30 Instances of Celebrity Bad Behavior That Have Us Going Easier on Ourselves

Celebrities. Always killing their roommates with swords. Am I right?!?!
30 Instances of Celebrity Bad Behavior That Have Us Going Easier on Ourselves

Mother always warned us about Hollywood. We said, “Ma, it’s not really like that. You’re watching too much TMZ again!” Then we got here, and boy howdy, was she right! It’s crazier than we ever could’ve imagined.

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Michelle Rodriguez

CRACKED MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ'S MULTIPLE DUIS. In 2007, she was sentenced to 6 months in jail for failing to complete her community service obligations, stemming from a string of 3 drunk driving offenses in 2004.


He's Cracked's favorite cannibal

Every studio cut ties with Armie Hammer. OSTAGE T WHITE MEN CRACKED.COM After a former girlfriend accused him of rape and abuse, and leaked texts revealed his apparent fetishes for rape, sadism and cannibalism, he was dropped from Billion Dollar Spy, and every other film he was attached to.


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