35 Things People ‘Figured Out’ by Themselves and Later Realized Was Wrong

‘Jesus Mary-Anne Joseph’
35 Things People ‘Figured Out’ by Themselves and Later Realized Was Wrong

What’s beautiful about the human brain is that a group of people can look at a situation and come away with completely different conclusions. Case in point: When DVDs came out, most of us probably never considered the “rewind” factor we’d become accustomed to with VHS tapes. But at least one person out there was skipping backward through scenes to return to the DVD menu. We may laugh, but that’s incredibly wholesome.

Other Redditors have remembered the wrong conclusions their beautiful minds reached, including someone who had no idea what dynamite really looked like.

jeepsareformen 11y ago I thought rotating your tires meant to jack your car up and spin the wheels while the weight is off them...l've been doing that for a couple years now. 2K ...
GoodLeftUndone 11y ago . Edited 11y ago Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Jesus's full name is not Jesus Mary-Anne
mulletdulla 11y ago Until two weeks ago I thought the phrase the mother load, was a large LOAD of something. Then I realised it's actually LODE as in the mother silver/gold lode. The mother lode in this instance being the principle vein from which all deposits in an area stem from, hence the MOTHER LODE. 3.7K ...
 11y ago I've always thought that marijuana and weed were two separate things. Boy, was I humiliated when I was told that this is incorrect. 1.6K ...
LackOfIntegrity . 10y ago Pretty sure girls peed out of their butts until I got my first girlfriend. 12 ...
bubble_j 0 11y ago I was routing through my mums handbag when i found a tampon, i thought it was dynamite and that she was planning to blow some place up. I even checked the news. 4 ...
 11y ago Thought the saying You and what army? was actually You and what are me? up until recently. I thought it had some historic Latin etymological significance. Writing it now makes me feel dumb. 1.1K ...
 11y ago My wife told me that she grew up thinking that lukewarm water was named after the temperature her brother (named Luke) liked it. She thought everyone had their own water temp.. Like Steve-warm water etc 2.7K ...
alflup в 11y ago not recently found out, but as a little kid I thought I stored my pee in my ball sack. I used to go around thinking man my balls are really full right now 2.3K ...
nix0s 11y ago When I was almost 4 years old I went on a vacation with my dad and mom to Disney World. On the way out of the park my dad dropped and broke his eyeglasses. Не was pretty upset. When we got home from vacation my dad had a checkup and we found out he had cancer, and everyone was upset. My 3 year old brain figured out that cancer is what you get when you break your glasses. I was wrong... 4 ...
ziyaadxd 11y ago When i was about 7 years old, i learned that drinking 8 cups of water a day is healthy. I went home and filled up 8 cups of water and laid them up in a row. I proceeded to to drink all of them in one sitting. I didnt realise that you dont have to drink all 8 cups at once. I then puked out the dinosaur nuggets i had for lunch. 5 ...
a3poify . 11y ago I figured out that ejaculation sounded a bit like esophagus so I thought it meant throwing up. Needless to say there was an awkward situation later on. 6 ...
SexySlowpoke . 11y ago When I was younger my sister and I shared some goldfish I won at the fair. I looked up on the internet what they liked to eat. I found out that they liked lemons. So I took a slice of lemon and put it in the bowl... They died the next day and I cried like someone just killed my best friend. 13 ...
bexelle 11y ago Wearing my wristwatch on my dominant hand 2.2K ...
eketros 11y ago That stuff gets blurrier the further away it is. It seemed to make sense -- It's further away, so I can't see it as well. It wasn't until I was 18 and sitting in the back of massive lecture halls, when I noticed that the people sitting next to me could read the board just fine, that I realized I needed glasses. 3.1K ...
CatInAHumanBody 11y ago I thought a TV remote was called a terminator until I went to my first sleep over. Thanks mom and dad! 217 ...
robswins 11y ago I'm not sure when I realized the normal way for a guy to masturbate, but by then I had been masturbating by aggressively humping stuff for too long to switch to the normal way of doing it. It makes sexy skyping with my gf a bit awkward. 1.4K ...
brandoradio 11y ago . Edited 11y ago When I first started dating, I didn't know you were only supposed to have one girlfriend at a time, so I invited both my girlfriends to the same skating rink ine night and left having zero girlfriends.
youslags 11y ago I thought placebo was pronounced: plaice-boh for an embarrassingly long time. 668 ...
scoopi . 11y ago I have a birth mark on one of my pinky fingers. For most of my childhood I thought they were called pinky fingers because everyone had a pink one like me. 2.3K ...
ReedsyRac20 . 11y ago That chipmunks were baby squirrels 46 ...
Cakebabyy 11y ago When I was young, one of my friends and I thought that anal was when two people just pushed their butt up against the other ones butt. We even drew pictures of it and thought it was the funniest thing ever. Anyways that is not how anal is done and I was very wrong. 29 ...
 e 11y ago Edited 11y ago I didn't realize homemade cookies weren't supposed to be black on the bottom until I started baking for myself. My mother had problems with remembering when she'd put a batch of cookies in the oven (we had timers. I have no idea why she never used them), so nearly every batch of cookies we made either had to have the bottoms scraped off or just eaten with the charred bits still attached. I thought the only way to get a non-burnt cookie was to buy them from the store.
darthaugustus 11y ago I was raised by my mom and two older sisters. Whenever they showered, they put the towel around their whole body, so naturally I did too. It never occurred to me to put it just around my waist. Like I had boobs to hide... 594 ...
ghulamsameer 11y ago I have been swimming competitively for most of my life. About a week ago, I discovered that one is supposed exhale in the water and inhale when one turns his or her head. I had been exhaling and inhaling while my head was turned my entire life! 217 ...
 11y ago The green pump at the gas station doesn't mean it's more environmentally friendly gasoline. Sorry, Dad! 45 ...
HereSirTakeMyUpvote 11y ago When I was a kid I thought lb (a weight measurement meaning a pound) meant lilabeters... Never seen a more confused greengrocer than when I asked for 2 lilabeters of bananas! 60 ...
xanothis23 OP . 11y ago When I was around seven I learned how sex worked by watching rated r movies, I thought it consisted solely of getting topless and making out...confidentiality told my siblings who promptly laughed and made me retell it in front of my parents 380 ...
LietKynes62 11y ago I thought everybody's lips mouth and throat tingled when they ate citrus. Believed this until I was 21. Turns out I just have an allergy. I enjoy the tingling sensation, though, which makes me like oranges even more! 1.3K ...
zachsonzachs 11y ago When I was in the 2nd grade, I kept nagging my parents to get me boxers because I thought they were cooler than whitey tighties. I also, for some reason, thought they doubled as shorts. So halfway through the school day one day, I took off my pants and just wore my boxers. My teacher asked me multiple times if I was sure they were shorts. I was convinced that they were. My little dong probably popped its head out a time or two throughout the day but I wasn't phased or swayed. At the end of
vaspas803 11y ago When DVDs first came out, i thought you had to rewind them when you were finished, so i scene skipped all the way back to the beginning. 51 ...
kidtatious 11y ago Deodorant doesn't go on places you sweat. I was told. by my brother, that deodorant, in his words, Goes on places you know...sweat. Logically this meant it went on my forehead chest and lower back. 609 ...
HowDidThatFappen 11y ago I was an innocent 2nd grader in a small town. I did chores every day before school, most of them involving a pocket knife (like...cutting asparagus from the garden). I was the teacher's pet. Knowing this, I thought I'd go ahead and bring my knife to school in case I could help out there, too. I flashed my knife to the teacher and said let me know if you need me to take care of anything around the classroom and winked. Sigh. Trouble ensued. 1.5K ...
 11y ago Mum has these cholesterol tablets that she takes, and she keeps them on her bedside table. I recently moved into a со- ed dorm away from home and saw similar tablets on the girls bedside tables, so I figured they were all on cholesterol meds. I managed to figure out for myself that they weren't cholesterol tablets at all. Very proud moment for me, the pharmacy student. 470 ...
SwaggyP_11 11y ago I thought you can get only stung by a bee once in your lifetime 561 ...


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