40 Random Bits of Trivia That Are Like Botox for the Brain

We’re gonna iron those wrinkles right out
40 Random Bits of Trivia That Are Like Botox for the Brain

Just think of these factoids as deadly bacteria being injected into your brain, in a controlled environment, to make it more conventionally attractive.

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Dead Peasants Insurance

Wal-Mart used to take out life insurance policies on their employees. WAL MART SECTION GUARANTEED CRACKED.COM The corporation would then keep the payouts when they died, a prac- tice colloquially known as Dead Peasant Insur- ance.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

There is a community in Cairo, Egypt that collects trash and recycles upwards of 80% of it. FOOD M& TRIP und 100 GRACKED COM It is nicknamed Gar- bage City and its mostly Christian resi- dents have been col- lecting and recycling Cairo's trash for sever- al decades.



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