30 Obscure Facts People Only Know Because of Their Job

‘You can tell the difference between rock and bone by licking it’
30 Obscure Facts People Only Know Because of Their Job

Jobs can afford us all kinds of new skills. For some of us, it’s harnessing the art of sending an expertly written passive-aggressive email. For others (read: the much less petty among us), it’s learning that you can tell the difference between a rock and a bone by licking it, or discovering that the decibel level of pain is roughly 120. 

To that end, Redditors have unleashed the niche knowledge they know because of their jobs, and these are definitely people you’d want on your team for trivia night.

shinypidgey 6y ago The heaviest stable isotope (that we know of) is Lead 208. 244 ...
hobo_stew99 e 6y ago Fire extinguishers contain a siliconized monoammonium phosphate powder which in small dusting is good for your lawn. 372 ...
forbid89 6y ago Traffic lights won't change for emergency vehicles until the pedestrian phase is complete. 695 ...
 6y ago Dog have an extra gland on their tails, this is because the tail can be tucked between the legs to still give scent but not have another dog smell their bits. 168 ...
seancarter90 6y ago Excel files from versions prior to Microsoft Office 2010 only go up to 65,536 rows. Excel files from versions of Microsoft Office 2010 and on go up to 1,048,576 rows. 2.3K ...
OrangeJr36 6y ago Forklifts should lift loads only 4 inches off the ground during travel. 3.6K ...
I_love_liquor . 6y ago In Kansas, taking a hot air balloon ride is tax free because its transportation, but if it's tethered to the ground while you're in it, it's taxed as an amusement ride. 1.5K ...
GraeBabe 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Ground moles have kitchens just like us! They will paralyze earth worms (their primary food source) by biting its head and will drag the worms to a designated burrow where they store the bodies to save for later. 3.4K ...
lovelylayout . 6y ago In news and magazine articles, numbers one to nine should be written with words, and anything 10 and up gets numerals. 178 ...
Nevergore . 6y ago Babies don't have patellas (knee caps) and it's super freaking weird. 4.2K ...
ellipses1 . 6y ago Cows have a tendon running down the back of their necks that holds their head up. It's called a paddy whack and you can dry it out and give it to dogs like a rawhide bone. That's the source of Knick knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone. 256 ...
cattemonstre 6y ago In the state of Nevada, only licensed private investigators are allowed to work as mystery shoppers. 2.8K ...
marefo 6y ago Tulips will continue to grow, on average, two inches more after they've been cut. Generally not while they're in cold storage, but once they're in a warmer environment. 3.9K ...
meatmaiden 13y ago Butchers in France are required to keep the feet on a rabbit so you know they aren't selling you a cat. 27 ...
erinmichele819 13y ago Digital speed limit signs cost about 10 grand a piece. 33 ...
evange 13y ago . Edited 13y ago Name a Canadian university. I probably know the address of their registrar by heart.
thisisanewusername57 6y ago The reason many TV shows have holiday special episodes is because TV viewership is very low the week of Christmas but if they call it a special they don't need to include it when they calculate their average ratings for the season. Also the day Americans watch the least amount of TV is the 4th of July. 4.2K ...
ArkaJonesie 13y ago The striped lines on highways in Arkansas are 10 feet long and spaced 30 feet apart. 53 ...
HazelGhost 0 6y ago Python, the language, was named after Monty Python, the comedy group, not after the snake. 2.5K ...
cynikalAhole99 13y ago the decibel level of pain is about 120db 82 ...
Drunk3rD 13y ago How to stick a needle into someone's chest to re-inflate their lung. 91 ...
Brancher 13y ago I can taste bacteria in beer if it comes from keg lines that need to be replaced or cleaned. 77 ...
nicklikesmilk 13y ago Toilets have a bowl refill ratio, an amount of water that goes into the bowl while the tank is refilling. If it's too low, the toilet won't flush right, and if it's too high, the toilet wastes water. Some toilet companies design their toilets and have their fill valves manufactured to meet a very particular number. Standard amounts range from 15% to 29%, with some variations 34 ...
7000milestogo 13y ago That redwood trees have a large amount of tannic acid in their bark, making them incredibly fire resistant. 130 ...
Topkill 13y ago In order to quickly determine if an object you dug up is made of rock or bone, you can give it a good old-fashioned lick. If it's bone it will stick to your tongue slightly. 90 ...
Lecard 13y ago Spaceship Earth at Epcot Center in Disney world is 180 ft high, has 11,324 total triangles attached to itself, and it is raised 18 ft off the ground making it a complete geodesic sphere. 321 ...
CrystalSexPiece 13y ago I don't know how obscure it is, but I can recall a Product Key from each version of Windows from Windows 98 to Windows 7. Desktop rollouts suck. 140 ...
relic2279 13y ago Not really obscure but it's somewhat interesting; It's not the water that is the greatest risk to hand held electronics when they get wet, it's the corrosion that begins to take place immediately as the liquid dries. Using 90% or better rubbing alcohol (contact cleaner) and a toothbrush to scrub the hell out of the innards will revive a phone dropped in a toilet or pool 50% of the time or better (~60% was my success rate while working for Verizon Wireless as a handset technician). 67 ...
TomConger 13y ago The device used to transport hot fondue a romulator. pots is called 207 ...
Phosphoreign . 6y ago One paperclip left on the floor of a Boeing 747 costs that aircraft roughly an addition $100 per year in fuel costs. 976 ...


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