20 Useful Things People Learned from Video Games and Applied to Real Life

‘The English language’
20 Useful Things People Learned from Video Games and Applied to Real Life

Video games are often criticized as being “for nerds” who “lack social skills” and “don’t go outside.” But a lot of people have gained valuable skills while shooting zombies or whipping around in Grand Theft Auto. In fact, one Redditor recalls using his on-screen skills in real life when he slid on a patch of black ice and managed to safely avoid skidding into a ditch. 

Other Redditors have shared the skills they’ve learned from gaming, and some of these stories might make you pick up a controller yourself.

ReligionIsAwful 10mo ago Gran Turismo 2 and 3 legitimately taught me how to drive pretty damned well without ever having to get behind the wheel. Passing those license tests and learning advanced cornering physics//when to brake into/accelerate out of turns, etc ... My dad had me drive home from passing my permit test, and was quite astounded at how well/how calm I was, and to me it legit felt exactly like how driving in GT3 was 61 ...
ohyonghao e 10mo ago I learned to row a boat on Sea of Thieves. Then my friend got a row boat. I get in and start rowing thinking, This is just like Sea of Thieves. 29 ...
Kirbyclaimspoyo . 10mo ago I'm pretty sure one of the reasons I'm as good at planning ahead as I am is because of Pikmin, dandori baby! 28 ...
ZombieByteGames O 10mo ago From Resident Evil, I learn that you can mix different types of weed to reduce pain. 105 ...
Tamarlaine 5y ago Actually overcame shyness and learned to be a leader from 40 man raiding in World of Warcraft vanilla. Would conduct meetings first in charge of Mages and then in charge of all dps before new raid encounters. 119 ...
Chazmer87 e 5y ago . Edited 5y ago I worked in warehouses all my younger years. Tetris taught me everything I know 705 ...
bulgakov82 10mo ago I work as an editor. Papers Please helped me immensely with attention to detail in text documents. 370 ...
evilartbunny 10mo ago SNES Jurassic Park actually transformed my map and spatial reading ability. Because the corridors all looked the same, I started to memorise the numbers of doors in passageways and draw mental maps. I discovered I would retain this skill when I moved to a new town/city! 35 ...
FellowDeviant 10mo ago People scoff at games like Guitar Hero or Rock Band because Lol play a real instrument But I ended up getting really good playing on the drums, which transitions to real life very well. I have an ear for rhythm and it translates now to my DJ/Producing. 353 ...
DaughterEarth 5y ago The sims really managed to drive home the concept of getting the stuff you have to do done first, so you can be free to do what you want 609 ...
HarMar 2y ago After a few thousand hours in ARMA 3, I am excellent at map reading and orienteering. My wife is flabbergasted at how I can take a quick look at a map and absorb so much info. It's most useful when we are on vacation in an unfamiliar area. 454 ...
Richard-Hindquarters 5y ago No shit, I did an escape room with my со- workers and it was like being a wizard in a room with a bunch of drunk children. I've seen so many different puzzles so many times it was a walk in the park. 3.4K ...
 5y ago . Edited 5y ago In an art class I took the teacher asked if anyone knew how charcoal was made. Minecraft taught me all about making charcoal via wood, so I answered the question correctly 1.8K ...
Sam_Blackcrow I 2y ago Recognizing certain plants thanks to RDR2 219 ...
p1um5mu991er 5y ago Reaction time for sure 1.1K ...
 . 5y ago Typing very quickly. You had to type very fast to talk shit in counter strike. 7.4K ...
 . 5y ago Dark Souls made me learn that failing is simply in the process of succeeding 1.3K ...
HInDaDEmeN 5y ago The English language. Well atleast gaming helped a lot to improve my skills 3.2K ...
ops010 . 5y ago When I was young I learned some of the more specific rules to sports through video games 1.4K ...
Mordkillius 10mo ago I slid down a hill on black ice heading into a dead end. My GTA skills allowed me to slowly turn the wheel making my car slide 180 degrees as i slowly applied the gas. My cars back 2 wheels touched the lip of the ditch before slowly gaining some foreward momentum. It was the middle of the night and nobody else saw it but it felt dope 20 ...


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