30 Times People Knew Newlyweds Would Definitely Be Getting Divorced

‘The bride slapped the groom in front of everyone’
30 Times People Knew Newlyweds Would Definitely Be Getting Divorced

There are some events that you don’t need psychic abilities in order to predict. For example, if you’re at a wedding and hear the groom say “I guess” instead of “I do,” it’s fair for you to assume that the marriage won’t last long. 

Redditors have recalled the instances they knew with 100-percent certainty that a marriage was doomed from the start, including one groom’s mother who put a downpayment on a divorce party while the wedding was still taking place. 

CapeAnnimal 3y ago I had a buddy who put himself through grad school playing violin at weddings. Не said there were several that 'everybody knew' it was the wrong choice. Не said you could just see it in their eyes and how they walked. 4.1K ...
The_Woman_S 3y ago Long time ago- worked as a wedding planner/caterer (depended on the client): woman calls on Monday morning, her fiancé had proposed the day before (Sunday) and she wanted to get married that Saturday.... 826 ...
hailbop 3y ago I worked weddings as a server for about a year and saw a ton of different things but one stands out specifically. This venue was on a golf course and in the middle of the reception all of the groomsmen and the groom got drunk and decided it was a good idea to go swimming in one of the ponds in their tuxes. The bride was standing on the back porch screaming at them, asking him how he could be such a dumb ass and lamenting loud enough for the world to hear that she married him.
Drumah 3y ago Night before the wedding, the bride-to-be tried to sleep with me on her stag night, crying on my shoulder she wasn't ready for marriage. Even my 18 year old hormonal brain did a big NOPE there. They lasted a year. 2.6K ...
mercuryrising137 3y ago Many years ago I had a side hustle doing cakes and would often get orders for wedding cakes. Long story short, the bride to be threw a full-fledged stompy- footed tantrum, locking herself in my bathroom and refused to come out because the groom was unreasonably insisting on having a say in what the cake flavour was going to be. Like, I'd say through the door, Get out of my bathroom! and all I'd get was a whiny defiant little NoooOooooooOooooooooO!!!!!! IIRC she was about 22. 1.4K ...
furry_hamburger_porn 3y ago I'm a musician and the son of a wedding photographer. I've actually played in a band whose leader, on the wedding day, took a deposit for the divorce party that was to follow. The groom's mother laid it down and said I give it six months. Nine months later, there we were, and there she (the bride) wasn't. 372 ...
 . 3y ago . Edited Зу ago I work for a catering company... I knew they were going to get a divorce as soon as the bride started grinding on the best man when the groom was puking his guts out in the corner.
 3y ago I worked fine dining/catering for over 20 years so I've worked lots of weddings and receptions. I once heard a bride at the reception during the toasts say that she actually thought she was asking out the grooms twin brother on their first date and that might actually be cute except she ...just kept going on. How the twin was more compatible, etc. then she ended the toast with well...as nice as you are you'll make a great first husband. I was walking past the camera man at that time and you can hear me on tape
psnWaikato 3y ago I work in the industry (side hobby) and I saw it before entering. Recent husband came to me, a total stranger to him, and asked what I would do if I found my fiance fucking her dance partner 3 weeks before the wedding. I just shook my head and walked away. 2 months. 7.6K ...
JoeEIRE 3y ago When the bride and groom argued over why the grooms mother shouldn't get all money given to them on their wedding day. Ya that was a red flag. 18K ...
ChronosDustorm e 3y ago It was the third time the bride had hired me and all the guys had been carbon copies. 32K ...
Twitfried 3y ago Photographing the groom and you see his eyes light up when a guest arrives. You look over and it's a cute woman in a short dress. Не smiles, walks up to the woman, picks her up and swings her in his arms. Best smile I captured of the groom all day. Marriage didn't last 6 months from what I've heard. 19K ...
JacquiTS 3y ago Heard from a friend who did calligraphy that a bride came to get wedding invites and the usual wording of 'bride mum and dad and groom mum and dad invite you to the wedding of bride and groom , bride didn't want grooms parents names on the invite. My mate did an invite mock- up called the couple for a check and the groom lost it, because grooms parents were the ones paying for most of the wedding. They didn't need any invites. 3K ...
MissCarolineC . 3y ago At a wedding when the I do's came, the groom said, I guess. 13K ...
yuri-123 3y ago I don't work there but once my cousin got married when I saw her husband I thought this won't going to last because they spent a fortune on the wedding even though they were poor. One year later they are divorced because of financial issues 402 ...
cookiemania 0 3y ago I know this sounds weird but I've found that couples where one party is super loud and over the top obnoxious, and the other party is the complete oposite are doomed from the get go. 369 ...
LunarNight 3y ago Ugh I photographed this awful couple. She was a sour cow, barely cracked a smile and all day she was following him round saying Maaaark! Get my shoes! Maaaark! Where's my bag? Maaaark! Не looked completely miserable and barely spoke all day. At one point we asked them to kiss for a photo and she said Oh, we're not that kind of couple. 396 ...
_lese_ . 3y ago I'm a musician and played for a ceremony that had the venue changed at the last minute, problem was, the only place available was a funeral parlour.... Last I heard the bride ran off with the best man within a year 311 ...
Birdapotamus 3y ago I've been the DJ at a few hundred weddings. There was drama at most of them in some way. One in particular broke out into an old school saloon style fight like in the old Western movies. I'm pretty sure that one didn't last. 1.2K ...
MrSnowden e 3y ago Groomsman at my roomate's wedding. Huge six figure splash-out. His grandmother gave me under-over odds of a year. We settled up at his next wedding. 160 ...
PhoneSteveGaveToTony 3y ago I'm a DJ and do 20-30 weddings each year. Bride booked me for a wedding, cancelled because she said they weren't getting married anymore and wanted her deposit back. I explained the deposit was nonrefundable, but she could apply it toward any future event, either for her or someone else. She contacted me 4ish months later wanting to book me for her wedding again...to someone else.
bdwells88 3y ago The bride bawled unhappily through out the entire ceremony. Spent the entire reception dancing with and crying on her best man's (he was on her side of the wedding party acting as maid of honor i guess) shoulder who also happened to be her cousin (?!?). The couple didnt last six months. 65 ...
twinkiebell1 3y ago . Edited 3y ago Several times! When the bride slapped the groom in front of everyone when he got icing on her face. I followed her to the restroom to calm her down and all she kept saying is 'My Dad will take care of this!' Her makeup was not messed up in the slightest. She was SOOO pissed. I felt sorry for him. 252 ...
MegaS0I22 . 3y ago Brother-in-law actual wedding vows: I promise to love you as much as my dog or Legos Starwars 53 ...
DrGutz 3y ago I was 12-13 and being introduced to my parents friends who just got engaged and i told my mom later that i didn't think they'd last and she asked why and i said because the lady never smiled and they got divorced 2 years later because the lady was unhappy 33 ...
nikesoccer4 . 3y ago When the grooms mother bullied the bride to tears at the rehearsal dinner, and the groom didn't bother standing up for the bride. It was clear the groom's mother was always going to be the main woman in his life 42 ...
jumbee85 в 3y ago At the wedding reception, the bride and groom just entered and were at the wedding table. The bride wanted to sit but wasn't pulling out the chair waiting for the groom to do, he just stood there oblivious to que, instead one of the wait staff that was just behind them pulled the chair out for her. 39 ...
the - I Z where them ORE od of bee adidas 1 pk04 3y ago I don't work in the industry but my friend was in my place wanting to call the wedding off because her fiance had been in a strip club on his stag do (her dad and other members of her family were also there). Even though she changed her mind and went ahead I said it would last less than 2 years. It actually lasted about 6 months 42 ...
imflukeskywalker 3y ago Wedding cake, shoved deep, deep, deep into brides nose/ nasal cavity. She spent most of reception in the bathroom digging it out with borrowed q-tips and anything else her mom and bridesmaids could find. Left in limo and groom stayed behind to drink with buddies. I think she had tricked him into getting her preggo should she could beat the bio clock. Не resented her for it and went through with the sham wedding. Moral of story? Maybe wear a condom if you want to be sure not to have kids you don't want. I dunno. Just
5h0ck . 3y ago Well, usually canceling the wedding twice the week before the actual wedding is a good sign.. They made it two weeks before divorce. 301 ...


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