34 Insane Ways People Ruined Parties

‘I made out with my ex wife’s mother’
34 Insane Ways People Ruined Parties

Parties are unpredictable. One wrong move can mess it up for everybody, especially if that wrong move is “throwing a beer bottle into the fire,” resulting in a stream of boiling-hot beer splashing onto a woman’s legs. An ambulance was called, and she had to get skin grafts. Needless to say, that party was ruined. 

Other Redditors have remembered the times one party animal messed it up for everybody, and an eight-person synchronized puke session sounds equally impressive and disgusting.

 . 7y ago When I was in my first year at college, a girl stabbed herself in the leg with a paring knife and then cauterized the wound with the butane torch we were using to do dabs. She was stone cold sober. Someone took her to the hospital where they institutionalized her on the spot for self harm. She's on anti-psychotics now and it doing fine from what I know. 52 ...
ncouch212 7y ago One of my friends told about how there was this girl giving a blowjob to a dude in a closet. Few minutes later, the dude was screaming because the girl had a seizure while sucking his dick and almost bit it off. And this dude was only like 16 or 17, so he had to go to the hospital and get it stitched back together. + 154 ...
youngstasio 7y ago I seen my friend chug a fifth of jaeger and then about an hour later he was standing in the living room pissing onto the floor as well as his pants that were around his ankles + 284 ...
KingOfTheSchwill 0 7y ago A guy fried & ate a pet goldfish. Was beyond fucked up. + 549 ...
manicbassman 7y ago someone fell through a glass topped table and badly slashed their arms... blood everywhere. + 826 ...
 7y ago A drunk guy threw his plastic cup into the pool when he finished his drink... and the guy who's party it was went off... turned off the stereo, got everyones attention and gave a mental lecture about not throwing anything into the pool. Within 4 minutes everything was in the pool. Plates, glasses, furniture, books etc etc... and worst of all... about two dozen pot plants. + 5.4K ...
 7y ago Our friend got too drunk, so he walked outside the front porch and threw up off the balcony right in front of the downstairs neighbor's door. Then, he went to the back balcony and threw up off of it, right by their back door, so our downstairs neighbor was trapped by vomit. 472 ...
efwbphoto 7y ago Someone locked themselves in the toilet. Well, want do you do when you need to go and you're out of options? Pee out the window. We were on the 5th floor. + 657 ...
AHOY Hagan311 0 7y ago I saw a girl eating a sandwich in the corner of a party with a dog watching. The dog kept going in to take bites of the sandwich and this led to the girl drunkenly moving it at the last second to make out with the dog. It happened for a good five minutes. I put down my drink and left right then. + 5.2K ...
jjrumbl . 7y ago My sister got too drunk at a party. She fell into a bonfire and degloved both of her hands. + 8.5K ...
FunHitler 12y ago Large house party in college, it was really rocking. Everyone was having fun until some dumb drunk jock decided to jump from the second floor balcony. Не landed poorly, shattering his tib-fib with exposed bones. Seriously hurt himself and totally killed the party. + 394 ...
lamLeven 12y ago I went to a formal and I had a really awkward date. She started off in the beginning lecturing me about endangered free range cows. Then started asking me random questions like what brand of sandals do you prefer. Then she got into a religious argument with a kid who was Muslim and claiming that he is worshiping a false God. Then when I finally got her to come dance with me she sprained her ankle. + 1.4K ...
alwaysdelightful 7y ago Guy had a party at his Grandmas apartment that faced a busy street. After a few too many, he decides to moon passing cars. Ass went through the glass, his friend caught him before he fell through. Party over while moon man went to the hospital. + 1.9K ...
baggman420 . 7y ago my friend pissed in a beer bottle, gave it to an extremely drunk girl, who drank the whole thing. + 575 ...
scrimpies - 12y ago Everything was fine until it was time to leave and there was a moat of vomit at every exit, all from the same girl. 466 ...
TheSealsRadioactive . 9y ago A line of 8 people vomited at the same time in front the whole crowd. I was impressed. There was lots of booze apparently. 119 ...
augenwiehimmel . 9y ago . Edited 9y ago Let me put it this way: around midnight some dude asked me if I had found his front teeth... + 580 ...
stickleboing e 9y ago Friend spat in a girls face. I had to sleep in the kitchen and used the inside of a cupboard as a pillow. + 1.4K ...
MrPeel11 9y ago Fools decided to hold the keg in the basement. The party got way too crowded and people ended up camping around the keg... as you can imagine, the basement got exceedingly hot and crowded. With too many bodies, stagnant air, low ceilings and heat someone eventually threw up. This coupled with an already empty keg caused a stampede for the one narrow staircase out. A bottle neck ensued and someone got wedged and pushed so hard into the door frame at the base of the stairs that their arm broke in two places. Hysteria, police and an
Affordable_Z_Jobs 9y ago Edited 9y ago Friend told me about this Corporate party held for the clients he was at. Open bar but pretty dull with people being on their best behavior to schmooze and make the clients feel important. It was open bar in the sense that employees were understood to hold their shit together. One very very low on the totem pole employee got hammered drunk with one of their biggest clients and finger-banged the hell out of her in the pool for like half an hour. Fired that following Monday. Probably worth it as he was making
webrowsr . 9y ago WEBY oh dear God, I made out with my ex wife's mother at a pool side party. Yes booze was involved. + 4.9K ...
Couchtiger23 9y ago I was at a trashy shotgun-wedding reception and slipped off to piss in the bushes. When I came back there were two blonde strippers dressed as cops arresting the groom. I said who the fuck rents strippers for a wedding really loud right as the music cut out. They weren't strippers. + 5.4K ...
jordansw 9y ago There was a guy blowing glass bongs and pipes at the party I was at. Someone got so shit faced and knock him over which set the house on fire. Good times. + 1K ...
bonrmagic 9y ago . Edited 9y ago Was invited to a sorority party and thought it was going to be like the movies... wild. Boy was I wrong. Ended up sitting in the corner of a room smoking hash all night and watched one girl eat an entire roast chicken to herself before I sauntered home blazed as fuck at midnight. There was no alcohol at the party. It wasn't like the movies.
hank_moo_d 9y ago It was a bachelor party. A friend of a friend was getting married, i ended up there because my buddy had an extra invitation. Strippers all around, booze and shit. About 30 minutes later, 5 to 6 wives break in the place and start to yell at their husbands (almost all of them with a stripper by their side). I left as soon as possible and maturbated myself to sleep. + 1.5K ...
SinglnMeMuse 9y ago Went to another college to visit some friends. I walk through the door and realize somethings wrong: they were all drunk, and watching some fat chick poop on the floor. I left 5 minutes later still laughing hysterically + 2.9K ...
BowsNToes21 9y ago Some girl apparently had made out with a guy who wasn't her boyfriend before leaving. Someone at the party tells him via text and a little while later someone is kicking down the door. Не barges in waiving a gun around screaming, Which one of you motherfuckers made out with my girl? People are ducking, scurrying away and I'm just standing there thinking, If this is how I die I'm going to be pissed. Host who knew him quickly pushes him out the door. + 4.4K ...
notjane 9y ago I threw a surprise birthday party for my middle sister last year & she got super upset. She cried and made a huge scene in front of everyone at the restaurant. She thought her boyfriend was gonna propose because he wouldn't tell her where they were going. She's the worst. 409 ...
deviousdumplin . 9y ago . Edited 9y ago The floor collapsed under the weight of a throng of jumping Freshmen.
yourepregnant e 9y ago somebody brought their baby. keep in mind were all 17 year olds so wtf 3.8K ...
May9th2015 9y ago Edited 9y ago I visited a buddy of mine at his college and he invited me to his fraternity's party. They forgot to send the social email to the sorority. So none of them showed up. This was supposed to be a huge party, so all the bros showed up hammered and angry at seemingly everyone that there were no girls. It was a toga party. 55 dudes, 0 girls, and 55 togas. 3.7K ...
Batmanstarwars1 . 9y ago . Edited 9y ago My buddy's girlfriend jerked off his dog while he was out back talking. She did it to prove she could get anyone or anything off. It was horrifying. 3.2K ...
thumbwrestleme 9y ago Highschool, late 80's, at an outside party with a bonfire to celebrate the end of the school year. Some numb-nuts throws a glass bottle of beer into the fire. About 20 minutes later the bottle explodes and shoots a stream of boiling beer all over a girls crotch and legs. Ambulance was called, I believe she required several skin grafts over several months . I can still remember her shrilling scream and then her passing out. 3.1K ...
Ellis_D_Trippman 12y ago Years back I was at a pool party, by nightfall everyone was pretty wasted. One of the guests thought it would be funny to fill a Jagermeister bottle with ipecac. And offer shots to the people in the pool. 12 or so people did the shots and were so wasted that they didn't care that it tasted funny. A few minutes later it was a total puke fest, in the pool. Kinda like that scene from family guy, but in water so everyone was screaming and scrambling to get out as the puke swirled around them. +


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