20 Dumb Things People Have Tried to Legally Justify

‘The light wasn’t that red’
20 Dumb Things People Have Tried to Legally Justify

You kinda have to applaud the galaxy-brained line of thinking that makes someone refute a DWI case by saying that actually, they aren’t guilty because they were “not drunk, but high on meth at the time.” While yes, they were found guilty, it’s admirable that they thought that bit of information would be enough to let them walk. 

To that end, Reddit’s most frustrated legal counsel has disclosed the funniest ways their clients have tried to legally justify their behavior, including one woman who said the red light just “wasn’t that red.”

Ixpqd 5y ago The case was about a man stealing a women's purse. Woman: There was my car keys in there, my wallet... Defendant: There was no wallet. Judge: ... 80 ...
 5y ago I have a buddy (RIP) who tried to argue in court that he shouldn't be charged with breaking and entering because he didn't break the car window, it was unlocked! Love you my man, I hope Saint Peter was more lenient than that judge was. 115 ...
sunshineandcloudyday e 5y ago Guy was in court for trespassing and public indecency because he walked into a neighbor's house while naked and refused to leave. His lawyer tried to argue it wasn't public indecency because he was inside a home and not in public. 136 ...
buchanchan 5y ago Indecent exposure case. Lawyer: sir, why were you wearing underwear in front of Ms Smith? Florida man, probably: No sir. I never wear underwear! (Realizing that he was screwed) ... Except when I go to the doctor. Narrator: he was not going to the doctor 632 ...
MaiqTheLawyer 5y ago I watched a friend try a DWI case. Her client testified that she wasn't drunk while driving, and therefore not guilty, because she was actually high on meth at the time. My friend put her head down and started hitting her head against the desk. GUUUILLLLLTTTTYYYYY 16K ...
 5y ago . Edited 5y ago I took a guy to small claims court. His defense was I didn't have the product, so I couldn't ship it to him, obviously. The judge was like but you took his money? The guy: Yea, so I could buy the product and ship it to him. Judge: Did you do that? Guy: Not yet. Judge: do you have his money? Guy: No, I had had an emergency and had to spend it. That was that, I won.
3choplex в 5y ago I defended a guy on a DUI that jumped into the backseat after he got pulled over, and claimed someone else was driving. Не was the only one in the car. 25K ...
sevenliveslater - 5y ago My sister told the judge that the light wasn't that red. Then he said he was going to suspend her license and she said but my dad already took it away 26K ...
TurDunkaDoodle 5y ago It says here you were drinking and driving -judge No sir. I drank then I drove - a guilty guy 22K ...
EmperorPenguinNJ 4y ago Not me, but years ago met a guy who worked for the DA in Massachusetts. Had a case come in front of the judge, a guy caught with an illegal handgun. The judge is talking about how serious a crime it is in MA, and the kids says but it wasn't loaded! Не turns to see his attorney facepalm. 224 ...
smd451 10y ago A woman said she wasn't guilty of driving with a suspended license because witchcraft made her drive. She also said she didn't need a public defender because God was her lawyer. 33 ...
_fbn_ 4y ago Went to school with a guy who always carried a knuckle brass (illegal in Germany). Eventually he got pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt and was caught with the kb sitting next to the radio. Police confiscated it and he had to appear in court for possession of an illegal weapon. Не then went on to completely deny everything he was accused of. Said the cops lied, he was being framed etc. To prove that the kb didn't belong to him, he (in court) pulled out another one and put it on, claiming that this one
RomeDex84 10y ago Guy suing his employer for an injury at work that he 100% caused, just because it happened at work. 441 ...
secondchimp 10y ago A friend's uncle had his house broken into, and he ended up beating up the intruder. Later in court they asked him if he felt in danger, to which he replied nah, I knew I could take him. Не was eventually convinced to reply yes, I felt my life threatened so he wouldn't get in trouble. 71 ...
PrimaryLupine в 10y ago Buddy working graveyard shift at a gas station got robbed, police caught the guys. Не had to testify as a witness, and I had to drive him to court. So I hung out in the courtroom during the trial. One of the guys, acting as his own defence attorney, called the other guy to the stand and asked him, when we robbed that gas station, was I there? The whole courtroom facepalmed. 2.5K ...
snackburros 10y ago Pretty much all sovereign citizens arguments - American law doesn't run on the open sesame principle where a few magic words will open legal backdoors - but the best was a client electing to go pro se and claimed immunity via a Native American treaty, although the treaty had expired in the 1870s, he wasn't a Native American (he said he was adopted in jail by someone of that tribe), and the treaty's terms didn't grant him immunity anyway. His argument failed and he's looking at 150 years just in enhancements for 12 armed robberies and a bunch of assaults
Tsanker75 10y ago Trying to get out of paying his bill at a restaurant because he ordered a single beer, which altered his mental capacity thereby negating his capacity to enter into a binding contract when presented with his credit card receipt for signature. 1.6K ...
Slimpikin 10y ago On two seperate occasions I have dealt with people involved in an assault who, having thrown the first punch, said that they 'hit him back first'. 1.1K ...
steevo3 10y ago I work for car insurance. Someone hit a parked car and tried to tell me it wasn't their fault..... The car is parked sir, it was a bright day and in a parking lot. Well yeah, but it was in my way 832 ...
stylophonics 5y ago I was sitting in court waiting on a civil trial, and they were doing the criminal docket. The person was appearing on a warrant, because they missed a court appearance. When the judge asked them why they didn't show up for their court date, their only response was that date didn't work for me. 102 ...


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