20 Wild Stories About Meeting Friends from the Internet in Real Life

Al Gore’s internet has made it possible to foster deep, lasting friendships without ever stepping away from your screen, but there are only so many World of Warcraft raids you can run before you get curious about the actual person behind that username.
One Redditor met a girl he really liked on Warcraft, and made the trip to another country to meet her. They hit it off, and after a few vacations together, it turned into a romantic relationship. He moved to start a new life with her, but after four months of living together, he realized she was “crazy as hell.” The relationship abruptly ended when she stabbed him in his sleep, and he took the first plane home after getting out of the hospital.
Other Redditors have remembered the times their relationships went from URL to IRL, and some of these friends should have definitely kept things in the DMs.