44 Random Bits of Trivia We Caught Speeding Into Your Brain But Let Off With A Warning

Your brain didn’t even see these coming
44 Random Bits of Trivia We Caught Speeding Into Your Brain But Let Off With A Warning

We know how particular you can be about your random facts, so we’re normally a lot stricter about which ones we let through. Usually, we vet them one at a time, but the first few here were so good that we let all of their friends in too. 

It’s been well-documented that good facts don’t associate with lesser facts. You’ll see.

Kristen Wiig

GILLY KRISTEN WIIG CRACKED.COM One inspiration for Wiig's Gilly was a childhood perm she got for a wedding, accidentally tinted red by a bottle of Sun-In. Another was a weird, pulled-back smile that Wiig and SNL co-writers believed warranted its own character.


Aussie Football

Aussie Football is a rough game. It's a mixture of soccer, rugby, and pandemonium. But John Bourke took it to a new level. In a 1985 match, Bourke tri

Beware of Mule

CRACKED MEDIEVAL ANTI-TRESPASSING SIGNS THREATENED DONKEY RAPE. They were the era's beware of dog signs, though they were much more explicit about what they intended to order their pet to do to you. They're sometimes called ass-curse stones, which somehow sounds more innocent.


Busted Arsonist

Pacemaker data busted an arsonist. hm 59-year-old Ross Compton swore he didn't start the fire that caused $400,000 worth of damages to his house. But

The Fingertip Microscope

Here's the iMicro C, a phone-compatible fingertip microscope. 200um An insect leg seen through the microscope It works with any phone, and lets the re


44 Random Bits of Trivia We Caught Speeding Into Your Brain But Let Off With A Warning
Source: ABC


Bats eat enough insects to save the US over $1 Billion a year in crop damage and pesticide. CRACKED.COM While many bats eat in- sects, others feed on nectar and provide criti- cal pollination for a vari- ety of plants like peach- es, cloves, bananas and agaves.

Female Body Hair

Feminine women legs have hairless period. and armpits, They didn't before World War I. In 1915, Gillette launched the Milady Decollete, and with it a

Granny Smith Apples

Granny Smith apples originate from 1800s Australia. CRACKED.COM Maria Ann (Granny) Smith found a seedling growing by a creek on her property in 1868 where she would toss French crab apples grown in Tasmania.

Source: BBC

White Blood Cells

44 Random Bits of Trivia We Caught Speeding Into Your Brain But Let Off With A Warning


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