30 Industry Secrets That Customers Aren’t Supposed to Know About

‘Don’t take a filthy car to a mechanic’
30 Industry Secrets That Customers Aren’t Supposed to Know About

Thanks to Reddit, we can learn all kinds of things that frankly aren’t any of our business — like the random secrets people are hiding from their significant others, or the intricacies of marriages that were obviously doomed from the start. 

But beyond the nosiness, Reddit is also a place for learning useful tips — like the fact that asking for an itemized version of your hospital bill can bring down the price, or that mechanics tend to treat clean cars better than dirty ones. 

This is the information that Redditors shared when asked about the little industry secrets that customers shouldn’t be privy to. A special shoutout to the person who disclosed how to get a discount from an online retailer. There should be a statue erected in your honor.

Rival314 28d ago For FedEx customer support, instead of dealing with an automated attendant, just say: I'm returning a call The system will then connect you with a rep and when they ask what call you're returning I always say I wasn't actually returning a call I just wanted to talk with a person My company FedEx rep taught me that and it works every time. 28 Reply ...
Woozin_squooners 1mo ago Electric guitars made out of fancy expensive wood will sound exactly the same as guitars made out of cheap wood. The electronics system is what makes electric guitars sound different from one another, not the fancy AAAAA flamed maple top. It's pure aesthetics. 1K Reply ...
JustanoterHeretic 1mo ago In Real Estate if you want to buy a house in the area, call the local agents and tell them that you want to SELL a house in the area and give some made up details and ask for a ballpark figure. You will get close to the asking price. 149 Reply ...
TastyWagyu 28d ago Be very careful about what you say to doctors and health care staff to go into your records. That information could be used against you by the insurance company for something completely unrelated years later. Got in a car accident 10 years ago and went to the doctor for a sore back but just iced it etc? Oh clearly that's what caused the work related injury 10 years later and you didn't actually hurt yourself at work. Insurance companies frequently search historical records for evidence the injury occurred elsewhere. 113 Reply ...
thefrumpy 28d ago The term military grade means high- cost, low-quality, but we have a military contract so deal with it. 115 Reply ...
UDPviper 28d ago Self-Storage industry. You reset your rent increase scheduling by transferring units. Most storage companies raise rent every 4-6 months. Complain about something, ask to transfer to another unit, your rent schedule resets to square 1. Let's say you get a rent increase every year, and it's month 11 since you moved in. If you go to another unit at the same price, it will take another year before that new one gets a rent increase. 59 Reply ...
supergooduser 28d ago I worked for Wells Fargo doing customer service on mortgages. If you use the keywords: lawyer, media or government we're trained to escalate you immediately to the highest level of customer service.
Dawn-of-the-Ginger e 1mo ago If your budtender recommends something out of the blue, it's probably old stock they are trying to push out. Look at packing dates on products being pushed. 171 Reply ...
spinctersezwhat . 28d ago Aquafresh Sensitive Toothpaste is the exact same as Sensodyne toothpaste 179 Reply ...
SirHovaOfBro... 1mo ago . Edited 28d ago 00 You can google templates for contracts, affidavits, and some legal documents and just fill them up yourselves. Will definitely save you some money especially if it's just a simple matter.
jbud3570 28d ago Many online retailers have what's called Cart Abandonment marketing strategies. If you put something in your cart and then don't check out, you'll likely receive an email or some kind of messaging with a discount code to incentivize conversion. If you're gonna buy something online, always at least try adding to your cart and leaving first before buying. 256 Reply ...
iMixMusicOnTwitch 28d ago Good audio engineers will have faders/knobs that don't do anything. When the talent asks for a change that's goofy or makes no sense, we'll adjust that phantom knob and watch them nod their head in approval of their amazing idea. 1.1K Reply ...
CaptainTime5556 28d ago If you have a hotel reservation arriving tomorrow, but with a two-day cancelation policy - - and you have to cancel.... Reschedule it instead for a week out. Then later, call back and cancel since you're outside of the policy. 331 Reply ...
antilley . 28d ago a mechanic. Don't take a filthy car to Clean cars are always treated better 346 Reply ...
Frdmgir7 28d ago . Edited 28d ago Call the nurse line on the back of your insurance card before you go to the ER. If the nurse tells you to go to the ER, insurance will/should have to bill as a covered claim. If the nurse does not recommend ER and you still go=big bill. 908 Reply ...
Southerner_in_OH 1mo ago Name brand packaged salads and generic supermarket branded packaged salads come off the exact same production line, using the exact same raw materials. The difference is just the packaging. 2K Reply ...
DachshundNu... 1mo ago . Edited 28d ago If you use Libby to download ebooks from your library to your Kindle, you can turn it to airplane mode and keep the books as long as you want. The next person in line is not affected.
The_Werodile 28d ago Just ask customer service for a replacement. Doesn't matter if you didn't buy an extended warranty. Doesn't matter if there was no warranty to begin with. A lot of companies just want to resolve customer complaints quickly and will give you free replacements on request. 1.3K Reply ...
StagTheNag 1mo ago if you know you're shipping something within a few hours drive of you, always pay for the cheaper shipping option. The premium shipping option is just a markup if you know you're sending something close by. It will arrive the same day regardless 4.6K Reply ...
OutlawLazerRoboGeek 28d ago You don't have to buy solar panels from some door knocker for $20k-$30k. There is absolutely nothing magical or financially superior about what they do. You can just buy the parts, or a kit, and hire an electrician to install it for about half the retail price. 706 Reply ...
Superstitious... 1mo ago . Edited 28d ago Most industries have retention teams because it costs 10X more to get a new customer than it costs to keep one you have. So if you call up and complain/threaten to cancel every other time they raise your rates they'll probably give you the introductory rate. Just be aware you might have to switch.
abbys_alibi 28d ago I used to work in the floral industry. Don't call a large national florist. Look up a local florist in your recipient's area and call them directly. Most have websites to help you choose and you'll save money on delivery and service fees which can go towards a nicer arrangement. Also, unless you order flowers regularly, the membership/loyalty program is a scam and hard to cancel. 5.1K Reply ...
Baby_giraffes e 1mo ago Hospital bills are negotiable, to a degree. Always ask for an itemized bill and put some effort into analyzing it. 13K Reply ...
lurch940 e 28d ago You can rent a nice casket for the funeral and be buried in a cheaper one 1.6K Reply ...
Spanksy_Banksy . 28d ago Just because you're on hold doesn't mean we can't hear you. 14K Reply ...
lamtherrealowner 28d ago Edited 26d ago When I worked in a hotel as a night porter the room cost was totally reliant if you were a dick or not, I obviously couldn't just give rooms away but I could pretty much knock off 50%. One day a very tired woman came in with her baby and I couldn't get the payment to go through at all so I did give it to her for nothing just had to make sure she was out before 9 am and I cleaned it myself. Thank you for all the upvotes, award's and kind
CromeDaBeast 28d ago This was 6-7 years ago so may not be relevant but when I worked at Enterprise Rent-A-Car, the higher ups were so tunnel visioned on positive customer reviews that if there was any problem at all we would write off anything from gas to whole days of rentals. We had a few repeat customers that would catch on and habitually complain about dumb shit to get parts of the bill discounted. Only a rating of Completely Satisfied counted and it was tied to bonus and promotion so a huge incentive to make people happy. + 6.1K Reply
reddititaly o 28d ago Orchestral violinist. Sometimes we don't play all the notes. 11K Reply ...
AssKetchum42069 28d ago I worked at a restaurant and one time the chef burned the apple sauce that was supposed to be served with the pork chop, he put it on the menu as smoked applesauce and people loved it 11K Reply ...
WaxinGibby в 28d ago Make small payments on your loans as often as you can. Get paid every week? Pay something every week. You'll pay less in interest over time. 29 Reply ...


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