41 Historical Trivia Tidbits for All the History Big Brains Out There

Those who don’t learn history are doomed to not know cool history facts
41 Historical Trivia Tidbits for All the History Big Brains Out There

The interesting thing about history as a subject is it literally encompasses (by definition) everything thats already happened. When you consider the sheer volume of stuff thats occurred in the world, well, shoot — its a lot. Needless to say, theres more than enough to fill your vast and cavernous cranium.

For example, in World War I, two enemy captains just decided to, well, not fight. When a British and a German captain who had been friends prior to the war encountered one another on Lake Nyasa, the British captain shot once and “captured” the German so they could get back to drinking and hanging like old times. With enemies like that, who needs friends?

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