37 Elusive Bits of Trivia We Finally Tracked Down in A Coordinated Effort With Multiple Top-Tier Fact-Finding Agencies

These are quite possibly the most elusive facts we’ve ever found
37 Elusive Bits of Trivia We Finally Tracked Down in A Coordinated Effort With Multiple Top-Tier Fact-Finding Agencies

Were not too proud to admit that we needed some help finding these bad boys. Usually the Cracked offices are split into fact-finding teams that specialize in different factual fields. We random fact finders had a little trouble with this batch, so we hit up some pals in the history, science and entertainment departments for help. 

It was a little demoralizing at first, but they really helped make this list what it is. We seriously owe them one.


Mattel once tried to sue Aqua over their song Barbie Girl. Judge Alex Kozinski said that the song was protected by the right to free speech in the US, and advised the parties to chill. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Doctored Photos

Ulysses S. Grant was never here. GRANT The picture is a composite of Grant's head on the body of Major General Alexander McCook. The background is a p

The Largest Bell Ever Made

The largest bell ever made was lost by a greedy governor. Est Portugese warlord Filipe de Brito e Nicote was granted a governorship, then promptly declared independence. Не tried to melt the Shwedagon Pagoda's 23-ton bell to make cannons, then dropped it in a river. De Brito was executed at the stake. CRACKED.COM



A guy claims smoking pot is his religious freedom. Indiana's religious freedom law has allowed businesses to discriminate against same-sex couples,

Charlie Chaplin

CRACKEDCON Charlie Chaplin married actress Lita Grey after he knocked her up and she refused to have an abortion. He was 35 and she was 16.

Michael Jackson

He almost owned Marvel HNER CRACKED He nearly teamed up with Stan Lee to purchase Marvel, and was particularly interested in the film rights to Spider-Man. Lee is pretty sure Jackson wanted to actually play the lead role.

Source: Comics Alliance


Sleeping for a long time is positively associated with testis size. A 2018 study found that, the longer you sleep, the larger the size of your testis, even after age and body mass index were adjusted for. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: NIH


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