25 of the Most Awkward Instances of ‘Oops, Wrong Room!’

25 of the Most Awkward Instances of ‘Oops, Wrong Room!’

There’s nothing like walking into a room and confusing everyone, yourself included. Some of life’s funniest moments are the result of nobody having a clue what’s going on. In this case, Redditors remembered the times they got a surprise after sauntering into a room, a car or a house they had no business being in — like one guy who didn’t know that his marine biology class swapped locations with the midwifery students and inadvertently witnessed a live birth. That’s something he’ll definitely never forget.

Icy_Confection3581 4y ago Walked in on my roommate naked with another girl. Now I don't mind the naked part, or that she's lesbian - it was just the position they both were in. Let's just say, I have now seen it all.
ToddaS8 4y ago In university dorms we heard that in this room will be a party so we (about 5 of us) decided to go. As soon as we opened the door we saw a couple fucking and girl saying 'Yes Yes Yes' while the guy noticed us and shouted 'No NO NO'. The party was in the next room on the left. 4 Share ...
iimuffinsaur . 4y ago Walking onto the wrong bus at school. I didnt go the next to days that was how embarrassed I was. Share 3 ...
jioji_el_magnifico 4y ago My friend was gonna pick me up one night for teenage shenanigans and this car pulled up, without identifying it I just hopped in the passenger and then I look up and to my surprise it isn't my friend but some random lady I've never seen before just wagging her finger going No and I bolted out that mfer 2 Share ...
NoideaLessinterest 4y ago Worked for a motel as a handyman and had to go fix a shelf in one of the rooms. Knocked on the door, called out maintenance and walked straight into a room where a guy was giving himself a thorough checkout! Reversed out of that room so quick, I left boot marks on the carpet. Told the cleaning staff that they should probably wear gloves when they clean up in there. 2 Share ...
Devils_Advocaat_ 4y ago Edited 4y ago When I was 11 (a girl) was insanely curious about what boys' bathrooms looked like inside. So one day we were at a McDonald's and I opened the door to the boy's toilets instead of the girl's. Where I started right into the face of a cleaner. For some reason I can't even begin to fathom, I put on my best fake accent and just said wow, things sure are different in Canada. I turned around and went back to my seat, face burning. I'm Australian. In Australia. 449 Share ...
atlhart 3mo ago I was the stranger that did this once in Vegas. It was the room exactly one floor down from mine. Same number room, just minus one floor. Admittedly I'd had a few drinks, but then also while I was on the elevator on the way up to my floor, a woman on the elevator just took a piss right there I'm the elevator. So I was discombobulated. I get off the elevator, walk to my room, put the key, and open the door. This couple jumps out of bed and shout WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN OUR
OtakuPi Зу ago At a house party after coming from a bar hopping expedition I was the designated driver but I ate an edible I made when we got to the house party because we were staying the night. A good bit after its definitely working and I need to use the bathroom and as a 20 year old guy who still confuses his left and right I turned into the wrong room and walked in on a guy who was going through one of the female house mates used underwear. After a solid moment of eye contact with him
Tyeveras 3y ago Five of us going to a house party of a friend we'd never visited. We were early so the party hadn't got going yet. The front door was open so we went into the lounge sat down, opened the beers we'd brought and started yakking away. Then a rather astonished looking man we'd never met came in and asked us in a polite but nervous tone who we were and what we were doing in his house. His wife was peering at us from behind him. We'd gone into the wrong house. 2 Share ...
StrangeworldsUnited 3y ago I was stationed in Korea, and I lived on the 4th floor of my dormitory. The laundry room is on the 3rd floor. I wasn't thinking one time I did my laundry and when I went back to my room I opened the door and saw that I had gone in the wrong room (same room but on the 3rd floor). The guy inside just looked at me and said, Can I help you? I quickly apologized and backed out. 4 Share ...
WembleyToast 4y ago Tried to find a bathroom at a house party when I was about 15. Walked in on the host's older sister and her boyfriend doing it. Have never seen so much panic and anger in someone's face.
 4y ago I, a guy, was at a fancy modern cafe, and I had to use the bathroom. The signs for the mens and womans room looked weird, and I couldn't tell which was the mens room. I eventually found out when I had finished, washed my hands and opened the door to find a woman waiting.. 250 Share ...
kaede_akamatsu 4y ago accidentally walked into a hentai viewing room at a convention while trying to find a friend 489 Share ...
Optidalfprime 4y ago Came in to work, entered through the front door, and got asked: How may i help you? from the counter. Realised i entered the company next to ours while brain afk. Said: ' Sorry, wrong company turned around and left. 73 Share ...
solace-in-misery 4y ago Went grocery shopping, two days after moving into my new apartment. Came back, wondered why the door was unlocked, and let myself in to see the layout slightly different. My downstairs neighbour then poked her head out from the living room and just looked at me. I noped out of there and hastily went up to my own floor. Great introduction though. 504 Share ...
LittlestSlipper55 4y ago Was running slightly late to class when at university, so was doing that weird jog-walk to get to class. Not stopping I quickly opened the door to see a full projection screen size image of a woman's vagina with a baby crowning, complete the painful nails-on-chalkboard sounds of labour. The lecturer just casually ask can I help you? as if this was totally normal, and completely wide-eyed I just stammered and asked where the marine vertebrates seminar had moved to. Turns out my marine biology class had switched rooms so the midwifery students could use this classroom
New_Exchange195 4y ago I introduced a couple of friends to each other, and they hooked up. Overnight, the girl walked in the bathroom, confidently and completely naked. Except it was not the bathroom. It was a bedroom, where the guy's father was asleep. And woke up because of how noisy she was when she entered the room. Both told me the story embarrassed to death. The father was just crashing there before leaving to the airport. 346 Share ...
morbidshadow 4y ago Jumped into the wrong car and the driver thought I was highjacking him. Share 588 ...
CMDR_Duzro 4y ago Had an internship as a nurse. My job in the morning was going around and measuring blood pressure and pulse of basically all the patients on the station. One day I walked into a room and cheerfully said good morning. A group of crying relatives looked at me. The patient died over night and no one told me. 2K Share ...
vanarebane 4y ago I pulled in a gas station once and waiting in line for the pump some drunk dude just opened my passenger door, hurriedly sat in and saying Right, let's go!, and closed the door. Took 3 seconds of eye contact to realise he was in wrong car and then continued to make a quick exit from the car. Share 34 ...
FuppinBaxterd 4y ago I was a kid and we were at someone's house for dinner. I accidentally opened the wrong door when looking for the bathroom. It was a pitch dark room that smelled really weird, like hot glue, and an obviously very, very old lady shrieked incomprehensibly at me. I hadn't even known there was an old woman in the house.
blondexbun 4y ago I just moved into my new apartment during college. After class I was looking forward to a nap and clearly wasn't paying attention, went a floor past my floor and walked into some random dudes unlocked apartment. Не was standing there insanely confused and I slowly backed out apologizing profusely. It wasn't until later that if I had more confidence I probably could have turned that situation around and fulfilled a fantasy that I'm sure many men have 33 Share ...
OriginalDoomSlayer 4y ago I haven't told anyone to this day... until now I accidentally walked into the teacher's lounge, where my substitute teacher for a different class was banging my math teacher. Not only was this awkward, but neither of them were attractive nor does the man have a large dick judging from the few seconds of thrusting I saw before I quietly exited. 11 Share ...
NInjas101 4y ago I rented out the spare room in my house to a friend. One night I came home really drunk and just wanted to conk out on my bed. As I entered the room I realised I had gone into my friends room by mistake. It was really embarrassing because I am the owner of the house and should really know where my room is. Luckily my friend wasn't home otherwise it would have been even more embarrassing. 9 Share ...
Blueberry_North236 4y ago I was on a safari with my family. For a game drive, you wake up super duper early to go and see the animals. Had to get something from another tent, then returned to mine. Wasn't wearing my contacts yet, and upon returning to my tent, I opened the zipper, I was standing in the doorway and suddenly something moved in my bed. I high-pitched screamed which was answered by an evenly loud scream of some guy who was equally shocked someone was screaming in the doorway of his tent at 5.30 AM. Yeah turns out my


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