40 Random Bits of Trivia More Unpredictable Than Any ChatGPT Fever Dream

Even the most knowledgable chatbot would need a few minutes to process these
40 Random Bits of Trivia More Unpredictable Than Any ChatGPT Fever Dream

We scour the internet for random facts so much that we wondered how wed stack up against a chatbot. A few people gave us some prompts and… We failed miserably. Theres just way too much to know. 

Our little test did help conjure up these random facts, though! One question about a fir tree growing in a mans lungs sparked a random fact-finding quest that landed us 39 more gems.

See? Aim for the moon. If you miss, youll land among the facts!


Ketchup was a fermented fish- based medicine. CRACKED CON The original ke-tsiap was a Chinese delicacy, made of fermented fish, and thought to have medicinal properties. The British tried to replicate it, then American Henry J. Heinz tried to replicate the replication, giving us the e-bastardized tomato paste we guzzle today.


The oldest living tree was almost five thousand years old when it was cut down. It was already 1,000 years old when the last woolly mammoth died. NOW

The Amazon

On an average day, 20 billion metric tons of water evaporates from trees in the Amazon. There's so much water passing through the trees, it makes the Amazon a gigantic, natural sprinkler system that sprays an entire continent. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: TED

Jurassic Park

Steven Spielberg earned college credit for Jurassic Park. RASSIK CRACKED COM When Spielberg re-enrolled at California State, Long Beach to earn his BA more than 30 years after dropping out, he was given three course credits in paleontology for making Jurassic Park.


Martin Sheen

Martin Sheen's real name is Ramon Gerardo Antonio Estevez. BE a Due to prejudices against Hispanics in 1950s New York, he named himself Martin after

Miley Cyrus

At 15, Miley Cyrus was already super disciplined. While shooting Hannah Montana: The Movie, she'd board a plane after work on Friday, do two concerts

Hated Roles

THE ACTOR: Malcolm McDowell THE ROLE: Alex in A Clockwork OrAnGE WHY HE McDowell said he didn't HATED IT: get what people liked about the film, and re


Scientists can work out how much pee there is in a pool by measuring artificial sweeteners. Some of those sweeteners aren't digested and don't easily break down in water, so measuring their amount in a pool gives you a pretty good idea of the amount of pee. NOW YOU KNOW

Source: NPR

Orlando Airport

WEIRD WORLD Police were led on a chase through the Orlando airport by a drunk woman on a motorized suitcase. OUTBACK STEAKROUSE Chelsea Alston was kept from boarding her plane because she appeared to be intoxicated. When officers tried to get her another flight, she began rolling away and yelling profanities. Still want to defund the police NOW? CRACKED.COM

Source: CBS 


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