32 Normal-Looking Animals That Are Actually Kinda Frightening

32 Normal-Looking Animals That Are Actually Kinda Frightening

Have you ever seen a normal-looking animal and thought, “Oh, that’s cute!” And then, upon further inspection, realized that it’s actually kinda frightening? No? Well, you’re in for a treat because, I’m going to share with you some of the most normal-looking animals out there that are actually pretty creepy. Keep reading to see what I mean…

RING-TAILED, LEMURS HAVE STINK FIGHTS. Male lemurs have scent glands on their wrists and shoulders and use their tails to flick their scent at sexual competition. CRACKED.COM


CAPUCHIN MONKEYS WASH THEIR BODIES WITH THEIR URINE. This process attracts mates. Marcel on Friends was grosser than you thought. CRACKED.COM


MARGAYS MIMIC THE CRIES OF INFANTS TO LURE ITS PREY. These large cats have been observed imitating the vocalizations of its prey species in order to attract its attention CRACKED.COM


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