23 Wild ‘Bet They Didn’t Want Anyone to See That’ Moments Caught on Security Cameras

‘Shattered the glass door with my head and knee’
23 Wild ‘Bet They Didn’t Want Anyone to See That’ Moments Caught on Security Cameras

The words “surveillance state” are trotted out for comedic effect nowadays, but the fact is, the phrase is meaningless. We’ve entirely crossed that Rubicon and gotten to a point where we just tune out cameras duly staring at us through every hour of every day — which was, of course, the intent all along. We’ve become so completely tolerant of being in a dozen live recordings while doing even the most basic of errands that I don’t think our eyes even clock them anymore. Our brain just fills in supermarket ceiling corners like we’re Westworld robots looking at our own blueprints. 

This means that people will engage in activity they definitely would prefer no one observe, even though being unobserved by anyone is impossible in 2025. You’re lucky if it’s not streamed on Twitch

Here then, is a collection of Redditors who saw someone behaving in a way that sure suggested they weren’t aware they had a video camera trained on them, including a lot of people who chose strange places to poop.

 6y ago I once lived in a building whose front doors had a panel of glass on either side. One day my phone went off while heading toward the door, and as I wasn't paying attention instead of going through the door I walked into one of the glass panels. I was so unaware of what I was doing that I didn't even slow down and smashed the glass with both my head and knee as they hit it. | fell backwards into the ground, flailing and swearing. When I got up nobody was around, so I fled the
NolaRaver 6y ago I've seen girls send nudes in stockrooms, people shitting in corners, one guy shit himself and ran out the store leaving his shit pile and a trail, and a guy masturbating in lingerie 1.7K ...
Bohemian_Napsody 6y ago Work in a porn shop, and get to see what sex toys people steal, and how they go about it. Last one that happened was a girl who straight up was stealing a shit ton of lingerie, and stuffing her bra with them, while her DAD is distracting the cashier at the time. I just wonder how it came to that.... like hey dad distract while | steal a bunch of sex outfits? Ok Edit: spelling 1.7K ...
emorrigan 6y ago A really abrasive executive totally getting sprayed by a skunk. 536 ...
janus270 6y ago | see a lot of crazy shit in my current gig, but this happened at my last job as campus security. We got reports of a student in the open computer lab who was jerkin it. Like open lab, other students not ten feet away from this kid. When confronted, he tried to deny it, so we had to gather footage...hours and hours of this dude jerkin it. 116 ...
 6y ago Cops woke us up pounding on the door at 4am. Neighbor thought a guy was trying to break into our garage. We checked the tapes. Drunk guy was leaning on our trash cans masturbating. This wasn't his first offense. 498 ...
Peregrinebullet 6y ago When I was working as a concierge, | saw the guy with the broken leg who was attempting to sue the building management for negligence walk normally into the elevator without his cast on, carrying several chairs. Не was alleging that his leg was broken because the cleaners failed to clean up an oil slick somewhere in the parkade. | just started laughing my face off because I hated this dude (he was an arrogant pain in the ass). It got even better , right when he reached the floor his apartment was on and I saw him
sektornite 6y ago Watched as a guy took a shit in a public water fountain the procceded to call his friends over and show them. 831 ... RaineBearNW 6y ago I mean, it doesn't sound like he didn't want anyone to see that.. 411 ...
WFlyingSquirrel 6y ago Sometimes I do weird things at the cameras, just so they can go home and tell that story. 966 ...
pc0898 6y ago I work summers at a building in NYC and regularly watch the cameras to keep an eye on contractor and just the building, and one time saw a resident (who was pretty elderly and had a wife) start aggressively making out with a younger woman in the elevator, he passed and his wife now has the apartment in a very nice neighborhood in manhattan and not sure she ever found out. 83 ...
Porkin-Some-Beans 6y ago Worked security down town at a high rise. We had a covered loading dock that had a trash compactor and a few parking spaces. We had several cameras over looking the area. The amount of people that I've seen stumble in drunk to piss or shit behind the trash compactor is shockingly high. It wasn't ways homeless either lots of normal bar goers thought it was a good place to piss. There happened to be a little speaker on the dock door. If we couldn't get to them before they started (one guard had to be at
corsair1617 6y ago I once saw an older gentleman walking around talking to a few of my со workers. Не than got real still and stood in place for about a minute. Afterwards he shook his pant leg and made a beeline for the door. Turns out he was shaking turds out of his pants. One of my со workers who had kids cleaned it up no big deal. Bless her. 161 ...
LO AkelaNebula 6y ago Used to work as door staff at a PC world store, would check CCTV from that day for the last hour of my shift, the amount of people you see looking around and going into an empty aisle to itch their nutsacks and ass is crazy - 255 ...
Bigcountryred1993 6y ago When I was a closing manager at McDonald's we would close at midnight. Around 10:30 or 11pm or so I'd go to the office to get started on closing paperwork and watch the cameras/drive thru. One night while looking at the drive thru camera with a headset on a car full of people pulled up to the speaker. The front passenger gets out not knowing he's facing the camera and whips it out and starts pissing.
Raspberrylipstick 6y ago Edited 6y ago All | know is that a few days ago, I thoroughly checked the positioning of my boobs 'n everything before entering a building, for reasons. Sure enough, today I found out that there is a camera in front of said building. So if | find myself described in this thread now I'll go nuts... 392 ...
SuperTacoBoss 6y ago My dad told me about how a little kid groped a mannequin for 20 minutes 36 ...
Sweetwill62 6y ago Whoever sorts by new might get a kick out of this story. I didn't watch CCTV as part of my job, I worked at a pizza place making the dough and making pizzas, however, managers could access the cameras from any computer and watch them, we only had like 5 super small store in a really small town. It had happened the night before, a night I was surprisingly not working, and one of my coworkers was taking all of the 2 liters out of the cooler because it was either dirty or some dressing had spilled.
toujourspretcav 6y ago A group of local Juggalos were kicking a hacky sack in an area of the park well known for narcotic sales. The leader of this little gang, and a minion, both took a wild kick at an errant sack - The leader taking the minion's kick square in the nards. Leader guy dropped into the fetal position, tears flowing freely. Minions stood about howling in delight. Video gold! 145 ...
 6y ago Edited 6y ago In kuwait there was a base wide security net. Every night at 9:30 sharp we would switch the feed from the base cash and disbursement vault to watch two service members (pretty fit young asian guy and a drop dead gorgeous busty red head) get it on in the cash vault. They had no idea there was a camera, or that 25 guys in the sec-ops building were gathering with popcorn and snacks to provide critique on the couple's performance, or input improvised running dialog. Or laugh uproariously the time he accidentally came in
WFlyingSquirrel 6y ago On the other side, I once did the choreography to supercalifragilisticexpialidocious while in an escape room, while they watched on the camera 74 ...
Yeet_100 6y ago As a kid when ur at the grocery store and you start eating the grapes then u look up and theres like 5 fucking cameras watching you eat the grapes, then you feel guilty about the 10 grapes you ate at the store when you were like 8. Im reflecting on my life choices rn. 50 ...
 6y ago It wasn't bad but I did watch a guy have an epic air guitar solo for like 10 minutes while hiding from my responsibilities at work once. dude was pushing 70 and always acted like a hardass but apparently is totally down to have a concert with his imaginary friends on the clock. 28 ...
baconlover09 6y ago Working on an industrial estate as a CCTV operator, working nights we use to get cars come on who use to park up and chill for a little while. This wasn't allowed as it's a private estate so I'd have to ring the security patrol officer to drive down and get the cars to move. One night | followed a car on camera, which had two people in the car, Male (the driver) and female. Не thought he stopped in a secluded location and proceeded to lay back as the woman moved her head down, giving him


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