35 of the Most Evil Pranks People Have Devised

‘I replaced all the soap in the dispensers with pancake syrup’
35 of the Most Evil Pranks People Have Devised

Pranks, by their very nature, are devious. But these pranks take that deviousness to a whole new (and ridiculous) level. One Redditor, for instance, removed all of the marshmallows from his sister’s new box of Lucky Charms, putting them in a bowl, taking a picture of him eating them, taping the picture to the inside of the box, resealing everything and putting the box back in the pantry for her to find later. That’s some seriously messed-up attention to detail. Another Redditor was working in the registrar’s office when her mentor asked her to handpick a class for her. She happily obliged, and put together a class of 15 girls — all of them named Sarah. 

Other Redditors have recounted the most evil pranks they’ve ever pulled, and quite a few of these would make the Devil say, “Damn, I wish I thought of that.”

Bambi_One_Eye . 5y ago I used to help my mom (a teacher) make quizzes/tests for her history classes. I once made a 30 question true or false test have all false answers. 147 ...
OkSir4079 3mo ago In my younger years I very slowly, over 3 months or so, stole all the spoons from my pals kitchen. Just one at a time and not on every visit. I gave myself away when I could hear him in the kitchen one evening ffs, what the fuck is happening  as he wigged out I couldn't help but laugh. Was fun whilst lasted. 17 Reply ...
CallMeKroniiK . 5y ago Let rip a silent fart and asked my mum if she could smell popcorn, she took a few good sniffs before it hit her 3K ...
Nexaz 12y ago Me and a friend once committed 2 months to convincing another friend of hours that his house was haunted. It actually got so bad that he has to sleep with a night light again, he's 24. 11 ...
JoinOrDie95 5y ago My dad retired from the fire department a year ago. I hid a Bluetooth speaker in my parents bedroom and at 3 o'clock in the morning played the fire department tones dropping at full blast. I've never seen him in such a confused panic. It was amazing. 386 ...
itsEDjustED 0 5y ago At my high school senior class picnic way back in the late 80's, I spread a rumor that the brownies I brought were pot brownies. Half a dozen kids went to the nurse because they were 'so stoned'. 1.3K ...
whyareyoulkkethis 5y ago My dad said that he and his mates picked up their very drunk passed out friend with the chair he was on. Put it in the back of a Ute drove him to the middle of nowhere and left him there, chair and all. 3.4K ...
AxecidentalHoe 5y ago At my sisters swim meet, I found an ice machine tucked away in a garage looking thing. So I started collecting the ice and somehow managed to put ice in nearly everyone's shoe at the meet. It was a wild beautiful moment of pure confusion and chaos. Everyone started freaking out and no one knew it was the little shy girl who secretly enjoyed turmoil:) 13K ...
JUSTJESTING 5y ago A friend kept trying to steal my sushi off my plate at a sushi restaurant. So while she wasn't looking I stuffed it full of wasabi, put a bit of fish back on top to cover my tracks, and pretended to not be looking when she started reaching towards it. She tossed it into her mouth, started chewing down, and I just swung my head towards her to say you fucked up 5 minutes of coughing, muffled screaming, and copious amounts of water later, she had learnt her lesson. 21K ...
Bobik8 . 5y ago In high school I went into the boys bathroom and replaced all the soap in the dispensers with pancake syrup. 7.1K ...
rainbowdick1982 5y ago The AM supervisor at my office is a short little man who likes to work from a laptop on a rolling adjustable desk. For over a year I gradually raised the height of this desk and watched as he went from sitting on a stool, to an adjustable tall task chair, to standing. Last week he removed the wheels from the desk to lower the height. Не doesn't realize it's adjustable. 22K ...
 5y ago . Edited 4y ago I made fake versions of internet explorer that turn your PC off when started in the ICT class at school.
Omnidexicon 5y ago e Edited 5y ago I created a fake uniform policy poster for my highschool. It wasnt perfect but people were idiots so they fell for it. It took everyone about a week to actually read the poster and see that it was obviously fake. Some people still showed up on the first day wearing the uniform that i designed.
 5y ago Two of my friends have never met eachother. Before they spoke I told both of them that the other is a bit deaf. They shouted at eachother for a few minutes before they realized that I'm an asshole. 77K ...
Altephor1 . 5y ago Edited 5y ago Not me, but a coworker collected weeks worth of hole punches (the little white cirxles that get punched out). Then he got our boss' car keys and carefully stacked them on the edges of the vents in her car, set the AC dials to max and left them. 630 ...
hyperkitty1026 5y ago Kept both regular and honey nut cheerios at the house because my mom and my dad each ate one type and hated the other. Unless you look close, they appear the same so one day I switched the boxes. The looks were priceless. 2.6K ...
cryslea 5y ago One summer in college, I worked in the registrar's office, registering all the incoming freshman. A prof who was a mentor to me was teaching freshman seminar and asked me to hand pick a class for her. Straight A students, high SATs, whatever. So I did. 15 students, all named Sarah. 55K ...
iamawesomerthanu . 5y ago I put hot sauce on my little brothers toothpaste one morning when we were kids. Не apparently thought he was being poisoned 2.7K ...
Raztafarium 5y ago Bought a new TV after saving up for a couple months Next day I played a video on the tv to make it look like it fell and was broken/cracked, and my housemates all individually fell for it Delighted with myself 3.6K ...
Snakebiteloo 5y ago Welded a co-workers boot to the floor. Не had worn out the toe caps on his steel toed boots. While he was making a weld kneeling inside a large peice of equipment (on steel) I put a small tack weld on his boot so he had trouble breaking it loose and getting up. 3.9K ...
McSmashley 5y ago I was nine. My dad just had hernia surgery the day prior and was recuperating on the couch. Before I left for school, I put the Martha Stewart channel on and left the remote just beyond his reach. Не spent eight hours learning how to arrange pillows on a bed. Не exacted his revenge fifteen years later. I'd just had my emergency c-section and he put Frozen on and left it on a loop while the entire family left for the mall and left the remote just out of my reach. Revenge is indeed a dish best
The_Mantis-O-Shrimp 5y ago I remember it like it was yesterday. At summer camp my cabin's leaders found a little snake that wasn't doing so well so they decided to put it in an old terrarium in our cabin. A few of the guys were nervous about it. So the next day when the leaders decided the snake was well enough to release, I asked that they keep quiet about releasing it. when the other guys got back to the cabin and found no snake in the terrarium, chaos ensued. 19K ...
Troidin 5y ago My mum's laptop wallpaper was a picture of her granddaughter. I copied the picture 100 times and made her wallpaper a slide show of the same picture over and over again, so the file would change but nothing would change visibly on the monitor. The pictures would change every 10 seconds. On one of the images I painted a tiny little curly moustache on her. So randomly for 10 seconds my niece would have a moustache. My mum thought she was either losing her mind or had a computer virus and everytime the moustache popped up, it
captbadass26 5y ago One night I replaced every framed object in my bosses office with a picture of me making a stern face. Posters, certificates, photos, etc. Took like 3 hours because he had like 30 framed things in his office. The next day I made sure I was out doing field work to make him sit with it most of the day. Не had a lot of foot traffic to look at his office that day. 21K ...
NJtoTheBay 5y ago Over a decade ago I worked in the warehouse of a Guitar Center. We dealt with inventory, shipping and receiving. We had a dumpster behind the store in a shared parking lot that people would leave random things in even though it was not a public dumpster. One day we found a a broken beach chair in an open cardboard box. The box had a shipping label on it. It was left in such a way that it was easy to assume that the chair/box combo was left by the same person. We packed the beach chair
Thin_One 5y ago I worked at a fast food where the boss was too cheap to get AC installed, in the super hot summer days we would all sweat so much that we could wring sweat out of our uniforms. There was this boy who i had a love hate relationship with, we would always prank each other but mine were always tame, until one day. Не left his drink in the back while he was flipping burgers, i grabbed a vinegar packet, cut open a corner and put a straw directly into it and exchanged it with the straw
wafflepark 5y ago I lived in Korea for a bit. When my mom came to visit I told my Korean girlfriend it was an American custom to greet older women by touching elbows. I told my mom the same story about Korean customs. It was a thing of beauty. They were not pleased. 39K ...
mc_freak2013 5y ago People in school used to always take my Gatorade. So I took an empty bottle, filled it with dyed salt water, and let them take my drink. Not gonna lie, it was hilarious watching one person to spit salt water in the middle of class only for their unbelieving friend to do the same. 11K ...
busted_up_chiffarobe 5y ago Gradually over the course of two weeks moved my coworker's monitors closer to the front edge of the desk. Like 1/4 per move. Until they were so close the keyboard barely fit. Stupid small desk, she grumbled, near the end. I then moved them back, just as slowly, over a few weeks. She never caught on. 5.3K ...
fredzout 5y ago My coworkers in the Chicago office asked me to bring back a phone book and the hotel stationary from my business trip to Kansas City. They were preparing for another coworker's bachelor party for the night before the wedding. The groom was known for drinking to an extent that was considered legendary. After a night of drinking, he woke up on the morning of his wedding in a hotel room. Не checked the nightstand and found the Kansas City phone book. the desk was stocked with KC stationary. His friends had clued the front desk staff in
Kevin_Uxbridge 5y ago Edited 5y ago I've posted this before but I made a friend believe she was being followed by a garden gnome. For years. Many of her friends are involved plus other helpers. She shows up at a B&B in Scotland (that we'd recommended) and there was a gnome in the garden, and it looked exactly like the gnome that'd briefly turned up in her yard. Then she saw it on her way to work. Then in Provence. And Germany. It really did look like the same gnome. It was. 1.1K ...
doodlewacker 5y ago I have an extra mouse in my desk drawer at work- I have the USB plugged in to the docking station of the obnoxious guy a couple cubes away. On days he is particularly obnoxious I will take out the extra mouse and move it around every few minutes... he has never realized because it's plugged into the docking station and not his laptop. Не has even had the laptop replaced. Never noticed... it brings me to tears silently laughing sometimes... I have to be careful not to over do it... 1.1K ...
Morilicious 5y ago Edited 5y ago Mom can't tolerate sweet things. Since she can remember, she never ate sweets. When i was 6 or so, during breakfast, mom left her newly brewed coffee on the table. My older brother encouraged me to put more sugar as a prank. So i did. Mom came back, stirred and than drank and spit out a rocket. We started laughing saying it was a prank, explaining that we put extra sugar in it. She looked at us as if we were stupid. Apparently i put salt instead. Her coffee was at sea salt level.
CarnivorousConifer 5y ago Picked out every last marshmallow from my sister's box of lucky charms. Then took a photo of me eating a bowl of just charms, printed it, and put in the bottom of the bag. I then sealed the bag back up, hot glued the box and back in the pantry it went. 7.9K ...
BooBooDragon7899 . 5y ago Sneakily placed 10 small alarm clocks around my brother each a minute apart, let me just say he had a rough morning 140 ...


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