34 Harmless Little Pranks People Pull to Entertain Themselves

‘I sneak movie quotes into company-wide emails’
34 Harmless Little Pranks People Pull to Entertain Themselves

The monotony of routine can force us to create new forms of entertainment. One Redditor understands this concept perfectly — when they’re uncomfortable at a party, they yawn and watch the yawn spread from person to person like some kind of sleepyhead virus that slowly infects the entire group. Another Redditor purposely staples single-page papers that they turn in to their professor to create subtle confusion and mystery about the absent second page. 

Other Redditors have revealed the harmless things they do to amuse themselves during their day-to-day lives, and if you think everything really does feel mundane, create a little side quest that no one else knows about. It certainly seems like a lot of fun.

atmosphericswim 12y ago Sometimes I say the exact same sentence twice. For Impact. Sometimes I say the exact same sentence twice. For Impact. 20 ...
solardreams 12y ago When someone asks me a harmless question (like the name of an old movie or an actor's name), I pretend like I have to mentally search for the name, although I almost always know it immediately. People feel more comfortable if my memory seems to be less perfect than it is. 33 ...
xdivinelyfex 12y ago I always play dumb. I am quite intelligent and I have a great memory. People tell me things (often lies), and when they retell it with another party present, it does not match up with their previous story. I don't call people out on this, but rather just smile and nod. 36 ...
saturatedtowel 12y ago Whenever I go to an overly crowed place I like to pretend I am a super secret ninja- assassin and I have to blend into the crowd in order not to get caught. 23 ...
LongUsername 12y ago I had a friend in HS (not popular at all) who would put headphones on while riding the school bus, but not music. It would allow him to hear what others were saying when they thought he couldn't hear. 36 ...
 12y ago I like to drive to somewhere, park, and read in my car for a few hours. 44 ...
imsohighley 0 12y ago When I'm at a party and uncomfortable I yawn and watch as it gets passed from person to person in the room. Works like a gem. 75 ...
SMS450 12y ago When I'm playing a video game and I'm home alone, I start to empathize out loud with my character. For example, say I'm playing Fallout: New Vegas. If I'm low on health, I'll start gasping out loud and swearing under my breath. If I'm playing, say, L4D, and I end up all alone, I'll start talking to myself, saying You'll be fine, just gotta find the others.
unmoralOp 12y ago When I'm home alone and cooking something, I pretend I'm being filmed for a cooking show. My accent tends to sweep through various parts of Europe as the show goes on, for some reason. I do this for even the most mundane/easy cooking tasks like making boxed mac & cheese or a pb&j sandwich. It actually helps me focus; my food comes out better when I do this. 197 ...
emkoirl 12y ago I find it very peaceful sitting on a toilet in a bathroom, so I tend to spend a lot of time in there sometimes, just sitting, slowly peeing or shitting, and thinking about life, and other interesting things. 238 ...
SparklepireBETCH 12y ago . Edited 12y ago In high school of my Freshman and Sophomore year, me and my mother would brainstorm the day before school of ways for me to get out of class so I could go home. The number of days you can miss in New Jersey schools is 21 days. I was absent 57 *times and passed each year.
Nathonamore 12y ago . Edited 12y ago I like to wear bandages when I have no injuries. Sometimes I'll just wrap one arm or my lower stomach in cloth bandage and say that I fell, but it's mainly just because I like the way they look and feel.
Rubix22 12y ago Edited 12y ago Before I shower, I like to turn the cold water on, turn off the lights, spread a towel on the floor and lay on the bathroom floor naked for about 5-10 minutes. The whole thing gives me goosebumps all over, and the sound of flowing water is very soothing and meditative. The coolness of the air and the floor tiles is also very soothing. I don't make a daily habit of it, but I especially take advantage of it when I'm staying by myself in a nice hotel, and don't have to worry about
darkniven 10mo ago I sneak movie quotes or song lyrics into company-wide emails. 322 ...
jdx99999 10mo ago From one end of my supermarket to the other is a five minute walk, sometimes I just walk back and forth a few times for no reason to kill 20 minutes. No one has ever questioned what i'm doing. 347 ...
TheSaucyCrumpet 10mo ago Of a sunny disposition One of the greatest joys at work (Ambulance Service) is when a nosy neighbour asks me what's going on and I get to tell them: Shark attack, big one! with accompanying eyebrow raise. Never fails to cheer me up. 868 ...
Eoin_McLove . 10mo ago I often get calls about wheelie bin collections at my job. Occasionally I will replace the word 'wheelie' for 'willy'. 707 ...
chasimm3 10mo ago I made and distributed a bingo card around an office I worked in. The card had a bunch of business speak phrases on it. People got really into it, there was some genuine cheers when one of the higher ups said bleeding edge technology. 701 ...
LumpyTurd 12y ago Whenever I'm on a public bus or train and there's somebody playing their music through their earphones at an unreasonably loud volume, I stare them in the eyes and bob my head along with the beat. They immediately feel awkward and turn their music down or off. 1.8K ...
 12y ago When no one is home and I've been listening to either David Bowie or Lou Reed I put on make up, Fishnet stockings, panties, and a leather jacket and then proceed to dance around the house like a stripper. I'm a bearded, hairy dude. 743 ...
st1dge . 12y ago I post pictures of kittens online and pretend that I found them in a dumpster. 579 ...
TeamDas1 12y ago Every paper I turn into professors that is a single page, I staple the corner. Just to make them curious all day as to what the second page contained. 558 ...
BuffaloToast 12y ago If i see someone staring at me, ill stare back and start to wipe my face or keep tugging on my hair and look at them pointedly as if they have something on their face. 844 ...
JeffreyGlen D 12y ago I like to sit in busy parking lots and appear to be waiting for someone, but really I just like to watch people. 934 ...
Amberburry 12y ago Edited 12y ago I like to people watch. I usually do it on the roof of the Luckylsupermarkethere's a parking lot on the roof]), in the downtown area of my city. I've seen; a man get hit by a car, the cart return person (accidentally) smash a bunch of carts into oncoming cars, women smacking their children, what seemed to be a bunch of drug deals, drunks stumble into their cars after getting out of the bar (same parking lot) and cops drive right after them. It amuses me to watch people live their lives. 1.3K ...
lamLeven 12y ago When I get really into a videogame I talk to myself and give myself on advice to do better. I'm basically my own personal halo coach. 1.1K ...
Dickfore 12y ago I've noticed that I quietly mouth conversations with myself as I walk in public. Sometimes it's just an unintelligible jumble of words, other times I pretend I'm someone else. 1.3K ...
IndubitablyBlue 12y ago I fake-slept once on New Years Eve at my friends house. Then my friends decided to have sex right next to me. The look on their faces when they woke me up was almost worth how awkward it was. 1.1K ...
 12y ago i hear stories or jokes online and pretend that my friends told me them instead of strangers on reddit 1.7K ...
PineappleSurprise 12y ago I talk to myself. A lot. I have done this since I was a kid and didn't have many friends, so I wonder if it was created as a way for me to have social interaction. I don't know. Anyway, for days in a row I will have conversations with myself, as me playing both the role of myself and the role of the other person. If it's a job interview or a situation in which I have to impress someone, I will practice speeches of things I can say/mention that make me look good. If I
olididcas 12y ago When I'm alone, or about to fall asleep, I like to explain things to myself in my head. I usually think of a topic and then just go over the facts in my head, going into detail about how it all works, the things that affect it, etc. I do the same thing with TV shows and video games, where I go over the details of all the characters, how they relate to one another, the different aspects of the story and setting and how it all works and whatnot. It's sort of comforting to have a
blu90 12y ago When someone says something stupid, or something that doesn't make sense, I pretend not to hear it and ask them to repeat it. That way, they have a chance to correct themselves if they catch it. 2.3K ...
MrDNL 12y ago I can fake sneeze whenever I want. A well-timed sneezing fit has gotten me out of many a boring meeting. 478 ...
cherrycoke44 . 12y ago I have fake arguements in my head over and over until I have devised the perfect way to win the arguement should I ever need to. 18 ...


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