40 Random Bits of Trivia Wholeheartedly Endorsed By Every Fact-Finder on Earth

These all got truth’s seal of approval
40 Random Bits of Trivia Wholeheartedly Endorsed By Every Fact-Finder on Earth

When things are this true, no amount of lawyering can make you see any falsities peeking through any cracks. After we found these little truthlets, we told every other fact-finding and fact-checking agency on the planet to do their worst. They were salivating when we got there, then highly disappointed when we left. Try as they might, they couldn’t find a single factual flaw.


The first Macy's Thanks- giving Day Parade in 1924 featured animals loaned from the Central Park Zoo, such as monkeys, elephants, and bears. PARADE CH

Roman Fast-Food Menus

Ancient advertising Roman fast food menus Scientists have found a painting of two mallard ducks and a rooster that are upside- down in a thermopolium (Roman fast food place). This could have been a sign of what food was being sold at the stall. CRACKED



Norman Rockwell

A Norman Rockwell painting was discovered in a secret compartment inside the walls of a cartoonist's house. CRACKED.COM Don Trachte had forged several paintings he owned to stop his ex-wife from getting them in a divorce settlement and had hidden the originals. It'd been hidden there for 35 years.

College Degrees

Only 62% who start their degree finish their program in six years, that number lowering to 42.2% among students at two-year public schools.

Source: PEW

Dutch Reality Show

There was a fake Dutch reality show where patients competed for a dying woman's kidney. It was created with the intention of raising awareness about the lack of organ donors. Six weeks after the show aired 12,000 new donors had signed up. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW



Research indicates that babies who suck on pacifiers are more prone to ear aches. The Finnish research- ers theorized it may have something to do with the change in pressure equilibrium inside the ear caused by the sucking. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Extravagant Home Movies

Rich people requests EXTRAVAGANT HOME MOVIES Travel company Black Tomato paid a prominent Hollywood cinematographer $665,000 to film a family's sailing trip through the Indonesian Islands. CRACKED

Black Tomato


The U.S. Interstate System

The U.S. Interstate system exists partly thanks to Eisenhower's WWII experiences. During and after WWII, Germany's four-lane highways were probably the best in the world, and Eisenhower used them to move troops and travel across the country. So he thought four-lane highways were a great transport system, and fought hard for the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



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