20 Times People Accidentally Broke Up a Couple

‘Accidentally brought up the topic of Brexit’
20 Times People Accidentally Broke Up a Couple

Humanity is built on meddling — accidental or otherwise — so the idea that people have broken up couples just by sharing their opinion isn’t all that surprising. But the way these things unfold can be pretty hilarious. Take, for example, the guy who thought his friend’s side girlfriend was his main girlfriend; he only realized his error while talking to the main girlfriend, who he thought was the guy’s sister. Confused? Yeah, so was he. 

Redditors have regaled the internet with breakup tales worthy of a sitcom episode. And one thing is very clear: A lot of people are very bad at cheating.

glas_rothar 7y ago in highschool, one of my classmates was dating 2 guys at the same time, they did not know about each other. I invited her to a party and she told me listen, I am not bringing Paul, whom you've met before, but another guy, Daniel. I forgot this immediately so when they showed up at my door I asked, surprised: wait, where's your boyfriend, Paul?. Daniel started asking questions... in the end she dumped Paul and married Daniel a couple of years later. 17 Share ...
Isaidwhatwhatinmybut 7y ago I was hooking up with a gay couple. Then one time I got invited over only one of them was there. I didn't know their rule for fooling around was only together so the other dude kicked him out of his house and broke up with him. Doesn't feel good. 12 Share ...
semicartematic 7y ago Friend was cheating on his wife, myself and another friend spent one night laughing about it over text messaging about what an idiot he was and how he needed to just leave his wife because they really hated each other. Next morning the wife of the friend I was texting went through his phone (wtf I know) and found the convo, screenshotted and sent to other friend's wife, the cheat-ee. Then friend who did cheating claimed it was all our fault he was getting divorced.
abqkat 7y ago Edited 7y ago By quoting him, to him. I didn't interject my own personal opinion, but when he yammered on and fucking on about the exact. same. issue. that had been going on for literal years, I quoted his reactions and his words to him. And this problem that was glaringly gaping, and painfully obvious from the outside, never really did get solved at the arbitrary points in time (after Christmas, when we move in together, next birthday, when the dog's vet bill is paid, after vacation, when they got a raise, after the wedding) that they
OPs_Moms_Fuc... 7y ago Edited 7y ago I was dating this woman... mid thirties, single mom. Except she wasn't single. She was married. Не found out. Then I found out. Then they broke up. And naturally I didn't want to date a cheater so I dumped her too. Spez: she got caught because she suddenly started getting Brazilians done when she met me. Husband knew that shit was a bad sign. 1.7K Share ...
hmfiddlesworth 7y ago Best friend and his gf were having troubles. They had been together for almost ten years and had started drifting apart. She was trying to make things better, but the more she tried to make him better, the worse it seemed to get. Had a chat with her one evening, told her it wouldnt be selfish to put herself first for once because everything she was doing at fixing the relationship was centered on making him happy. Few days later i got the news that she dumped him, my chat was brought up during the breakup. Friend
DanHero91 7y ago Accidentally brought up the topic of brexit and it turns out she's a raving racist. The conversation quickly turned into her yelling very loudly in a pub about how Black's are costing the NHS millions. He'd just been ignoring her rants since they got together cause he's a bit lonely I guess. But once she pointed at a black waitress and said how she'd stolen that job from someone, she was asked to leave. 1.1K Share ...
96Phoenix 7y ago So I was on on of those tour trips and the tour guide was pretty awesome, she'd get drunk with us and just be part of the group, I then put some photos on Facebook of our antics, which she got tagged in, which her boyfriend saw and had a tantrum about, so last time I saw her she was crazy drunk and had to be carried back to her room. I still feel bad sometimes. 188 Share ...
IFearEars 7y ago I was unaware my friends girlfriend was avidly against him smoking weed and I mentioned a story in a group of people (including his girlfriend) about how stupid high him and a few people got and she broke up with him cause apparently it was his last chance 18 Share ...
 7y ago My buddy got a girl who was just awesome. At the time I was basically living at his house due to a bad situation in my dorm, and soon she started living there as well. It became obvious to me something was up when she insisted I be over as often as possible. They broke up and me and her started hanging more, independently. I probably would've been a dick and went for it if I weren't so oblivious, but I can't help but feel that I was a major contribution in the downfall of their relationship
DebateExposesDoubt 7y ago In my early 20s, my good friend wanted to be adventurous and gift her boyfriend a threesome for his birthday. She propositioned me and I was down to try something new. So we all got tipsy and did many deeds, it was a fun time, but definitely a one time thing. For weeks after, that's all he wanted to talk about with her and he was hoping they could make it a regular occurrence. It was a downward spiral from there, destroying her self-esteem as she was now not enough for him and they split within a
Benji_and_Beaners 7y ago I was a member of a fraternity and we had female members called dreamgirls. I got to know one of said dream girls over a week or two near the end of the semester and started having feelings for her, but she had a boyfriend from a rival fraternity. We were on the 2nd story deck of my fraternity house talking and I told her I liked her but didn't want to be that guy. Little did we know that her boyfriend was pissing on our house bellow us and heard everything. So he dumped her. We've
toml3030 7y ago Not me, but wife accidentally caused a chain reaction that ended up in a breakup of a marriage when she saw a married female coworker going into a bar with the boss at 11pm on a weekday. Share 8 ...
dan_iksse3 7y ago Oh man. A good friend of mine was engaged and was about 2 weeks out from his wedding when I met his fiance. We were hanging out for a while and everything was going well. Не left the room for a bit and I jokingly said to her Hey, so-and-so is a really great guy, so if you're going to break his heart, do it soon. We laughed it off and I thought nothing of it. The next day he sent out a text telling me that she called off the wedding broke up with him last
PM-ME-YOUR-REPTILES 7y ago Not me, but it's a damn good story: When my father & uncle were 18, they were very drunk and walked into a diner (small town) and sat down/chatted up a girl my uncle liked... while she was on a date. In the morning, they found out they interrupted a proposal. tl;dr my drunk dad&uncle cockblocked a proposal as teenagers 891 Share ...
sibtalay 7y ago They haven't been dating for long, but my roommate was about to get laid by this girl he was seeing for the first time. Не texted me ahead of time so I could leave a condom in his bedroom. Sure no problem, man! Without thinking, I just threw it on his pillow and went back to bed. Years later, he told me he hadn't quite sealed the deal yet, she saw the condom and left. Never came back. I guess I was supposed to put in his nightstand or under his pillow. hahaha we laughed about it.
Cortoro 7y ago I was under the impression that they were in an open relationship as Person A told me Yeah, we're in an open relationship. I complimented Person в on how well they seemed to be making it work who told me WHAT!?. I assume that I was set up to break them up. 2.4K Share ...
Verodoxys : 7y ago I thought his side girl was his girlfriend for 3+ months. I did not realize this until I spoke to his actual girlfriend who I thought was his sister. 20 Share ...
 7y ago Let it slip in front of friends girlfriend that he'd been out at the pub with us the previous Saturday night. Only thing was, that was their anniversary and he'd told her he'd had to rush home to look after his ill auntie. That relationship lasted about 15 more minutes... 332 Share ...
 7y ago One of my best friends had a psychotic girlfriend. We were playing League of Legends on voice chat and she comes in, we talk a bit, all seems good. Apparently she was pissed that there were actually girls that play video games and was hellbent on the idea he was cheating on her with me. We keep playing for weeks and eventually got my number and started sending me threats to stop playing games with her boyfriend... Bitch did it from his account. Не dumped her ass the next week for being an insecure and jealous bitch.


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