32 of the Most Useless Things People Still Have Memorized

‘The barcode number for a Cadbury creme egg’
32 of the Most Useless Things People Still Have Memorized

While trivia is classified as useless in your mind, there’s actually a category below that, full of even more useless information. It’s so useless, in fact, that it makes you wonder if knowing it has some kind of negative impact on your brain. Like, is knowing Stick Stickly’s address holding you back from being a genius? Are you dumber for still remembering how to play “Hot Cross Buns” on the recorder? 

It’s hard to say. I can say with certainty that the aforementioned information isn’t helping you in any way. 

To that end, Redditors have revealed the most useless pieces of information they can’t shake, and a lobotomy sounds pretty good right about now.

lenovo22 11y ago There are 74 steps to get to my floor in my apartment. 53 ...
Beethead . 11y ago The treaty of Versailles. Woop woop. 25 ...
 11y ago The alphabet...in French. I can even say it quicker than the English one, and English is my first language and I can't speak French (apart from the alphabet and 'Bonjour'). 63 ...
Ready-Society4136 . 2y ago The first 12 lines of The Canterbury Tales in Middle English. 35 ...
MekkoLove 9y ago The first few verses of the poem Annabel Lee by Edgar Allen Poe. I had to memorize it 10 years ago for an English class. Sometimes I torture my husband by repeating it over and over again, so I guess it has some use. 6 ...
Complex-Ticket-28 2y ago It's a little late, but I believe it is too appropriate. Blueberries have the barcode 85661200101. A gallon of store-brand whole milk costs 4141500163. Although I caisher, I have no reason to recall either of these items. 179 ...
RadiantBit7776 2y ago You owned your car for four years. You named him Brad. You loved Brad. But then you totaled him... you two had been through everything together-two boyfriends, three jobs, you're like nothing can replace Brad! 249 ...
PaperFlower14765 e 3d ago All of the words to one week by The Barenaked Ladies. All. Of. Them. Also without me by Eminem. When I was a kid I used to make bets with my best friend as to who could memorize a fast paced song first. These two are still in there. 103 Reply ...
Worldly-Hyena-... 3d ago e Edited 3d ago For some unknown reason, I memorized the Budweiser banner... This is the famous Budweiser beer. We know of no brand produced by any other brewer that costs so much to brew and age. Our exclusive beechwood aging produces a taste, a smoothness and a drinkability you will find in no other beer at any price... 171 Reply ...
Unknown_Stonefruit . 3d ago My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. 87 Reply ...
otterdisaster 10mo ago I worked in a small town video store in high school, and the tape numbers for our 2 copies of Bill and Ted's excellent Adventure were 1848 and 1849. 31 ...
appleburger17 в 10mo ago Psalm 23. The whole chapter. I memorized it at a Christian summer camp when I was like 12. I've been an atheist for 20yrs. Can still recite it. 45 ...
Hugh_Biquitous 10mo ago My eighth grade locker combination. 37 ...
e 10mo ago velvet_underwear23 The Animaniacs cartoon did a song with all the countries of the world and I memorized it. 179 ...
OpposedToBears 10mo ago When I worked in the deli department of a grocery store, every item had a 4 digit code you put into the scale to print its tag. The ones for Krakus ham and an 8 piece order of fried chicken will be in my brain forever. Also, the I will find you speech from Taken 51 ...
Sea_Ganache620 . 10mo ago Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun. 459 ...
PortaSponge 10mo ago Pablo Picasso's full name Pablo Diego Jose Francisco De Paula Juan Nepumuceno Maria Delos Remedios Cirpriano Dela Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Y Picasso. Thanks ERB. 808 ...
liloldguy . 3d ago Mark Anthony's speech to the crowd after Caesar's murder. 596 Reply ...
sassafrass18 3d ago Preamble to the constitution 288 Reply ...
wemustkungfufight . 3d ago The cheat code to skip levels in Earthworm Jim on the Sega Genesis. A, B, B, A, A+C, B+C, B+C, A+C 512 Reply ...
collinnator5 . 3d ago The Wi-Fi password for my internet at my parents house when i was growing up. Havent needed it in over 10-12 years. 1f90415e15.
Hashbrown808 3d ago All US presidents in order. Thanks, Coach Mason, for your basketball trash can games and jolly rancher prizes in government class in high school! It all stuck! 302 Reply ...
InfernalOrgasm . 3d ago The alphabet backwards. I've been waiting to receive a field sobriety test, but I don't drink. 5.9K Reply ...
SWC8181 . 3d ago . Edited 3d ago Up up down down left right left right ba 1.2K Reply ...
oldtownroad420 . 3d ago Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya De La Rosa Ramirez 2K Reply ...
Consult-SR88 3d ago 50201600. The barcode number for a Cadbury cream egg. 3.3K Reply ...
scienceforbid e 3d ago How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail and pour the waters of the Nile on every golden scale. How gleefully he seems to grin, how nearly spreads his claws and welcomes little fishes in with ever widening jaws. 262 Reply ...
o 3d ago boxofmarshmallows How to play Hot Cross Buns on a recorder. 941 Reply ...
Batmans_Butler . 3d ago Scruff McGruff Chicago Illinois 60652 414 Reply ...
Smooth_Riker 3d ago Write to me, Stick Stickly P.O. box 963 New York City, New York State 10108 843 Reply ...
bronzebicker . 3d ago P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney 9.7K Reply ...
thefoxofficer 11y ago In New York City, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. The dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories. dun dun 29 ...


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