19 Funny Excuses People Used to Call Out of Work

‘He claimed his car would only ever start on the third try’
19 Funny Excuses People Used to Call Out of Work

The worst part of being alive is having to work, which explains why people are constantly searching for new reasons to play hooky. You can’t blame them for growing tired of being a cog in the machine. But you can blame them for coming up with the worst excuses imaginable for not showing up to the office. Case in point: A Redditor mentioned that one of his employees is late every day, and is constantly spinning tales to get a day off. So far, in fact, her house has burned down twice. She definitely needs to take better pride in her desire to not work. 

Other Redditors have recalled the funniest excuses people had for calling out of work, and someone should really teach a class on best practices here.

dhdnen в 5y ago They're superstitious and refuse to work on any Friday that falls on the 13th because something bad always happens to them. The same person also once told me he cut his hand on a banana. + 4.5K Share ...
PMurthongforscience 5y ago Not really sick but I know you're not going to believe this, some homeless man broke into my house last night and stole all of my pants. I will not be able to make it in today because I have to file a police report and have no pants to wear. Turned out he had gotten drunk and put all of his pants into the recycle for somereason. + 2.3K Share ...
Captain_Jake_K 5y ago I've got back pain, because I fell off the back of a motorcycle. That's fine mate, come in when you're- Well, the doctor said it could be the motorcycle. Or it could be my office chair. Okay, well, if- We're waiting on the results from the blood test. You're taking a blood test to see if your back pain is from sitting in an old chair or faling off a motorcycle? Yes. Не just kept going until it was obvious he was lying. + 1.3K Share ...
IComeFromDaOcean e 5y ago When making her morning coffee, grounds got in her cup and then her creamer was bad. So because her coffee was all wrong she couldn't come into work that day. + 781 Share ...
 5y ago When I was a manager, the reason given I most remember is: My garage door opener broke and I can't get it up. + 1.1K Share ...
Jak_ratz 5y ago Called in horny. Obligarory not a manager: Не was trying for a baby. Couple was deemed infertile, going through all sorts of treatments and therapies. Dude calls in to the manager and says his wife is ready. Manager told him to take the day off. A few months later they confirmed conception past 12 weeks. Its was very exciting, but also strange. + 3.3K Share ...
ammobox 5y ago Some of my favorites when I was a manager. I can't come in today cause it's too windy and I can't drive my car. I can't come in today because my cell phone broke and I need to go buy a new one, calling from my friends phone. I can't come in because I missed the bus and being an hour late won't be worth the money I'd make being there on time. I can't come in today because my work pants ripped and I don't have any other pairs. You can just wear normal pants today.
CaptainWisconsin 5y ago в Edited 5y ago Had an employee call in sick, saying it was the flu. An hour later, he checked in at George Webb (Milwaukee restaurant chain) on Facebook, and posted a photo of himself standing in a line outside of the restaurant that was three or four blocks long, waiting for a free hamburger that the restaurant was giving away because the Milwaukee Brewers won twelve games in a row. Share 359 ...
Complaintguy OP 5y ago Mine is about a girl who called in sick with a cold and sore throat, on their return to work I asked if it had been started or caused by work, expecting them to say no. Instead they said yes, surprised I asked them to explain. well I was making a pot noodle in the kitchen, and the window was open... So as I was opened the sachet of powder the wind blew through the window and all the power went down my throat, hence my cold and sore throat + 869 Share ...
Pumpinglguana 5y ago Called in sick. We generally don't ask why for the first 2 weeks. After two weeks we have to involve company doctor. Company doctor reported back. Breast enlargement. We were told by HR not to make a fuzz even though it was not a good reason to call in sick. There was no previous history. + 505 Share ...
RitalinNZ e 5y ago I went hiking yesterday, and now my legs are sore. + 157 Share ...
OhioMegi . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago I had someone call off because their electricity was out and she couldn't blow her hair dry. I told her to drive with her windows down and hung up. Had to fire her a few weeks later as she got arrested for beating up the new girlfriend of one of her baby daddy's. 268 Share ...
lionheart41269 5y ago I used to work at a trampoline park and we had one guy who was super greedy when taking parties. Не called the store one day and would only speak to me since I was his favorite manager. Не asked if there were any parties assigned to him and I said no. Не then replied with, I'm not coming in, i don't feel too good. I told my general manager and he said bullshit and wrote him up for it. 424 Share ...
 5y ago I had a subordinate once call in sick because he accidentally closed his recliner on his cat, and apparently chopped its tail off. The next evening, I asked him what his cat's name was and he couldn't answer. Share 117 ...
 5y ago had a lady call in and say she couldn't come into work because everything was wrong, i asked her to elaborate, she said venus was retrograde with mercury and because she is a capricorn she is vulnerable and can't come into work as everything is terrible, i'm like you are trying to call off work because your horoscope is wrong?. she screamed omg i knew you wouldn't understand, you are such an ares and slammed the phone on me. she didn't last long..... + Share 1.5K ...
Gotis1313 5y ago A friend of mine, when he was in his early 20's called in drunk. Friend: I can't come in...I'm a pretty drunk Boss: Oh....You're sick and can't come in? Friend: Nah... I'm just drunk...can't make it Boss: Noooo, you're sick. Right? Friend: Nah man, I'm just kinda drunk Boss: Ok, I'm putting you down as sick, get better soon. + Share 6.5K ...
ImRikkyBobby . 5y ago I have this employee who is late just about every day. Other than your typical excuses, So far, her house has burned down twice... + 330 Share ...
ease78 5y ago Not a manager but the employee asking for PTO. I once asked my boss if I can take two days off to go to Area51 on Sep. 20th 2019. Не actually laughed out loud because I didn't sugar coat it with made up family stuff. I felt like he appreciated it. + 144 Share ...
WightRat 5y ago Not a manager, but a coworker once called out with the following excuses: Не claimed he had Gastrointestinal fever Не claimed a kidney stone ricocheted off his spleen. Не claimed his car would only ever start on the third try. Edit: formatting 67 Share ...


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