33 Common ‘Facts’ That Push the Limits of Plausibility

Like Pluto, these ‘facts’ got demoted
33 Common ‘Facts’ That Push the Limits of Plausibility

Today we right the wrongs of the misinformed, the ill-informed and the straight-up liars who have all been spouting what seems like the truth. They got away with falsehood spreadry for too long! Secret’s out, everybody — diamonds are not made from smushed coal! Man, that felt good.


CRACKED Sugar makes you-hyper. It's been a long-held belief that eating too much sugar can make kids hyperactive, but science has found no clear proof of this. That said, it's possible sugar can still affect behavior in other ways, like changing how certain brain chemicals are made.

Fingerprint Science

CRACKED.COM MYTH: Found fingerprints at the crime scene? Bingo! REALITY: There are no true consensus as to how and if fingerprint forensics really work. The precision and methodologies of fingerprint forensics have been questioned and opposed by a lot of experts (even entire countries). The claim that no two fingerprints are identical has still not been proven, but the error rate has. Point is that it's not an exact science, and shouldn't be believed to be.


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