dutifully brushed off each bill and added them to my wallet, pretending not to know what was going on. The couple argued off and on about showing up to the wedding, apparently she felt weird about getting
letsryan 3y ago Edited 3y ago About 25 years ago I had a summer job at a very tony country club. Six figure joining fee, five figure continuing membership dues, and that got you nothing but the privilege of paying top dollar for rounds, food, etc. I was a porter some of the time, as we had cottages on club grounds for members to stay and make a weekend of it. One of my duties was driving members to and from airports - usually private airports for private jets. One time I'm driving two guys to the airport, and one of them
ZergsWithPoptarts Зу ago dude: let's go to the beach! driver: it's 2 am are you sure? Dude: sniffs coke then loudly proclaims TO THE BEACH Arrives at beach the dude does what ever in the sand and water Gets back into car Dude: I'll give you 500$ to not tell anyone what happened on the beach tonight Tldr, average beach enjoyer + 5.2K ...
 3y ago Billy Bob Thornton was doing radio press for a movie about to come out, meaning he had to stop by 6-7 radio stations for interviews. Не wanted to have a cigarette in the vehicle on the way to the next interview but I had to let him know our company has a no smoking policy in our vehicles. Не asked me to call the owner to make an exception but the owner said no and its a $250 cleaning fee if he smoked in the vehicle. Не asked to stop by a bank, Came out and handed
mattmu13 3y ago My dad was a chauffeur when I was younger and he told me of one story driving the director of a company down the road with the Blackpool illuminations in the company limousine. The director was standing up out of the sunroof with his arms out waving at people as he drove past. What the people on the street didn't know is that in the back of the limo there were 2 prostitutes blowing him. + 15K ...
NevadaFlint 3y ago Drove David Rockefeller in the 1970's to a golf tournament. Не had me wait all day just in case he wanted to go somewhere. Не left late from the country club and talked about his home in France and his Audi. Tipped me a cigar. Cheap bastard. Now when I drive REO speed wagon to a concert that was a wild ride but what happened in limo stayed in limo. Didn't drive often but company had ambulances and limos and I was an EMT and was assigned a limo when there was overbooking. 10 ...


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