28 Times People Decided They Were Done Helping Others

‘Someone spat gum in my hand when I was helping them up’
28 Times People Decided They Were Done Helping Others

There comes a time in everyone’s life where helping someone winds up being more trouble than it was worth. One Redditor knows this all too well. She recalled being supportive to a friend who found out that her husband was cheating. The friend and husband ended up working through things and remain married today. But, in a shocking twist, this friend also decided to start sleeping with the Redditor’s husband. 

Other Redditors have revealed the times they deeply regretted doing someone else a solid, and in these situations at least, it would be understandable if they never helped anyone again.

abbystarheart1 4y ago I planned an entire wedding in 30 days for a coworker. I was the photographer, flower girl, bridesmaid, planned the bachelorette party, had my mom make all the food, found the waitstaff, the venue, made and set up all the decorations, all for FREE. A month later the coworker got pregnant and left the job cause of covid. She has not texted me once. 18 ...
gracefull60 4y ago My husband is a nice guy but my weird entitled neighbor kept asking me to ask him to help her out because she had a lazy husband. One thing my husband wouldn't do was install an electrical outlet for her new hot tub. Не does some electrical for us, but for someone else is just too risky. Her whine was but my husband is too lazy to do it and will just watch sports so I'll have to PAY someone to do it! That was the last straw. Imagine working on your neighbor's house while he sits
brock_lee 1y ago New guy at work asked a question, and I answered it, and he said That's not what I asked. And, it was exactly what he asked. The very next time he asked a question, including something like I don't know much about databases, so how do I... and I explained it (not mansplained it) and he immediately replied I know that, I know a lot about databases... OK, no more help for him... 5 ...
Tit_Save 4y ago I met an older man while walking in the neighborhood. Не had brain cancer and was driving his dog around because it was tough for him to walk her. Не pulled over to talk to me. Не seemed really lonely and the pup was starved for attention. I offered to help him walk her and we exchanged information. Then he sent me a dick pic. Nope. 53 ...
InjectedBacon 4y ago Live in land lord came to my room and asked if I could scrape the sidewalks, because she almost slipped. I did it and didnt even get a thanks, or any nice gestures. I've done enough of thankless help for others, I dont feel like helping anyone anymore. 39 ...
yippeeykyae 4y ago After years of being the friend who would help move, go visit if they were distraught, pick up the phone to listen any time, rush to their side if they needed me, when I lost a very important person in my life and needed help moving, no one was there. Fuck em all. 32 ...
frankoshii 4y ago I was visiting Rome with my family when I was around 10/11 years old. My dad gave me around 20 euros to buy whatever my little kid self wanted. I saw a homeless man with what looked like amputated legs(he had bloody looking bandages on them too). So, I gave him my money with a smile and he stands up exposing his legs he was hiding among the blankets and bags and walks off. I was in awe 23 ...
marcusbevibin 4y ago My best friend broke up with his gf and I told him to let me know how I could help and in around 30min he comes back to me asking for a blowjob, stating that you said to tell you what would help I thought he was joking but nope...dead serious. 54 ...
Forcekin6532 4y ago Edited 4y ago I worked as a manager at a grocery store in a fairly middle class neighborhood. One day I was closing the store and as I was leaving for the night I saw a guy was stranded cause his car battery died. Не saw me leaving and asked for help so I told him I'd pull my car over and give him a jump. As I get the jumper cables from my trunk. Someone jumped in my car and drove off. The guy starts his car and leaves too. 67 ...
Karma_Does_Come 4y ago When my sister borrowed my kids Christmas fund and then never paid it back...then expected something from us for her son...I wrapped her phone bill and left it on her counter...bye girl.. 80 ...
missbookazoo 4y ago I used to cover a class for one teacher during my planning period fairly often. The one time I needed him to cover my class during his planning period so I could attend a ceremony for my graduating seniors, he said no, and proceeded to tell his own students (period I usually covered) that he didn't feel like babysitting. Students obviously told me, since it upset them hearing that, and I stopped covering for him when he needed. 94 ...
Crazy_Comment_Lady 4y ago When COVID started, a friend had just had a baby. I didn't want to risk getting out and about (I still don't) so I sent groceries by way of Instacart to her home. She never said thank you, only got mad that I didn't (nor have I) offered to babysit for her during the pandemic. We don't talk much anymore. 506 ...
Stannis2 4y ago I had a live-on site summer job where I became good friends with this hippie couple in their later 20s. When the job & summer ended, I had go back to college and move into my new apartment with two roommates; arranged at the end of last semester. The couple needed a place to stay and I let them crash for a couple days. Two months later I was the asshole that had pissed off my roommates and had to toss the hippies. Too bad, we were really good friends and the overstaying their welcome had really
tricorehat 4y ago I often donate to causes I feel strongly about and still do to this day, now typically it may not be a ton of money ($20/month as an example) but my rule is, if they contact you for more money you're likely going to have to discontinue. One group called me and basically belittled the amount of money I was giving saying they really need people who are contributing $100/month or more, or large one time donations. I immediately told them to stop any further payments from autopay and to stop contacting me. It makes me reconsider
browniemugsundae 4y ago I crashed my car covering a coworker's shift. They needed help because they couldn't find a sitter and I get guilted into covering all the time. That wasn't the time. My **** it moment was a month later, after I finally saved up enough for a new car, it was stolen outside of my work when I was covering a coworker's shift. When I needed help or my shifts covered? Oh sorry I'm busy I can't. 1.2K ...
13Bill 4y ago A friend bought a car and I thought I'd be nice and help her out by fixing it for a lower rate than any of the local shops. Next thing I knew she was trying to get me to rebuild the car. I was done at that point. 721 ...
whittenaw 4y ago When i was 17 i got my driver's license and suddenly everyone needed a ride. No one ever wanted to offer to pitch in or anything. Then one day i got volunteered without even asking me and i was like f this and the next vehicle i got was a tiny truck with barely any room. No one asked for more rides. 229 ...
datas_cat_spot 4y ago Im a nice person, I look after people... colleague is sick? I go out and buy cough medicine or paracetamol for them. Got no food? III get you a takeaway. I never expected anything in return but one day I was asked for money. I did... not alot... it was like 20... and they eventually gave it back... then they asked again... and again... never wanted food...or a train ticket... just money... Then the last time I lent them money he walked straight into a betting shop and put money on a football game... that was it.
Karenkiller49 4y ago . Edited 4y ago When someone just spat some gum on my hand when I tried to help them up, and to this day screw them
Kooky-Management-785 4y ago When I rushed to another state about 2,000 miles away to help my sister because of a medical issue, and for whatever reason she decided to have her neighbor help her instead, without letting me know. It was 3 months ago and she is fine but still has not contacted me. That was the end for me 6.2K ...
 4y ago Me and my gf were leaving a McDonald's and pulling up to the stoplight. There's this homeless old man that we've seen around the area ever since we moved here and my gf decides, since we've never given anything to this guy and he's always there, we should give him one of our mcdoubles. Не comes up to the car, says thank you! And walks back to his corner as the light turns green and just tosses it on the road right in front of where we're driving.. 8.6K ...
hideout78 4y ago We were asleep one night with window open. We wake up bc there is a couple walking down the road arguing. The girl is closer than the guy. Next thing we know the girl is banging on door begging to come in. We call police. They get there and couple gone. They tell us that's a common ruse being used in area to get you to open door so they can rob you. 14K ...
superwhovianlock 4y ago I stood by my best friend when she cried to me about her husband cheating. And he definitely was cheating. They stayed married and said they work through it. Six months later she was fucking my husband behind my back. 1K ...
iBelievelnSpace 4y ago When I had a truck during college. EVERYONE suddenly wanted me to help move them. Most were cool and gave me money or ordered pizza (unprompted btw). One time however some dude I barely knew needed some help. I show up, and nothing is packed in his apartment. Не had a giant fish tank and lived on the 3rd floor with no elevator. It was a fucking nightmare and I never got a dime nor food or even some beers. I never talked to him after that. 22K ...
KairiZero 4y ago After working free of charge as a freelance graphics guy to build my portfolio up, and having a client basically make the most minor of adjustments, and constant revisions - four posters which should have taken me a day tops really....ended up taking 3 months. And when they wanted poster x4, I wanted money - ghosted. Lesson. Learnt. 16K ...
FireandlceT 4y ago Had a newish neighbor ask if he could borrow our lawn mower....sure. Well more or less every week he would come and get it out of our garage, use it to cut his grass, put it away without cleaning it or adding gas. In the fall we mentioned it was a good time to get deals on a new mower. Не never talked to us again. 29K ...
LifelsSweetSoAml 4y ago Was donating baby/toddler clothes to a mom in need through one of those Facebook donating pages. She didn't have a car, I did so I drove 30 minutes away to deliver the stuff all for free. Got in a bad accident less than 5 blocks from her house. So I texted her to see if she could come get what she was able to because my car was totaled. She wouldn't walk the 4 blocks then reported me to the group and got me kicked out for not following through. I ended up with a fractured sternum,
MossyRock0817 4y ago I work in the furniture industry and have had two pain wrenching spine fusions from moving furniture and helping other people load furniture into their trucks or cars. I'm a women, 5'4 about 125 pounds. Now I just stand there and play dumb when people ask me who's gonna help me load it? I just shrug and say...I don't know bro. I'm just here to sell, not load. 20 ...


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