31 Funny, Cringe or Straight-Up Awful Job Interviews
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are death, famine, war and job interviews. There’s no way to enjoy a situation where you’re basically begging for the opportunity to work — it feels like loser behavior. Regardless, we still update the lies on our resumes, write cover letters and wait for some dork in HR to call us.
If you’re lucky, the groveling is kept to a minimum and things are relatively painless. But in the cases of these unlucky Redditors, the process bordered on the absurd. One person was asked, “If you were a crayon, what color would you be?” Can we be serious for a second? Crayons don’t have anything to do with getting a job done. Interviewers should not be allowed to read The 48 Laws of Power, or subsequently punish those who haven't.
To that end, here are more epically bad job interview experiences, including a denture debacle, a candy bar mind game and a threat of robbery.