30 Wild Dates Witnessed by Restaurant Workers

A husband and wife had a pizza fight
30 Wild Dates Witnessed by Restaurant Workers

We’ve talked about it before, but being a restaurant worker is a thankless job. You have to handle bizarre orders, juggle a bunch of tasks at once and pray that the people at their tables have enough human decency to leave a tip. However, every now and then, fate will smile on a server, and they will get the opportunity to witness a wild situation they’ll never forget. Like the guy on a Tinder date who was rocking back and forth in his chair until he ultimately “flew too close to the sun,” tipping completely backward, knocking himself out and pissing his pants. And while yes, that server likely had to mop up a fair amount of errant piss, they at least got to witness a rare bad date triple-double that likely won’t be topped. 

To that end, Redditors have served up the worst made-to-order dates they’ve ever witnessed, and the server whose energy got consumed by vampires is in our thoughts and prayers.

Durnovarian 5y There's a habit of some older couples where the elderly gentleman will order on behalf of his wife. I guess it might have been cute and romantic once, but it doesn't work with some younger couples. I was serving a younger couple (early 20s), who seemed pretty early into the relationship. They were ordering drinks and he orders her drink for her. Far from being dazzled by him knowing what she wanted, she didn't want any of it Well I'd actually like a latte, not a coke. But fine whatever, if I don't get a say... Не responded
Jps1023 5y I worked at a fondue place. 1.5-2 hour meal for two people. Four courses, the works. Couple came in and he had pre-arranged with us to present an engagement ring with the chocolate course with melted chocolate on the plate spelling Will you marry me? Also roses and other embellishments on the plate. Apparently the entire meal she was explaining to him how bad he was at being in a relationship. Too needy, too emotional, somehow also didn't spend enough time with her and wasn't connecting with her? It was an hour long breakup speech. We come around
 5y In law school I always worked the Sunday morning shift at the restaurant in town and it was always SOOOO dead but I'd bring homework so it was mostly ok. Every other week, this couple would come in and order G&Ts and nachos and sit for hours talking about how attracted they were to each other, their sex life, and would joke about sneaking around and what not. I never thought much of it. Until one day, I walked into the dining room from the kitchen and saw the lady had already been seated in a booth facing
wheelchair_boxing 5y This was just before Tinder and dating apps were a thing. It was a blind date, guy and girl. Guy shows up first and is excited, until he sees his date. She had their mutual friend show him an old photo of her because she had since gained significant weight. You can tell he was let down, but decided to make the most of it. They order drinks and appetizers. We didnt even get appetizers out before the guy noped out of the date. Не sat at the bar asking us to bring the appetizers to him there.
CigarJpug в 5y Late to the party but I will share my story. Had a couple come in one night and everything seemed to be going fine. We just hired a new sever who was training and I asked her if she had any questions. She was still nervous about greeting tables so I told her she could shadow me and watch what I do. We go over to the couples table and all I hear from the new server is YOU FUCKING BITCH I KNEW YOU WERE CHEATING ON ME Turns out the guy was her bf on a
nmouchel 5y One of my first jobs in New York was managing a lounge/cocktail bar in a high end hotel. At around 3 or 4 o clock, a guy that looked pretty cheesy (slicked back hair, bad suit etc.) came up to me and demanded that he get that window table tonight for his date (he had a reservation for 8pm). I explained to him that I can't guarantee it etc etc and he slipped me $400 with the How about now look in which I eventually caved in and told him that I'd take care of it. Не then
icysunshine 5y Was a cocktail waitress at a bar in a high-end restaurant a couple years ago. This couple comes in right around peak hours, guy looks annoyed, girl looks really excited. The whole time the girl is trying to talk to this guy and he's completely ignoring her. Не gets a call and talks on the phone for a good 10 minutes, hangs up and starts talking to anyone around him but her. He's getting more and more drunk and starts hitting on the female bartender and eventually the cocktail waitresses (myself included) telling us he could get us
AgainstBelief 5y I work at a dinner theatre, and we usually do proposals where we set up a 'random draw' where the winner comes up on the stage to win their prize, and are then surprised by their partner who proposes. It's usually sweet and makes everybody in the room all fuzzy and warm. This one guy wanted to take it further and requested to perform a song - he brought his own music and everything. We're pretty easy going at this job, so we agree to let him do it. We do the fake draw, the woman comes up on stage
mesoziocera 5y I was at one of these fancy speakeasy type bars they've started opening up installing a new invoice printer for their Point of Sale system. Waiting for the printer firmware and driver to install can take 30 or 40 minutes on slower computers, so I'm people watching. As I'm standing there watching bars fill up, I notice a gorgeous blonde in her late 20s is sitting with a very well-manicured looking guy in his mid 40s. He's dressed like he just left a high dollar law firm, and she looks like she's going to a fancy professional cocktail
Lampmonster1 5y I've told this one here before. I worked in a resort hotel, high end, I waited tables in the fine dining restaurant. It was pretty common for people to propose there, so much so that I had a system for the whole thing. One guy came in and wanted to do the ring in the champagne thing, and I talked him into doing a dessert alternative that doesn't result in a sticky ring and champagne on the floor. Anyway, long story short. I bring the ring, she says Dammit, I've told you before I'm not marrying you. Не
HappyLittleTrees17 . 5y There was a couple sitting at the bar together - seemed like it was a first date. Maybe after 30min of them being together I'm in the back rolling silverware and the dude comes running into the back and goes, there's an exit back here, right? and proceeds to bolt out of the back door. We were all flummoxed. The girl sat at the bar alone for at least another 45 minutes before she left. ... 23.5k
LSDnoiseparty . 5y Chiming in late, but one comes to mind. I had a mid 40's man with a young and attractive mid 20's woman sitting at the bar. They were engaging in small talk and ordering drinks, nothing out of the ordinary. After possibly 45 mins a lady storms into the bar, and immediately goes up to them. She grabs the man by the shoulder and says you.. You're a cunt and walks out. The man turned to his perceived date and says yeah, she does that and then left the room, leaving his date to sit there, staring
shadez36 . 5y Not technically a waiter, but I worked at McDonalds (one of the thankfully less trashy ones) and a couple came in. Woman sat down and the man tried to order. There was lots of umming and ahhhing at what he wanted to buy, he ordered two meals that we gave to him and he went and sat down. What followed was a 10 minute shouting match about how he wouldn't take her on a 'proper date' and how he fucked up even a McDonald's date. Guess he ordered the wrong thing. ... 11.1k
PM_MOI_URBIGTITS 5y The couple started shouting and then both went into the washroom... we thought they were smashing and dashing without paying, but they came back. I heard some of their convo and it was SOOOOO awkward. Guy: so do you golf cuz I golf? Girl:No. And it went on like that for their whole date.
ThereandBack22 . 5y I guess you could call this a couple date. I was working at a wine bar when a married couple sat down on a pretty slow night. I went over the specials and they ordered. Once appetizers came out the man thought it would be a good idea to serve his wife divorce papers. I did my best to avoid that side of the bar. I did bring out tissues for the wife who was breaking down. I ended up boxing up the dinner. The guy paid but I do not envy that ride home. ... 22.9k
bonsai_bonanza . 5y A guy proposed to his girlfriend at the booth across from my friends and me...at Olive Garden. When he got down on one knee and opened the box, she was shaking her head and then just stared silently. It must've been a whole 30 seconds of pure silence, but it felt like an eternity. Then, the guy proceeded to describe the ring, how much it cost, the different aspects of it, etc. Finally, the girl just went, Nooooooo and the guy just sat back down and they tried to finish their dinner. I caught eyes with our
hexiron 5y Couple came into the restraunt dressed very goth. I wasn't their server but I was running the cash register just a few feet away. They proclaimed to everyone that they were energy vampires, but not to fear them because they won't hurt us. They said they didn't need our food for sustenance, but enjoyed the tasted. After ordering the meal they then politely asked the waitress if she would stick around for a second so they could feed off of her aura so they could have enough energy for the night. The waitress said ok and gave me
significantmundanity . 5y Really little guy, maybe 5 foot 4, 120 pounds comes in with a gigantic woman, probably 6 feet tall and easily 300 pounds. Both tatted the fuck up with piercings to match. The woman orders her dish and before I get the guy's order, he says in a sexy voice, I think you want more than that. She smirks at him, says, You know I do, and orders three more entrees. This was clearly a thing for them. They seemed incredibly happy together and became regulars at my restaurant. I feel like I played a not insignificant role
TheStankTank . 5y They sat down and, from the girl's body language, you could tell she was into him. As the date progressed she closed off, then sat pretty much sideways, then was playing on her phone. The body language shift occurred over maybe 1.5 hours. Не didn't stop talking the entire time. She did give some nods and uh huh's in response; even perked up a few times to contribute. But his monologue never stopped. ... 39.6k
Corticulture 5y When I was bartending this guy came into the bar on a week night, average looking guy, late twenties. Не sat down and asked for a drink and told me he was nervous because it was his first date in 3 years and they had met on tinder. Не arrived 20 minutes before her expected arrival to get rid of some of his nerves....two hours passed and he waited for her with no text or call explaining she would be late. This woman walks in, walks up to the guy and I'm thinking wow! She really came!. She
Agentx6021 . 5 5y Husband and wife fight. Wife cried. Husband got up and threw a pizza slice at her face. ... 4.4k
youngandstarving . 5y First date, I would estimate college age. They're eating and the girl says I'm having a really nice time, but my friend just texted me and asked me if I wanted to hang out, and I said yes, so I actually have to go. ... 2.1k
ANPhik 5y Date seemed going well, but the guy was nervous and fidgety. Не was rocking back on his chair a little as he would talk and eventually flew too close to the sun. Toppled his chair backwards and knocked himself out cold. And peed his pants. Не had to be taken out of the dining room on a stretcher over the span of 20 minutes, while his Tinder date did the honorable thing and immediately went to the bar and ordered shots. We gave them to her on the house. ... 2.9k
PrinceLemonade . 5y Working at a chili's on Valentine's Day, the girl gave me her number with her boyfriend in the bathroom, I came back and had to deal with her being sweet to him and nice the rest of the dinner. I did not call or text her, just was weird everytime she'd look me in the eyes following. ... 5.2k
kklolzzz . 5y This trashy couple I served were disgusting people to begin with and to top it off the woman was trying to be sneaky and jerk him off under the table. Unfortunately I saw this happening and just pretended like nothing was happening because I didn't want to deal with it ... 3k
midgetT-rex . 5y Served a deaf couple having a fight. They went from both of them signing furiously to her crying and signaling to me for a stack of napkins for, I assumed, her tears. She whips out a pen and starts writing paragraph after paragraph angrily. It was awkward because i kept having to come back to the table since they ordered multiple courses and he was just eating and signing while she was hunched over the table writing away while crying. When they finally left they tipped me pretty well though so I guess it wasn't too bad?
geewhizz90 . . 5y I was eating at a restaurant and heard the hostess ask a couple she was seating if they were out for anything special. The husband replied, No, it's just our anniversary. It has inspired my father in law to drop that line almost anytime he goes out to eat now. ... 27.6k
 . 5y A girl brought two tinder dates and played them off each other game show style. They seemed to be unaware this was what would happen. Splitting the bill was hilarious. ... 4.6k
Oreosforever . . 5y This wasn't so much as awkward but just unusual: Served a young couple at a high end Italian restaurant that came in wearing matching outfits. I asked them what the occasion was. They were celebrating their 3 month anniversary. I'm so glad they found each other. ... 9.5k
naesheim_bech 5y A woman in her 50s and a guy in his late 20s/30s. Не was wearing a graphic, gory Happy Tree Friends shirt and she was in a full fur black coat with a mesh shirt underneath (??). Straight up gothic Cruella De Vil. They didn't speak a word to each other except when I came to ask how their meal was going, and they both started complaining that their wine suddenly tasted of soap (even though they'd had the same bottle and glasses since they sat down. Convenient that they start complaining for a free bottle when they're


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