30 Wild Incidents That Happened in People’s Neighborhoods

‘Every time they had a party a TV would get thrown through a window’
30 Wild Incidents That Happened in People’s Neighborhoods

When you live in a neighborhood long enough, you get to witness downright insane scenarios, like two neighbors using their leaf blowers against each other until the police are called, or all of the servers in town choosing a day to spit in everyone’s food as a unified act of protest. It’s quite beautiful how such events can be crowned as “The Incident” for decades to come, creating a bond between those who otherwise wouldn’t speak to each other. 

Redditors have remembered what “The Incident” was that took their neighborhood by storm, and these wild stories might inspire you to start some mischief of your own just to give everyone something to talk about.

 8y ago When I was about 9, some kid who had just turned 16 was driving around the neighborhood at around 40mph with some of his friends. As it approached me, the car slowed down a bit. One of the passengers decided to reach out the window of the car and grab me, which dragged me for a few feet and scared the shit out of me. My neighbor, a 60-something retiree who always worked in his front yard, saw the whole ordeal and tailed the kids to the park down the street. These kids refused to open the
PlaidParakeet 8y ago The overzealous animal control lady kidnapped my dog, my neighbors dog, and my other neighbor's dog on the same day... all from our yards... while owners were home. 137 ...
theaudiophiile в 5y ago My parents are currently waging a war with the neighbors because they keep dumping dishwater on the garden. They put up a fence and my mom dug a mote. The cops are involved. 37 ...
 8y ago Next door neighbor got all drugged out on acid, took off all his clothes and walked the neighborhood waving to everyone calling them his royal subjects. 322 ...
 8y ago . Edited 8y ago Every time they threw a party a tv would get thrown out a window or balcony. Not a flat screen, a tube TV. It would just fall from the heavens and explode, sounding like a car crash. It would just rain a 150lv 36 tube tv from the sky. Happened 4 times in one semester.
DrunkAssWizard 8y ago One of the nearby farmers fences was damaged in a storm. Cows broke it when they brushed against it. 60+ completely black cows walked in a herd down the street in my neighborhood at around 9:00 at night so you didn't notice them until their eyes reflected at yours when they looked at you. S000000000 much shit on the street, sidewalk, and lawns. My dad wound up taking our handheld spotlight and helping the cops herd them back to the farm. 163 ...
sborado 8y ago When I was a kid our neighbor built this giant deck on his house that actually went over our fence. We ended up having to go to the city to force him to make it smaller. We went to a family reunion shortly after, and when we came back he had a sign on his fence facing our front door that said peekaboo I see you Sborado's and he had set up a bunch of security cameras on his house that all were all aimed at our house. We pretty much just avoided him from then on
vac2ho 8y ago A guy that I grew up with had beef with the neighbor but he was on probation so he couldn't fight him. One day he brings his bigger friend over to jump the neighbor. The neighbor got a knife from his car and stabbed the bigger guy. That was the most police presence I've ever seen in my town ever. 12 ...
zsnesw 8y ago For a while there was a guy who would routinely break into houses, use their computers to look at porn and masturbate, then shit in the computer chair and leave like nothing happened. The mystery shitter still makes appearances around town sometimes. 10 ...
bad_bitch_nobutthole 8y ago On the bus home from junior high we saw a bunch of SWAT cars in the neighborhood. Turns out neighbor #1's wife was sleeping with neighbor #2 and neighbor #1 went after neighbor #2 with an ах. Still not really sure why there was a SWAT team there when I would imagine a regular police force could have sufficed, but for a tiny suburban town that was pretty exciting. 8 ...
thebunsrun 8y ago . Edited 8y ago An old man down the street forgot to take his meds one morning and subsequently went wandering around buck naked at 9 in the morning. 7 ...
Madscurr 0 8y ago The city pressure washed away some kids' incredible 4-block long sidewalk chalk hopscotch game. 5 ...
asianmangg 8y ago Huge store fraud in returning items with faux labels on them, namely stores like Target and Walmart. The family made 250,000 over a few years before they were caught and jailed. 4 ...
Teaboo_mom 0 8y ago The road caved in once, that was pretty neat. There's also the time my mom and dad beat the shit out of each other on the front lawn, that drew a pretty big crowd. 3 ...
RealLifeAprilLudgate 9y ago We have a guy who walks up and down the street and mumbles all day. One day he stripped naked and ran up and down the street until the cops came. We also have a crazy horse girl who likes to gallop up and down the street and make realistic sounding horse noises after she comes home from school. She's 17. 3.8K ...
wallsemt 8y ago 0 Edited 8y ago This very OCD lady who came out ever morning to pick up the fallen leaves and cleaned her garden. It was her compulsion in a sense. Anyways she ended up calling child services on another neighbour and her son. They ended up just dumping all leaves and garden waste on her garden and started a war between them.
OrSomethings 2mo ago We have a race up and down a mountain (Mount Marathon) on the 4th of July. It's not a huge mountain (up and down usually takes 1-2hours) and there are race workers/volunteers along the route. One man just disappeared during the race and was never seen again. They never found his body or any evidence of him. There were a lot of rumors about his faking his death, running off with a mistress, etc. 337 Reply ...
jkorpela e 10y ago Cop here. I went to a disturbance call where two neighbors were blowing leaves at each other with leaf blowers. They were actually mad while doing this. 2.4K ...
Bbrhuft 10y ago My neighbour cut the Cable with her garden sheers, I presume an argument over the bill. She wouldn't let the cable company in to repair it. So they had to by pass her house, my house and about 6 others had no TV, Phone or Internet for 8 days. 1.5K ...
gotn . 10y ago When i was a baby the old lady who lived above us put a hose through the window into my cot. 2.6K ...
princessaurus_rex 10y ago My parents next door neighbor (who is also my mother's cousin) sued them 3 or 4 times over property disputes and once because his adult son allegedly fell over a decorative rock to prevent said neighbor from parking on my parent's lawn. The guy's house has been condemned but they still live there. 174 ...
HAMSTYLE_ 10y ago Found a neighbor of mine putting his trash in my cans. Then when I confronted him he tried to fight me. 1.9K ...
costantinople e 10y ago When I was little our neighbor put barbed wire underneath the gap in our fence so we couldn't reach under and grab our ball if it rolled underneath. 135 ...
PenisBeautyCream 7y ago We were having our fence repaired after a tree limb fell on it. The repairman happened to step onto the neighbor's side while fixing the fence, and the neighbor ran out screaming at him to get off her property, and if he stepped over again she'd have him arrested. There was very little mystery as to why she was a divorcee. 144 ...
vmetalbr 11y ago not mine but my now wife had a neighbor threaten to kill our pet cat because some animal pooped on his front door (we did find our cat badly beaten up and bloodied once before), actually tried to pick a fight with me over it, tried to badmouth us to the other neighbors, who actually supported us against him. I went to the police, reported him and found a better place for my wife to live. Good riddance and good luck to him next time he causes trouble and the police gets involved. I think I have
Tyler_J 11y ago I once had these old lesbian living next door to us and they were crazy. They would yell at us for playing in the yard at like 9 at night, during the summer. To prove that we were bad kids they would hid in their bushes and video tape us. Then send the tapes to the cops. They also once blocked our driveway and honked at us for 2 hours until the cops came. They were old and bitter and had nothing better to do then bother us. 31 ...
 9y ago There's a woman who lives behind my parents that found my dad's cell phone laying in the yard, and proceeded to call my grandmother complaining that I drive too fast. She also pulled her car out of the driveway while I was driving down the road and attempted to hit me (while her kids were in the car) to prevent me from driving fast ever again. I was going 30 in a 25 mph, by the way. Bitch is crazy. 1.1K ...
GeebusNZ 8y ago I've posted it a couple of times before, but basically, one night, she had a loud argument with herself which turned into a loud argument with the neighbors, which turned into a home invasion of the neighbors, which turned into a home invasion for me and damn near getting stabbed. 62 ...
Le_9k_Redditor - 8y ago All of the waiters in the town spitting in everyone's food one night in protest, luckily I was at a cafeteria style brewery. 2 ...
Annepackrat 8y ago The woman who had my old apartment before me used to feed all the neighborhood skunks causing them to constantly hang around my dimly lit apartment building. My then boyfriend used to have to carry a flashlight to avoid startling one and getting a faceful of stink. 650 ...


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