33 Wild Times People Realized They Screwed Up Big Time

‘All of my roommate’s possessions ended up covered in root beer’
33 Wild Times People Realized They Screwed Up Big Time

Walking into class only to realize there’s a major exam you’re completely unprepared for is a classic nightmare we’ve all faced. But for one Redditor, this stressful scenario was more than just the plot of a bad dream. It was their unfortunate reality after discovering they failed to write a paper worth 30 percent of their grade, one that was never mentioned in class, but was listed on the syllabus. 

“I was freaking out all day because I had already done terribly on the midterm,” they recalled of their last-minute scramble to save their grade. “So I took some adderall, spent 8 hours in the library, finished it and handed it in the next morning.” 

Thankfully, their professor didn’t dock any points for its late arrival. “Everything went better than expected,” they wrote.

Not all of these Redditors’ stories have such happy endings, though. From group projects gone wrong to encounters with wildlife, here are some of the craziest times people thought “Oh God, now I’m screwed,” and were absolutely right.

MikePalecek 13y ago Was delivering mail when a big sheep-dog came running around the corner in this yard and charged at me. I grabbed my pepper-spray (we carry this for exactly this purpose) and went to spray him as he was leaping into the air towards me. I pressed the trigger and had just enough time to realize the safety was on, but not enough time to do anything about it. Now I have a good sized scar on my inner thigh - it was six inches away from being much more serious! Award Share 316 ...
Xanatos903 13y ago That moment right before a car accident. 819 Award Share ... lawlredditlawl 13y ago Such a terrible feeling when youre watching it happen and you know there's nothing you can do about it 384 Award Share ...
 13y ago Making a dildo out of clay in highschool. Teacher caught me, i said it was a train, she wasn't dumb. 192 Award Share ...
Paper_Champ 13y ago I was snowboarding and they had the snow machines on in one spot so there were a couple huge mounds of snow, not intended to be jumps. but they were sloped and ramped and I hit one way too fast. the feeling of unintentionally being 20-30 ft in the air and looking down at flat land is scary as shit. 468 Award Share ...
yangx 13y ago Edited 13y ago When I went to take my final for Economics101 during summer session. I forgot to check the exact time that the test was at, so I assumed that it would be regular class time (10-11am ish). When I got there the door was locked and the lights were off inside. Oh and my GPA was so low that if I failed this class I would be put on probation. It churned my stomach so much that I felt sick. I started looking up university protocols for late tests, there was no excuse except with
rocketparrotlet 13y ago I was descending from a climb and it was getting quite late. After making the 200-foot rappel down a cliff, one of the ropes got stuck and I couldn't pull it down. My partner and I had to downclimb steep rock and snow with no ropes to get to the next rappel station and make it off the mountain. We ended up walking back in the dark from the bottom of the route and making it to camp a little after midnight, but I remember thinking that would be the day I die. Award Share 59 ...
Androecian 13y ago The title of this post is basically what went through my head in midair after I'd been swiped up over the hood of a car a few years ago. If I hadn't landed face-up on my backpack (which was full of phone-book-sized textbooks and my folded-up overstuffed goose-down coat), I think I would be paralyzed right now. Award Share 51 ...
da_bbq 13y ago I decided to take the garbage out one morning while I was in the middle of making pancakes. Somehow I locked myself out, with no phone or spare key. Fuck. I was locked out for a half hour before I managed to get to a phone. Fire dept. had to rip my door open...because of pancakes and my idiocy. Embarrassing. 448 Award Share ...  13y ago Hey firemen can you rip down my door i want some pancakes 833 Award Share ...
Muffnut 13y ago At the ripe old age of 16 I was sitting at home when the phone rang and my mother handed it to me. My girlfriend at the time told me she had something important to tell me. The words that followed changed my life forever. Muffnut I'm pregnant. I threw my hat into my sisters kiddie pool as hard as I could and replied... What the the fuck am I supposed to do now! My girlfriend fired back with what the fuck are you supposed to do? what the fuck am I supposed to do? and hung
 13y ago My moment was when I had a seizure about a year and a half ago (September 2010). I was eating lunch outside and after I finished my main meal I went to throw away my garbage. About two feet from the garbage can I noticed an extreme feeling of numbness on the left side of my jaw. Then I lost my vision and hearing, while still remaining conscious. The numbness spread across my body until I wasn't able to control my arms anymore. I remember telling the emergency room doctors and my parents it felt like this.
Papshmire 13y ago Back in high school about 9 years ago, My friend and I had a domain name where I set up a discussion board (three cheers for phpBB!). I went to a small school with about 120 students, so everyone knew everybody. The forum got popular around school for people to go and bitch about stuff like high schoolers. I was estatic to have a forum that actually has people on it! Then one day, I got a call telling me my buddy was got arrested by the police because of the forum. I freaked out, because |
 13y ago For one of my classes during the first semester of college we had an attendance sheet that the professor would pass down individual rows. You would write your name and be done with it. Anyways, one day I was about twenty minutes late because of sleeping in. I sat in the very back and couldn't see my friends. I signed myself in and when class ended | left the classroom and waited for my friends. As soon as they saw me their jaws just dropped. i was like, What? immediately, and they told me they signed me
 13y ago When my mom came up to me and asked me what the thing she found in my drawer was. It was a dildo. And she knew. 466 Award Share ...
ohheytrevor 13y ago Last semester I walked into a class and noticed that everyone was sitting there with something that looked like a paper in front of them. I sat down and nervously asked the kid next to me Uhhh... what is that? as I pointed to the paper in front of him. Turns out it was a research paper that was never mentioned in class, only in the syllabus. The paper was 30% of the final grade. I was freaking out all day because I had already done terribly on the midterm. So | took some adderall, spent 8
Ziggy84 13y ago I was in a class last semester where the final consisted of a partner project worth half of our grade. We finished the project the day before it was due, and I gave it to my partner to turn in (I was moving the next day). In the car the following afternoon, I send a casual email to my professor thanking her for the great semester, and explaining that my partner had dropped off the 23 page paper. I get an email almost immediately explaining that the paper would not be graded as it was never turned
Routa 13y ago I was asked to reinstall Windows on my sister's computer. I was also specifically instructed to backup all the photos on a different partition. Now, while I was doing my thing, I formatted everything. Backups and all. 33 Award Share ... + 7 more replies
lochness1202 13y ago I went to a boarding school and the principal, who had the whitest hair you could ever imagine, had pretty much grounded the entire school for excessive drinking the previous weekend. We were confined to the dorms and only the main street in the small town for the whole weekend and curfew was moved to 11, and no one was allowed to have any alcohol.3 of my friends and I, who are not real troublemakers, decided we would go way out to the extremities of the town to a random.ass bar where no one goes just to
 13y ago | was taking mushrooms for the first time on the 4th of July and I really had to piss. My friend didn't want to come into this nice pizza shop because there were a lot of people inside so I ventured in by myself. After waiting 15min to get into the single stall bathroom | finally was able to sit down and piss. Cue me blacking out on the toilet. Luckily, | was wearing my watch and was able to know I had fallen asleep for 25min, despite the fact it felt much longer. I awoke to
fingolfin_was_nuts 13y ago Edited 13y ago The last novel I wrote revolved around a spy who inadvertently debunked her President's claims that an outlawed regime was trying to start a nuclear weapons program. It was a fictionalization of the start of the Iraq war, with the female protagonist loosely similar to the real-life Valerie Plame. The week I sent out query letters to literary agents, seeking representation, Valerie Plame announced that she was working with Sarah Lovett, a mystery writer, on a series of thriller novels from a real spy's perspective. Yeah, no one was interested in my novel once
 13y ago Cheating on a high school biology test. I had shit written on my hand. The teacher was going around the room and saw me. I quickly flipped my hand over, but it was too late. let me see the other side of your hand she asked. She collected my test and and I got a well deserved 0%. - 163 Award Share ... psychotronofdeth 13y ago at least you knew you deserved it. 154 Award Share ...
 13y ago I went downstairs to watch some TV with my parents over winter break after having smoked 3 or 4 pretty milky waterfalls out of my window. I grossly overestimated my sobriety and started to paraphrase an episode of cops I saw earlier to them. All was well until I got about halfway through the story and my mind went completely and utterly blank. I stared at them for AT LEAST 10 seconds with my mouth moving up and down like a fish, and once my brain decided it would start to think again I said something under
flohammed_albroseph 13y ago One time in high school, I thought our teacher had left the room, so I decided to put my head down for a little nap. Someone yelled really loud and scared the shit out of me, so I just shouted, What the FUCK was that???!!? Turns out the superintendent decided to pick that day to watch how effectively our teacher (she was new because our old teacher had a baby and quit) taught class. Award Share 60 ... + 4 more replies
 13y ago I saw a squirrel dart past my window and on reflex threw a giant marble at it. My window was closed and the glass shattered. My parents were pissed 43 Award Share ...
your_penis 13y ago You know that dream everyone has when they sleep through a test? I didn't just sleep through it. I was literally walking to the class when I realized the test was in the open block the day before. Cue он FUCK он FUCK THIS IS HOW I DIE. 43 Award Share ...
abelcc 13y ago When I face a videogame boss being underleveled. But it's the price of being so damn brave. - 36 Award Share ...
barepaws 13y ago This happened when I was home from college one weekend. I was standing in my mom's kitchen at 3am, in near darkness, stoned out of my mind and eating a bowl of Frutie Pebbles. My mom walks through the kitchen half asleep on her way to the bathroom. She probably would not have noticed that I was even there except that I stop her and say WAIT, WAIT! Do you think that each color pebble in this cereal has it's own flavor (ie: red is cherry and yellow is lemon) or do you think they all just
supraspinatus 13y ago Drinking one night. Drove home. Excess speed. Gravel. Skidding. Fence. Yard. Tree. Airbag in the face. Oh shit, I'm screwed. 23 Award Share ... + 10 more replies
tehnoodles 13y ago ~bus comes to a stop~ ~Man gets on and says~ Welcome to Marine Corps recruit depot, San Diego. When I give the command you will get off my bus and stand on the yellow foot prints out front. Do it now, Move ~ungodly amount of screaming commences for the next 15 minutes from about 5 different Drill Instructors~ Standing on those yellow footprints... I'm sure all of us had the same thought. Oh, | fucked up big time. No worries, best decision I've ever made. 18 Award Share ...
 13y ago I said fuck and the head teacher was literally right behind me. Like invading personal space close. It's one of those he's behind me, isn't he? moments that happen in films and you think that kind of things doesn't happen but apparently it does. 13 Award Share ... + 18 more replies
GospelAccordingToMe 13y ago I fell off a 40 foot cliff backwards while strapped into a snowboard. Had no idea how high or whether there was fresh snow or rocks at the bottom. Turns out a bit of both. Only time in my life I genuinely thought I was going to die. 9 Award Share ... + 3 more replies
WhereBeDragons 13y ago I was hopping a 6 foot fence for shits and giggles. I got to the top, realized it was a bit slick from rain that morning, and fell off, ass first. Pain ensued. 7 Award Share ...
 13y ago Once I tried to open a bottle of soda with something besides a bottle opener... Long story short, all of my roommate's worldly possessions ended up covered in root beer. Then she walked through the door. 7 Award Share ...
 13y ago Long story short. Used to live in a tent in the woods. Woke up one morning to a massive object casting a shadow on my tent wall. It moved and turned out to be a mountain lion. It circled my tent for about an hour. When it finally left I gathered up the courage to leave and investigate. Found a rabbits head about 10 feet from my camp. I didn't sleep well for the next few days.... - Award Share 681 ... +  P 13y ago


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