35 Incredibly Cool Traditions in Peoples’ Hometowns

‘On NYE, we drop a large bologna for our countdown’
35 Incredibly Cool Traditions in Peoples’ Hometowns
jxczst 6y ago Making huge mums around homecoming that could literally be the size of your chest, or decorated with so many of those noisy plastic cowbells isn't normal. From Texas (and still in TX), but it wasn't until college when some out-of-state people didn't know about mums that I realized how weird the whole thing kinda is. 284 ...
TheFire_Eagle . 6y ago In my hometown people referred to green bell peppers as mangos. When I was 91 had a real mango and realized everyone around me was a fucking moron. 288 ...
Rintransigence 0 6y ago Moving day where a huge portion of leases are up for renewal on the same day. (It's awful) 550 ...
mzvolanek 0 6y ago Pairing chili and cinnamon rolls together. Once I went to college outside of part of the midwest, everyone thought it was the strangest combo. 915 ...
Bigjobs69 0 6y ago . Edited 6y ago My wife comes from a small village in rural Northen England and they had a thing in her village where on Shrove Tuesday all the kids would knock on all the houses and say Please a pancake, whoever answered the door would give them an orange. This is not a joke.
notasugarbabybutok . 6y ago Tractor day. friday of homecoming week for our local public high school meant every farmer's daughter and son who knew how to drive a combine/tractor/etc would drive it to school and park in the teacher's lot. 4K ...
WalkinAfterMidnight8 6y ago I'm from a part of Ohio that calls the strip of grass between the street and the sidewalk a Devilstrip. It is only known as this in our town. Travel about 40 minutes outside of here and nobody will know what you're talking about. Not sure how it started either. 989 ...
IPeedOnTrumpA... 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Apparently other places don't close schools for opening day of deer season. 4.3K ...
Jemcity . 6y ago duck grey In Minnesota we played duck duck, not duck duck goose. 2K ...
Janey_Cakes 6y ago Going corning on Halloween. You break the hardened kernels off an ear of dried corn, and go around the neighborhood throwing it at people's doors and then hiding/running away. Once I moved out of rural Pennsylvania, no one else had heard of it. 2.9K ...
mcbarksore 6y ago Happy haircut day. Anytime someone would get a haircut, if you noticed you would say Happy Haircut Day and the goal was to be the first one to say it to them. Didn't realize this wasn't a normal thing until college lol 5.7K ...
Lalexa29 6y ago There's a popular private Christian school in my home town that I attended. The school is in a church building with the church cemetery next to it and we ran for PE in the cemetery, had art in the cemetery and hung out in the cemetery at lunch . . I thought this was normal until I went to public school ... 3.5K ...
j8chi . 6y ago Paraguay here, if a house doesn't have a doorbell, we just clap until somebody comes out. Edit: bad english 7K ...
MotherOfKrakens95 6y ago In my childhood neighborhood, you could go to one house and get a handful of candy, a different house for a soda, another house for a cookie and yet another for a popsicle. Most of these people didn't have their own children, only the cookie house had kids but I think they were menonite and homeschooled. These folks just kept goodies around for the neighborhood kids, it didn't have to be Halloween or easter, any old Tuesday afternoon was fine with them. Any time I've brought it up since, I've been told stuff like You're lucky you
llvvcllu . 6y ago Restaurants with Rush Rooms where they would play Rush Limbaugh's radio show over speakers during lunch. 242 ...
subhumanrobot . 6y ago We have a competition every September where we throw Black Puddings at Yorkshire Puddings. Because apparently, during a battle of the War of the Roses, the armies ran out of ammo and started throwing food at each other. 16 ...
runofthe 0 6y ago Jumping Frog Jubilee. People catch frogs and once a year see who can scare their frog into jumping the farthest. You don't have to wear overalls with no shirt... but it's encouraged. 13 ...
azazelcrowley 6y ago Edited 6y ago I don't live there anymore, bit we're a small town in southern wales that is home to the worlds second largest Elvis festival every year. (advertised as; The worlds largest Elvis festival outside of Vegas). Не never visited our town. Every year, thousands of Elvii (Only a few places have residents that have need to know the plural of Elvis.) will wander the streets, croon in bars, and so on. There are exactly three bars/pubs which operate a strict No Elvii policy, to give locals a place to escape.
Russell_Coight . 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Not my hometown but I visited some friends who live in Gävle, Sweden. Every year around Christmas they make a giant goat out of straw in the city centre, and every year the lovely people of Gävle take it upon themselves to try and destroy it as quickly as possible (sometimes within hours of it being built), and usually by fire. More info here 159 ...
Alexander422 6y ago First-footing on the new year: first person to enter your house in the new year should be tall, dark haired and be carrying a coin, piece of bread and a piece of coal. (Since I'm the tallest dark haired person in my family this usually involves me being kicked out of the house at 11.55 and standing outside waiting for the countdown to finish so my family can let me in) Also we choose a new middle name for ourselves when we reach 16. 878 ...
Ariesminer 0 6y ago . Edited 6y ago My town is tiny (~100 people) and secluded and we have a great view of the stars. Whenever there's a meteor shower, all the street lights get shut off and everyone goes to the lake and watches it. The Geminid meteor shower just passed, and despite the foot of snow on the ground, everyone was still watching the skies all bundled up and drinking hot chocolate.
MisterMay0 . 6y ago Rolling a wheel of cheese down a very steep hill. First one down gets the cheese. 76 ...
 . 6y ago The Irish chairman of the St. Patrick's Day parade gets his arse painted green at city hall just before the parade begins. 42 ...
KS AZ CompleteandtotalBS 6y ago DO Possum drop, at New Years they drop a stuffed possum in much the same way as the ball in Times Square, just not as much fan fare. 25 ...
Tanaisy 6y ago We hold a celebration each year for an albino buffalo. Parades and all. The buffalo died a few years ago so they had it taxidermied and put in the local museum. I feel like our White Cloud is similar to Pawnee's Lil Sebastian. 211 ...
DustinBrett 6y ago Calling hoodies, bunny hugs. I literally thought that was the name of hoodies until I was 16 and went to Manitoba where I was promptly laughed at. Now the name sounds silly to me but at the time I thought nothing of it. I'm from Saskatchewan. Canada. 34 ...
 e 1y ago My town has a mayor-weighing ceremony every year to see if they've put on weight living comfortably from the public purse. If they have then everyone boos them. 1.3K ...
034841 . 6y ago Growing up in alaska we diden't have snow days but we did have volcano days. 29 ...
Handbag_Lady 6y ago During awards season, we have movie and TV billboards up with For Your Consideration. I never though much about it until a friend visited from out of town to say how weird our billboards were so polite in asking her to watch their movie. 58 ...
Kerrithekid o 6y ago Going ice-blocking. We would buy square blocks of ice from the grocery store, drive to a nearby park with the perfect grassy hill late at night, set a towel on top of the block and ride it all the way down the hill. Walk back to the top and repeat. 249 ...
mcd23 o 6y ago Putting out lawn chairs to mark parking spots 63 ...
Tesnic1168 6y ago Small Midwestern town. When funeral processions drive by, everyone pulls off to the side of the road to let them pass. Really important people (church leaders, government officials) can have a line of cars so long that people turn off their cars while they wait. 206 ...
intonate81 6y ago In Folsom, CA all the elementary schools had snail races (up a pencil) and the winners from each class, then school, would compete in the city-wide Great Folsom Snail Race. 146 ...
 6y ago I live in Washington. Specifically, one of the towns that housed workers for the Manhatten project back in the 40s. The local high school mascot is officially a b-52 bomber IIRC. Bieber, the school has a mushroom cloud as is unofficial mascot. Not many people in the area make a stink about it Growing up here we never thought anything about it, but as I've gotten older, I realized just how bizarre it really is. 38 ...
mah009 6y ago On NYE, we drop a large bologna for our countdown. Our town is known for its bologna.... 10 ...


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